Another History Primer

one race of people need their own land, and can't live among others.

Thanks for the video link and for those who do not have time to listen to it all, min 40 is a good point to start.

I take it you are a Muzzie Beast, correct?

Of course it was Britain who partitioned Palestine, giving the Arabs Syria and Jordan - which are every bit as much "Palestine" as Israel is. Giving the Christians Lebanon - though the Muzzie Beasts engaged in murder and terror, taking the Christians rightful land - with Muzzie Beasts occupying the Christians homeland. Israel was divided between the Jews and Muslims, but Muzzie Beasts cannot abide with civilized people. Muzzie Beasts have the "one grain" philosophy, that not one grain of sand shall be controlled by the Dhimmi. Though you have 90% of Ottoman Palestine, you still murder children, you still terrorize, you are still Beasts, because you don't give a fuck about the Arabs in Israel, you simply demand Muslim supremacy, not one grain of sand under the control of non-Muslims.

Muzzie Beasts cannot live in peace, cannot coexist with civilized men.

The Palestinians are Christians too.
Have you been to South Africa and seen what it is like today, the once bustling streets are empty of life because the people are afraid to go outside. The few White areas are surrounded by segregation barriers and armed guards to stop the ANC from raping and murdering. The once vibrant Rainbow nation is now a bankrupt cess pit of murder and violence. And this is how you want Israel to end up.
Did you know that the black South Africans believe raping a baby to death will cure them of AIDS, so many thousands of babies are raped to death every year.

Like all supporters of Israel, you support Apartheid. No surprise there.

Like all supporters of Palestinians, you support terrorism. No surprise there.

Now answer the question Sara. when have you been to South Africa? Here is a little something I found about your wonderful country:

Like all supporters of Israel you support Apartheid and are a racist.
Naw, Israel will end up like South Africa or Rhodesia, eventually.

What a 4th rate cess pit of violence, rape and murder under a dictatorship ran along sharia law. Wrong comparison child as we have all seen how those nations have become even more RACIST and APARTHEID since the natives took over.
Phoenall , there were no natives of South Africa, only nomads who were attracted by the British and Dutch who developed the lower portion of the country. The best description of events is described in James Michener's historical novel, "The Covenant." When the Europeans arrived they were restricted to a narrow strip along the southern coast. As people expanded northward the nomads flocked to the south to benefit from the European's expansion. Their presence evolved to the point where the nomads demanded and took back "their" country. World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history.

You couldn't make this stuff up, but it reveals the true nature of these racist Apartheid supporters. By the way, you are full of crap anyway.

That's your answer to everything that destroys your POV and shows that you will believe any LIE as long as it paints whitey as the bad guy. Have you seen what has happened to the Rainbow nation since the blacks took control ?

What can one respond when someone posts his admiration for Apartheid?

He said:

"World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history."
Can't you get it through your head that when British and Dutch set up their stations on the Cape there were no "natives" in the region? Only after the Boers expanded did people from hundreds and thousands of miles come to share the wealth. It's all about history and not Apartheid which came later. BTW, what's your twisted definition of the term, Apartheid? Aside from 'apartness'?
What a 4th rate cess pit of violence, rape and murder under a dictatorship ran along sharia law. Wrong comparison child as we have all seen how those nations have become even more RACIST and APARTHEID since the natives took over.
Phoenall , there were no natives of South Africa, only nomads who were attracted by the British and Dutch who developed the lower portion of the country. The best description of events is described in James Michener's historical novel, "The Covenant." When the Europeans arrived they were restricted to a narrow strip along the southern coast. As people expanded northward the nomads flocked to the south to benefit from the European's expansion. Their presence evolved to the point where the nomads demanded and took back "their" country. World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history.

You couldn't make this stuff up, but it reveals the true nature of these racist Apartheid supporters. By the way, you are full of crap anyway.

That's your answer to everything that destroys your POV and shows that you will believe any LIE as long as it paints whitey as the bad guy. Have you seen what has happened to the Rainbow nation since the blacks took control ?

What can one respond when someone posts his admiration for Apartheid?

