Another History Primer

The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.

Ok due to the arab and jewish fighting the UN stepped in ,

so when did the name Palestine get officially changed to Israel and how did it happen.

Wrong again child due to the arab muslims violence and mass murders Britain could no longer sustain a presence in the M.E. so handed the control back to the UN who had taken over the LoN's role. The UN produced Resolution 181 that was the chance for both parties to declare independence and take control of their own nations. The Jews declared independence on May 14 1948 and their part of the land then became known as Eretz Israel. This was accepted by the legal land owners as being a valid claim and it entered into International law from that date.

Well now that is very debatable, who blew up the hotel, and who was really the thorn in Britain's side, while it was both , it was mainly the Zionist who wanted the British out.

The British ruled until 1948, at which time it gave it over to the UN.
The fact is that the Arabs attacked the Jews and lost. Then two more times.
Much different.

To America, the Arab insurgency is no different than German fascism, and America will defend Greater Israel.
The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.
A rose by any other name, you know.

Greater Israel and deportation will be the result if the Arabs do not put down their weapons for good.

Naw, Israel will end up like South Africa or Rhodesia, eventually.

What a 4th rate cess pit of violence, rape and murder under a dictatorship ran along sharia law. Wrong comparison child as we have all seen how those nations have become even more RACIST and APARTHEID since the natives took over.
Phoenall , there were no natives of South Africa, only nomads who were attracted by the British and Dutch who developed the lower portion of the country. The best description of events is described in James Michener's historical novel, "The Covenant." When the Europeans arrived they were restricted to a narrow strip along the southern coast. As people expanded northward the nomads flocked to the south to benefit from the European's expansion. Their presence evolved to the point where the nomads demanded and took back "their" country. World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history.
Greater Israel will survive as will Lesser Arabia in the shadow of the former.
The fact is that the Arabs attacked the Jews and lost. Then two more times.

How could the Arabs have attacked? The Jews were from another continent (Europe). That's like saying the Native Americans attacked the Spanish or English in the New World. LOL
The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.
A rose by any other name, you know.

Greater Israel and deportation will be the result if the Arabs do not put down their weapons for good.

Naw, Israel will end up like South Africa or Rhodesia, eventually.

What a 4th rate cess pit of violence, rape and murder under a dictatorship ran along sharia law. Wrong comparison child as we have all seen how those nations have become even more RACIST and APARTHEID since the natives took over.
Phoenall , there were no natives of South Africa, only nomads who were attracted by the British and Dutch who developed the lower portion of the country. The best description of events is described in James Michener's historical novel, "The Covenant." When the Europeans arrived they were restricted to a narrow strip along the southern coast. As people expanded northward the nomads flocked to the south to benefit from the European's expansion. Their presence evolved to the point where the nomads demanded and took back "their" country. World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history.

You couldn't make this stuff up, but it reveals the true nature of these racist Apartheid supporters. By the way, you are full of crap anyway.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.
A rose by any other name, you know.

Greater Israel and deportation will be the result if the Arabs do not put down their weapons for good.

Naw, Israel will end up like South Africa or Rhodesia, eventually.

What a 4th rate cess pit of violence, rape and murder under a dictatorship ran along sharia law. Wrong comparison child as we have all seen how those nations have become even more RACIST and APARTHEID since the natives took over.
Phoenall , there were no natives of South Africa, only nomads who were attracted by the British and Dutch who developed the lower portion of the country. The best description of events is described in James Michener's historical novel, "The Covenant." When the Europeans arrived they were restricted to a narrow strip along the southern coast. As people expanded northward the nomads flocked to the south to benefit from the European's expansion. Their presence evolved to the point where the nomads demanded and took back "their" country. World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history.

You couldn't make this stuff up, but it reveals the true nature of these racist Apartheid supporters. By the way, you are full of crap anyway.
I have no dog in the fight. I merely commented on what I read in the book you didn't read and are making false assumptions, as all good Hamas supporters are prone to do.
Considering the Jews have won three wars, have punished the PLA and Hamas as many times as needed, and will continue to do so, the Jews are not going anywhere.

Well your right, but the Palestinians have withstood their terrible punishments , and do not want to leave, that is their home.

Then why did they up sticks and move out in 1948, why didn't they stay and make it a nation to be proud of. Remember the Jews offered the hand of friendship and peace to the arab muslims in 1948 by including this in their declaration of independence

WE APPEAL - in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months - to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.
WE EXTEND our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land. The State of Israel is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East.
The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.

LINK that shows this to be a fact
The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949
The Avalon Project Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement March 23 1949
The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949
The Avalon Project Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement July 20 1949

Cant find any mention of Palestine the nation in any of those agreements, but can see Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. I also see mention of gaza and rafah and the mandate of Palestine but NO MENTION OF THE STATE OF PALESTINE or its International borders.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.
A rose by any other name, you know.

Greater Israel and deportation will be the result if the Arabs do not put down their weapons for good.

Naw, Israel will end up like South Africa or Rhodesia, eventually.

