Another Gay Athelete Comes Out!

Yet we've had heterosexuality shoved down our throats for years.

Too bad your parents were heterosexuals -- otherwise, you'd have nothing to complain about.

maybe when he was born...but modern tech could still allow an asshole like howey to be born to gay couples. surrogates. heteros use them.....

what say you?

I say that Howey has a birth certificate with the name of a father and a name of a mother. I also say that 99.999% of all other homosexuals were born the normal and natural way.
nobody cares about this stuff anymore......

Why does the gay community insist on this in your face mentality? Makes no sense for people who want to be accepted as mainstream.
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Seriously, people are tuning this shit out at this point......the sentiment being, "Oh.....there goes another fringe full blown retard by the gay community!!!". All this radical shit simply serves to further alienate these people. I don't get it. Even gay people are now coming out and saying that some of these tactics are gay.
But...seeing this guy play ball does not mean they see him as anything other than a guy that is in to sports. They don't see him humping someone..male or female! At least, I think that is what they see. But NOW when they see him..they will see him humping another guy. Right?
WHO CARES if he likes guys? I mean, really? WHO CARES? Nobody. Except him.

I wouldn't see him humping another guy. I played ball with some guys I knew were probably gay. The thought occurred to me once or twice that they were gay but I didn't envision them humping another guy. I saw a teammate that needed to get me the ball so i could shoot!

Exactly!!!! So what does it matter they have to announce what they do in the bedroom??

Baseball player gets in front of the camera and says "I'm straight. The wife and I like to choke ourselves as we get off".
Like....ewww. And...why do we have to know this???? What does that have to do with baseball?

I've never heard a gay person describe what kind of sex they have when they come out. You are right no one would want to hear that except a pervert no matter if it was a heterosexual or not.

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