He said:

"World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history."
Can't you get it through your head that when British and Dutch set up their stations on the Cape there were no "natives" in the region? Only after the Boers expanded did people from hundreds and thousands of miles come to share the wealth. It's all about history and not Apartheid which came later. BTW, what's your twisted definition of the term, Apartheid? Aside from 'apartness'?
Also, while we're pretending that there are serviceable analogies between Israel and South Africa...

I was not aware that the Boers had an ancestral claim to SA stretching back 3000 years and had been waiting to regain it for at least 2000...

Waddya know... ya learn sumfin' new every day...
The Palestinians are Christians too.

The Maronites are, though the Muzzie Beasts have murdered most of them. Muzzie Beasts could not let Lebanon - split off of Ottoman Palestine, be controlled by Kafir.

Like all supporters of Israel, you support Apartheid. No surprise there.

So, you are a liar for Allah?

Oh and stupid, Islam is not a race.

Opposing Islam is no different than opposing Nazism - it is the opposition to ideas, to a creed of evil.
The Palestinians are Christians too.

The Maronites are, though the Muzzie Beasts have murdered most of them. Muzzie Beasts could not let Lebanon - split off of Ottoman Palestine, be controlled by Kafir.

Like all supporters of Israel, you support Apartheid. No surprise there.

So, you are a liar for Allah?

Oh and stupid, Islam is not a race.

Opposing Islam is no different than opposing Nazism - it is the opposition to ideas, to a creed of evil.

Jew is a race and Zionism is a political agenda like Nazi, Zionism became a political movement before Nazism and who outlived who?
What a 4th rate cess pit of violence, rape and murder under a dictatorship ran along sharia law. Wrong comparison child as we have all seen how those nations have become even more RACIST and APARTHEID since the natives took over.
Phoenall , there were no natives of South Africa, only nomads who were attracted by the British and Dutch who developed the lower portion of the country. The best description of events is described in James Michener's historical novel, "The Covenant." When the Europeans arrived they were restricted to a narrow strip along the southern coast. As people expanded northward the nomads flocked to the south to benefit from the European's expansion. Their presence evolved to the point where the nomads demanded and took back "their" country. World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history.

You couldn't make this stuff up, but it reveals the true nature of these racist Apartheid supporters. By the way, you are full of crap anyway.

That's your answer to everything that destroys your POV and shows that you will believe any LIE as long as it paints whitey as the bad guy. Have you seen what has happened to the Rainbow nation since the blacks took control ?

What can one respond when someone posts his admiration for Apartheid?

He said:

"World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history."
Can't you get it through your head that when British and Dutch set up their stations on the Cape there were no "natives" in the region? Only after the Boers expanded did people from hundreds and thousands of miles come to share the wealth. It's all about history and not Apartheid which came later. BTW, what's your twisted definition of the term, Apartheid? Aside from 'apartness'?

Why do you always frigging find the propaganda? Why can't you stick to fact.

"The Dutch Settlement
The region of the Western Cape which includes the Table Bay area (where the modern city of Cape Town is located) was inhabited by Khoikhoi pastoralists who used it seasonally as pastures for their cattle. When European ships landed on the shores of Table Bay they came into contact with Khoikhoi. In the summer months the Khoikhoi moved around between the areas of Table Bay, Swartland and Saldanha Bay in search of fresh grazing pastures with their cattle herds. It was the gradual dispossession of local Khoikhoi pastoralists by early Dutch settlers that opened up the area for European settlement."

The Dutch Settlement South African History Online
The Palestinians are Christians too.

The Maronites are, though the Muzzie Beasts have murdered most of them. Muzzie Beasts could not let Lebanon - split off of Ottoman Palestine, be controlled by Kafir.

Like all supporters of Israel, you support Apartheid. No surprise there.

So, you are a liar for Allah?

Oh and stupid, Islam is not a race.

Opposing Islam is no different than opposing Nazism - it is the opposition to ideas, to a creed of evil.

Jew is a race and Zionism is a political agenda like Nazi, Zionism became a political movement before Nazism and who outlived who?
Penelope, can you possibly get in touch with some African Jews and tell them they are Caucasians.

African Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Considering the Jews have won three wars, have punished the PLA and Hamas as many times as needed, and will continue to do so, the Jews are not going anywhere.

And a HUGE thank you to the good old US of A ...

Not really as it was not until the 1980's that the US started to give Israel any AID. and that was in the form of military weapons at cost

That is not true...

Eisenhower Administration (1953–1961) gave food aid
Kennedy and Johnson administrations (1961–1969) sold military weapons, including fighter jets, to Israel
Phoenall , there were no natives of South Africa, only nomads who were attracted by the British and Dutch who developed the lower portion of the country. The best description of events is described in James Michener's historical novel, "The Covenant." When the Europeans arrived they were restricted to a narrow strip along the southern coast. As people expanded northward the nomads flocked to the south to benefit from the European's expansion. Their presence evolved to the point where the nomads demanded and took back "their" country. World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history.

You couldn't make this stuff up, but it reveals the true nature of these racist Apartheid supporters. By the way, you are full of crap anyway.

That's your answer to everything that destroys your POV and shows that you will believe any LIE as long as it paints whitey as the bad guy. Have you seen what has happened to the Rainbow nation since the blacks took control ?

What can one respond when someone posts his admiration for Apartheid?

He said:

"World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history."
Can't you get it through your head that when British and Dutch set up their stations on the Cape there were no "natives" in the region? Only after the Boers expanded did people from hundreds and thousands of miles come to share the wealth. It's all about history and not Apartheid which came later. BTW, what's your twisted definition of the term, Apartheid? Aside from 'apartness'?
Also, while we're pretending that there are serviceable analogies between Israel and South Africa...

I was not aware that the Boers had an ancestral claim to SA stretching back 3000 years and had been waiting to regain it for at least 2000...

Waddya know... ya learn sumfin' new every day...

I am not aware that Europeans have ancestral claim to a place in the Middle East no more than Roman Catholics in America have an ancestral claim to Rome.
The Palestinians are Christians too.

The Maronites are, though the Muzzie Beasts have murdered most of them. Muzzie Beasts could not let Lebanon - split off of Ottoman Palestine, be controlled by Kafir.

Like all supporters of Israel, you support Apartheid. No surprise there.

So, you are a liar for Allah?

Oh and stupid, Islam is not a race.

Opposing Islam is no different than opposing Nazism - it is the opposition to ideas, to a creed of evil.

I just post fact, that's what I am known for, son.

Judaism is not a race, moron.

Opposing Islam is like opposing any religion, it's up to you. I oppose radicals of any religion, including my own, Roman Catholicism. I cannot, for example, consider the Inquisition and forced conversion of Jews and Muslims a bright spot in Roman Catholic history.

On the other hand, opposing Zionism is like opposing Nazism. I oppose both.
The Palestinians are Christians too.

The Maronites are, though the Muzzie Beasts have murdered most of them. Muzzie Beasts could not let Lebanon - split off of Ottoman Palestine, be controlled by Kafir.

Like all supporters of Israel, you support Apartheid. No surprise there.

So, you are a liar for Allah?

Oh and stupid, Islam is not a race.

Opposing Islam is no different than opposing Nazism - it is the opposition to ideas, to a creed of evil.

I just post fact, that's what I am known for, son.

Judaism is not a race, moron.

Opposing Islam is like opposing any religion, it's up to you. I oppose radicals of any religion, including my own, Roman Catholicism. I cannot, for example, consider the Inquisition and forced conversion of Jews and Muslims a bright spot in Roman Catholic history.

On the other hand, opposing Zionism is like opposing Nazism. I oppose both.

"I just post fact, that's what I am known for"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I only took it as far as 1948. I do not see where Britain ever gave rule of the land of Palestine to the Jews, but said they could live there ,

is that right? Then the British said they wanted nothing to do with the issue and gave it to the UN, and before the UN decided what to do, the Jews declared themselves a state of Israel and so did Truman in 1948.
Idiot, the land was Ottoman territory for 600 years, and after WWI it became British territory. The area West of the Jordan river was to become "Jewish Palestine" and east of the river was to be "Arab Palestine" by the Brits and League of Nations in 1920's. The Arab countries, not the so called "Palestinians" - because Palestinians didn't exist then, refused the thought of a Jewish country in the region and attacked the newly formed Jewish state several times starting with 1948. The Arabs attacked Israel not to create this mythical "Palestine", but to destroy the Jewish state and divide the conquered land among themselves.
The Palestinians are Christians too.

