Trump Another fine weekend


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Yes, it's another weekend and time for Don the Con to soar off into the wild blue yonder for his usual getaway from the hated "dump" of a White House, at taxpayer expense of course. A dedicated golfer, despite those painful bone spurs, which, btw, kept him out of Vietnam but not off his beloved golf course.

So let's think in terms of costs to Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer. Well, you've got the plane and crew, fuel, maintenance, landing fees, etc., snacks and food (high dollar of course, most likely caviar (Russian!) and pate de foie gras. Drinks, nothing but the best, and of course the entourage of sycophants along for the ride get to partake also.

And don't forget security for that mob. Secret Service and local police protecting the multi car caravan from the airport, plus fuel and maintenance of the vehicles, not to mention high dollar drivers, expert in crisis avoidance.

At the resort Donnie and his minions probably foot their own expenses for lodging, food, drinks and golf. Yeah, right! All in all the usually costly weekend for Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer and the usual lies for The Con Man, who lied that he would rarely leave the White House and would play very little golf. And what a whopper of a whopper that one was. Bigly!

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