Another GOP Budget...Another Lie


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Page 2: GOP Budget Slashes Spending, Aid to Poor - ABC News

Under Congress' arcane budgeting rules, the annual budget resolution is a non-binding blueprint that tries to set broad goals for follow-up legislation on taxes, agency spending and curbs on the growth of expensive benefit programs like Medicare, whose budgets go up every year as if on autopilot.

As such, the annual budget debate allows GOP lawmakers to go on record in favor of spending cuts big and small — whether it's slashing Medicaid, cutting subsidies for farmers and Amtrak, or further cuts to domestic agencies like the Transportation Security Administration — without having to follow through with binding legislation.

So every spring, the House goes on record to eliminate taxpayer subsidies for money-losing flights into rural airports and cut community development grants to state and local governments, for example, only to have GOP appropriators scramble to replace them later on when adopting a binding spending bill.

Ryan's budget brings back a now-familiar list of spending cuts: $2.1 trillion over 10 years in health care subsidies and coverage under the Affordable Care Act; $732 billion in cuts to Medicaid and other health care programs; almost $1 trillion in cuts to other benefit programs like food stamps, Pell Grants and farm subsidies. Hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts are not identified at all.

What a useless group of clowns. They know they are pissing in the wind. But in doing so, they show their true allegiance to the Rich and Affluent. They will pay in November.
Last I heard Obama was still president and democrats had the majority in the senate. Why do lefties continue to whine as if they were losers?
Last I heard Obama was still president and democrats had the majority in the senate. Why do lefties continue to whine as if they were losers?

The GOP House are laying out a budget that is a lie. It cannot work. They are trying to prove they are fiscally responsible but passing irresponsible numbers. They throw the poor and the elderly under the bus, while trying to revive the Great Reagan lie of "Trickle Down" economics. Then they go home leaving the chronically unemployed swinging in the wind.

The are proving in a dramatic fashion that they cannot govern on a national level. All they can do is politicize their existence with this farce of a budget. The GOP House members are cowards and pawns of the rich and affluent. The Koch Brothers are their Gods.
Repubs don't actually DO anything except hold phony votes and obstruct anything of benefit to the US. The openly admit they throw away millions of taxpayer dollars on their fake votes and some rw's plan to vote for them to do more nothing.

And, if they don't get enough votes, no problem. They've gerrymandered and stolen so many votes, they're pretty much guaranteed to "win" the next election. They call that Democracy In Action.
Repubs don't actually DO anything except hold phony votes and obstruct anything of benefit to the US. The openly admit they throw away millions of taxpayer dollars on their fake votes and some rw's plan to vote for them to do more nothing.

And, if they don't get enough votes, no problem. They've gerrymandered and stolen so many votes, they're pretty much guaranteed to "win" the next election. They call that Democracy In Action.

In all fairness, it is all they have left. They are losing the war of demographics and public opinion is against them. They have to have some way of saying....'WE ARE MAD!"

They are all about Party over Country. It is just they way they are.

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