Another History Primer

The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.
A rose by any other name, you know.

Greater Israel and deportation will be the result if the Arabs do not put down their weapons for good.

Naw, Israel will end up like South Africa or Rhodesia, eventually.
The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.
A rose by any other name, you know.

Greater Israel and deportation will be the result if the Arabs do not put down their weapons for good.

Naw, Israel will end up like South Africa or Rhodesia, eventually.
Never happen.
So right, hoss: Israel will exist and the Arab opposition will die
Yes, granted this is ancient history when it comes to the Israel/Palestine conflict. These things happened almost 100 years ago. Yet this part of history is a resurgent part of the threads here.

I know I have in the past railed about these super long videos, but I found this one to seem to be fairly neutrally informative.

When it comes down to how we got here from back 100 years ago then, it cannot be denyed that the British and the other European countries had a hand in it. There wasn't that much 'Zionist' influence. It was Britain and France and the other allies that wanted to carve up the near Middle East. And then to the victors went the spoils to allocate as they wished.

Enjoy. Or not.

Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed watching the old newsreel footage. Not a bad effort on the whole, vastly oversimplified and dumbed down for the general audience, but basically a reasonable rendition of events.
Well WWII seen the end of the power of the British Empire and the US as the most powerful empire(due to winning the war, although I sometimes wonder if even today London is not in control in the background)
but Britain never gave Palestine to the Jews , it said they could live there, but of course that didn't work as we know, the Jews got rid of Britain and Britain gave up on it , so what is missing or maybe I didn't hear it at the end of the video is

At midnight on May 14, 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed a new State of Israel. On that same date, the United States, in the person of President Truman, recognized the provisional Jewish government as de facto authority of the Jewish state (de jure recognition was extended on January 31, 1949). The U.S. delegates to the U.N. and top-ranking State Department officials were angered that Truman released his recognition statement to the press without notifying them first. On May 15, 1948, the first day of Israeli Independence and exactly one year after UNSCOP was established, Arab armies invaded Israel and the first Arab-Israeli war began

U.S. Recognition of the State of Israel

who invaded who first is up to debate, since the winners write history, but its obvious the inhabitants of Palestine got screwed when the Jews moved in and have been getting screwed ever since.

There are two questions to ask yourself when listening is how did the Jews grow to be so wealthy and why they were not safe anywhere in Europe, as the video says.

They have less right to be there than the Palestinians , but they have been and still are forcefully taking it for themselves,

the other question to ask, is if they loved their homeland so much as they claim, why did they ever leave, and don't say they were forced, the maj never returned from Babylon, when they could of, I think its pretty bad when

one race of people need their own land, and can't live among others.

Thanks for the video link and for those who do not have time to listen to it all, min 40 is a good point to start.

How many more times do you need to be told that Britain did not own the land so could not give it to anyone, they were just caretakers for the LoN who did own the land So Britian did not give Palestine to the Jews but the LoN did, just as they gave other parts of Palestine to the arab muslims. So any crap about Israel not being legal must also mean that Syria, Iraq and Jordan are not legal as they were all founded on the same treaty.

The inhabitants of Palestine were the Jews, or did you forget that they lived there as well and they were getting screwed by the arab muslims for over 1400 years.
The Jews got rich by being the best at everything they did, the best Jewellers, the best Bankers, the best Entertainers, the best Tailors so much so that they soon rose to the top and could command higher prices. The reason they were not safe is because people like you jealous of their successes instigated attacks on them, told LIES and repeated BLOOD LIBELS to run the Jews out of town. Problem was they also took their expertise with them and you lot could not meet the customers high expectations.

Under Customary International Law the Jews have more right to be in Palestine than the arab muslims ever had since 1099 C.E. you see the LoN made it International Law that the Jews and not the arab muslims were to be the new land owners. Another of your forgetful moments when it comes to legalities as the LoN proclaimed that Palestine was to be THE RESURECTED NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS. Read the treaty and you see no mention of "and the arab muslims"

Same question for the arab muslims if they loved Palestine so much why did they leave in 1948, or could the answer to that be the arab muslims that stayed were the ones who thought of Palestine as their home. The ones that left were never born of the Palestinian land and were squatters and land thieves.
The Jews had no options when the Romans took them as slaves and dispersed them to the four winds, not just asked to leave but physically forced to leave, much as the Germans did in the 1930's and 1940's.

One race of people that you will forever deny the right to a homeland or roots because you are jealous of Jewish success and acumen. More Nobel prize winners are Jews than any other religion, pro rata. More philanthopists are Jews than any other group, pro rata. And the Jews have made more advances in medicine and surgery to prolong life than any other group, and they give the advances freely to the rest of the world.

Time for team Palestine to hang its head in shame for the incitement to violence and incitement to racial hatred they spout every waking second of every day
If the Arabs cannot live with the Jews, then they need to emigrate to Arabville

Perhaps its the Jews who should move to jewsville.

Lot more Arabs than jews so the move might be easier.

They have and it is called Israel, but the arabs don't like anyone living in their midst that are better than they can ever be. So time to enforce the UN charter on the Palestinian, Syrians and Iraqi's before holy hell erupts and the whole place goes up in smoke. Only a short time to Iran getting a nuke and using it against Israel, then the ball will roll and the west will retaliate with tactical nukes of their own. Not ones that leave radioactive residue's but ones that kill thousands from the blast alone.

Remember under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW the arab muslims have no legal claim on the land of palestine
Considering the Jews have won three wars, have punished the PLA and Hamas as many times as needed, and will continue to do so, the Jews are not going anywhere.

Well your right, but the Palestinians have withstood their terrible punishments , and do not want to leave, that is their home.