The Maronites are, though the Muzzie Beasts have murdered most of them. Muzzie Beasts could not let Lebanon - split off of Ottoman Palestine, be controlled by Kafir.

Like all supporters of Israel, you support Apartheid. No surprise there.

So, you are a liar for Allah?

Oh and stupid, Islam is not a race.

Opposing Islam is no different than opposing Nazism - it is the opposition to ideas, to a creed of evil.

I just post fact, that's what I am known for, son.

Judaism is not a race, moron.

Opposing Islam is like opposing any religion, it's up to you. I oppose radicals of any religion, including my own, Roman Catholicism. I cannot, for example, consider the Inquisition and forced conversion of Jews and Muslims a bright spot in Roman Catholic history.

On the other hand, opposing Zionism is like opposing Nazism. I oppose both.
Actually Islamism is the closest to Nazism. The same supremacist violent ideology with no regards for human life or dignity. And Palestinians are ruled by Hamas, one of the most barbaric Islamic terrorist savages the world has known. For that they will never acquire any real recognition for their false cause.
The Palestinians are Christians too.

The Maronites are, though the Muzzie Beasts have murdered most of them. Muzzie Beasts could not let Lebanon - split off of Ottoman Palestine, be controlled by Kafir.

Like all supporters of Israel, you support Apartheid. No surprise there.

So, you are a liar for Allah?

Oh and stupid, Islam is not a race.

Opposing Islam is no different than opposing Nazism - it is the opposition to ideas, to a creed of evil.

I just post fact, that's what I am known for, son.

Judaism is not a race, moron.

Opposing Islam is like opposing any religion, it's up to you. I oppose radicals of any religion, including my own, Roman Catholicism. I cannot, for example, consider the Inquisition and forced conversion of Jews and Muslims a bright spot in Roman Catholic history.

On the other hand, opposing Zionism is like opposing Nazism. I oppose both.

"I just post fact, that's what I am known for"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ha ha ha. Mohomod Latici posts "facts", that's what he's KNOWN FOR. Yup. :cool:
I am not aware that Europeans have ancestral claim to a place in the Middle East no more than Roman Catholics in America have an ancestral claim to Rome.

Nor that North Africans (Arabs) have an ancestral claim to the Middle East. We know the Meads, Mesopotamians, and Persians were white. We know the North Africans didn't migrate to the region until about the 4th century AD.
I just post fact, that's what I am known for, son.

Claiming that Islam is a race is ignorance, not fact.

Judaism is not a race, moron.

No one claimed it was.

It was YOU who said opposing Islam is "racist."

Opposing Islam is like opposing any religion, it's up to you. I oppose radicals of any religion, including my own, Roman Catholicism. I cannot, for example, consider the Inquisition and forced conversion of Jews and Muslims a bright spot in Roman Catholic history.

On the other hand, opposing Zionism is like opposing Nazism. I oppose both.

You are a JOOOOO hater. This means you are either a Nazi, or a Muzzie Beast.

I'm guessing "liar for Allah."
I am not aware that Europeans have ancestral claim to a place in the Middle East no more than Roman Catholics in America have an ancestral claim to Rome.

Nor that North Africans (Arabs) have an ancestral claim to the Middle East. We know the Meads, Mesopotamians, and Persians were white. We know the North Africans didn't migrate to the region until about the 4th century AD.

Ethnic Arabs (Arabians) come from the Arabian Peninsula. The only North Africans that immigrated to Palestine were the North African Jews. North Africans are culturally and linguistically Arab, but racially they are descendants of Berbers, Phoenicians (Carthaginians), Romans from both the Western (Latin) Roman Empire and the Eastern (Greek). The Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula that made it to North Africa were very few and tended to be part of the officer corps. The Moors (that invaded Spain) were pretty much Berbers with Arabian leadership..

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