What a 4th rate cess pit of violence, rape and murder under a dictatorship ran along sharia law. Wrong comparison child as we have all seen how those nations have become even more RACIST and APARTHEID since the natives took over.
Phoenall , there were no natives of South Africa, only nomads who were attracted by the British and Dutch who developed the lower portion of the country. The best description of events is described in James Michener's historical novel, "The Covenant." When the Europeans arrived they were restricted to a narrow strip along the southern coast. As people expanded northward the nomads flocked to the south to benefit from the European's expansion. Their presence evolved to the point where the nomads demanded and took back "their" country. World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history.

You couldn't make this stuff up, but it reveals the true nature of these racist Apartheid supporters. By the way, you are full of crap anyway.

That's your answer to everything that destroys your POV and shows that you will believe any LIE as long as it paints whitey as the bad guy. Have you seen what has happened to the Rainbow nation since the blacks took control ?
A rose by any other name, you know.

Greater Israel and deportation will be the result if the Arabs do not put down their weapons for good.

Naw, Israel will end up like South Africa or Rhodesia, eventually.

What a 4th rate cess pit of violence, rape and murder under a dictatorship ran along sharia law. Wrong comparison child as we have all seen how those nations have become even more RACIST and APARTHEID since the natives took over.
Phoenall , there were no natives of South Africa, only nomads who were attracted by the British and Dutch who developed the lower portion of the country. The best description of events is described in James Michener's historical novel, "The Covenant." When the Europeans arrived they were restricted to a narrow strip along the southern coast. As people expanded northward the nomads flocked to the south to benefit from the European's expansion. Their presence evolved to the point where the nomads demanded and took back "their" country. World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history.

You couldn't make this stuff up, but it reveals the true nature of these racist Apartheid supporters. By the way, you are full of crap anyway.

That's your answer to everything that destroys your POV and shows that you will believe any LIE as long as it paints whitey as the bad guy. Have you seen what has happened to the Rainbow nation since the blacks took control ?

What can one respond when someone posts his admiration for Apartheid?

He said:

"World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history."
And it seems you are also an Apartheid supporter. It makes sense, you support Apartheid Israel too.
Considering the Jews have won three wars, have punished the PLA and Hamas as many times as needed, and will continue to do so, the Jews are not going anywhere.

Well your right, but the Palestinians have withstood their terrible punishments , and do not want to leave, that is their home.

Then why did they up sticks and move out in 1948, why didn't they stay and make it a nation to be proud of. Remember the Jews offered the hand of friendship and peace to the arab muslims in 1948 by including this in their declaration of independence

WE APPEAL - in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months - to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.
WE EXTEND our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land. The State of Israel is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East.
The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.

LINK that shows this to be a fact
The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949
The Avalon Project Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement March 23 1949
The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949
The Avalon Project Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement July 20 1949

Cant find any mention of Palestine the nation in any of those agreements, but can see Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. I also see mention of gaza and rafah and the mandate of Palestine but NO MENTION OF THE STATE OF PALESTINE or its International borders.
You can't be serious.
With a view to promoting the return to permanent peace in Palestine...

the Armistice Demarcation Line set forth in Article VI of this Agreement except as provided in Article III of this Agreement; and elsewhere shall not violate the international frontier

2. This withdrawal shall begin on the day after that which follows the signing of this Agreement, at 0500 hours GMT, and shall be beyond the Egypt-Palestine frontier.

4. The road Taba-Qouseima-Auja shall not be employed by any military forces whatsoever for the purpose of entering Palestine.

The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949

That land was under Israeli "control" but it was still Palestine.
With a view to promoting the return of permanent peace in Palestine

1. The Armistice Demarcation Line shall follow the international boundary between the Lebanon and Palestine.

The Avalon Project Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement March 23 1949
The armistice line did not follow the international border between Palestine and Jordan but it did say:
(d) In the sector from a point on the Dead Sea (MR 1925-0958) to the southernmost tip of Palestine,

The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949

That land was under Israeli "control" but it was still Palestine.
Where the existing truce lines run along the international boundary between Syria and Palestine, the Armistice Demarcation Line shall follow the boundary line.​

The Avalon Project Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement July 20 1949
Palestine was mentioned many times. A place called Israel was not mentioned. Land for Israel was not mentioned. Borders for Israel were not mentioned.

Israel signed those agreements.
The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.
Doesn't make one goddamned bit of difference, dear resident guardhouse lawyer.

Doesn't make one goddamned bit of difference.

It's called Israel now.

Named so by the Jews themselves.

Sustained by the Jews themselves.

If you don't like the name, you must change it by force of arms.

Or shut the fuck up.

( your side, not you personally )
If the Arabs cannot live with the Jews, then they need to emigrate to Arabville

Perhaps its the Jews who should move to jewsville.

Lot more Arabs than jews so the move might be easier.
Trouble is, the Arabs were the losers in the Arab-Israeli wars, and the Arabs were the losers in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Losers do not dictate terms.


The Arabs of Rump Palestine (those few scattered and tiny fragments that are left, anyway) are not a regional military superpower...

The Arabs of Rump Palestine do not possess a nuclear arsenal...

You might very well arrange such a population transfer in some Alternate Universe that you-and-yours inhabit, however...

You will not be able to do this in the Real World which the rest of us inhabit...

Please confine yourself to this world, eh?
South Africa's nuclear arsenal made no difference, and it will make no difference in Palestine. Demographics are a bitch.

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