Then why did they up sticks and move out in 1948, why didn't they stay and make it a nation to be proud of. Remember the Jews offered the hand of friendship and peace to the arab muslims in 1948 by including this in their declaration of independence

WE APPEAL - in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months - to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.
WE EXTEND our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land. The State of Israel is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East.
The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.

LINK that shows this to be a fact
Well WWII seen the end of the power of the British Empire and the US as the most powerful empire(due to winning the war, although I sometimes wonder if even today London is not in control in the background)
but Britain never gave Palestine to the Jews , it said they could live there, but of course that didn't work as we know, the Jews got rid of Britain and Britain gave up on it , so what is missing or maybe I didn't hear it at the end of the video is

At midnight on May 14, 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed a new State of Israel. On that same date, the United States, in the person of President Truman, recognized the provisional Jewish government as de facto authority of the Jewish state (de jure recognition was extended on January 31, 1949). The U.S. delegates to the U.N. and top-ranking State Department officials were angered that Truman released his recognition statement to the press without notifying them first. On May 15, 1948, the first day of Israeli Independence and exactly one year after UNSCOP was established, Arab armies invaded Israel and the first Arab-Israeli war began

U.S. Recognition of the State of Israel

who invaded who first is up to debate, since the winners write history, but its obvious the inhabitants of Palestine got screwed when the Jews moved in and have been getting screwed ever since.

There are two questions to ask yourself when listening is how did the Jews grow to be so wealthy and why they were not safe anywhere in Europe, as the video says.

They have less right to be there than the Palestinians , but they have been and still are forcefully taking it for themselves,

the other question to ask, is if they loved their homeland so much as they claim, why did they ever leave, and don't say they were forced, the maj never returned from Babylon, when they could of, I think its pretty bad when

one race of people need their own land, and can't live among others.

Thanks for the video link and for those who do not have time to listen to it all, min 40 is a good point to start.
I see some inconsistencies in your post.

"but Britain never gave Palestine to the Jews ,"
"Arab armies invaded Israel and the first Arab-Israeli war began​

If Britain did not give Palestine to the Jews, where was this Israel that was supposedly invaded?


"who invaded who first is up to debate,"​

If Germany and France are fighting in France, who is the invader. I don't see a debate here.

On the land given to the Jews of the world by the LoN who became the new owners after the Ottomans gave it up as reparations after WW1. See here


So as you see the original plan was for the Jews to receive all of GREATER PALESTINE, later commuted to just 23% of GREATER PALESTINE with no provision for a separate arab muslim nation outside of trans Jordan.

The arab muslims invaded first of course back in 627 C.E. because their "god" told them the whole of the world was theirs and they were his chosen owners. The Exiled Jews returned to their homeland invited by first the Ottomans and then the LoN so were never invaders of Palestine, the arab muslims did invade Palestine on the promise of work and money after the first influx of Jews started to make the desert green again.
Well WWII seen the end of the power of the British Empire and the US as the most powerful empire(due to winning the war, although I sometimes wonder if even today London is not in control in the background)
but Britain never gave Palestine to the Jews , it said they could live there, but of course that didn't work as we know, the Jews got rid of Britain and Britain gave up on it , so what is missing or maybe I didn't hear it at the end of the video is

At midnight on May 14, 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed a new State of Israel. On that same date, the United States, in the person of President Truman, recognized the provisional Jewish government as de facto authority of the Jewish state (de jure recognition was extended on January 31, 1949). The U.S. delegates to the U.N. and top-ranking State Department officials were angered that Truman released his recognition statement to the press without notifying them first. On May 15, 1948, the first day of Israeli Independence and exactly one year after UNSCOP was established, Arab armies invaded Israel and the first Arab-Israeli war began

U.S. Recognition of the State of Israel

who invaded who first is up to debate, since the winners write history, but its obvious the inhabitants of Palestine got screwed when the Jews moved in and have been getting screwed ever since.

There are two questions to ask yourself when listening is how did the Jews grow to be so wealthy and why they were not safe anywhere in Europe, as the video says.

They have less right to be there than the Palestinians , but they have been and still are forcefully taking it for themselves,

the other question to ask, is if they loved their homeland so much as they claim, why did they ever leave, and don't say they were forced, the maj never returned from Babylon, when they could of, I think its pretty bad when

one race of people need their own land, and can't live among others.

Thanks for the video link and for those who do not have time to listen to it all, min 40 is a good point to start.
I see some inconsistencies in your post.

"but Britain never gave Palestine to the Jews ,"
"Arab armies invaded Israel and the first Arab-Israeli war began​

If Britain did not give Palestine to the Jews, where was this Israel that was supposedly invaded?


"who invaded who first is up to debate,"​

If Germany and France are fighting in France, who is the invader. I don't see a debate here.

It is confusing so I can understand that ,

I take it that Britain In 1917ish under the Balfour Declaration said the Jews could move there under their supervision, but as soon as they started to move there, they pretty much did as they wanted and fought with the British, and the British said for the UN to take care of it, so in 1948 , the Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed a new State of Israel. On that same date, the United States, in the person of President Truman, recognized the provisional Jewish government

What I referred to is who started fighting who first , the Arabs or the Jews, when they declared themselves and Truman declared them a state.

I don't know where your getting "If Germany and France are fighting in France, who is the invader. I don't see a debate here" from. The debate is who started fighting the Arabs or the Jews, in 1948.

No the Balfour declaration said only that Britain would help the Jews to build a national home in the M.E., after the Ottomans had invited the Jews in the diaspora to return to their historic home in Palestine. The arab muslims declared war on the Jews and the British over the intentions of the Jews to establish their old home again as promised by the LoN . It was the arab muslims that rioted and went around mass murdering Jews all over Palestine causing the Jews to form groups of para military fighters to defend against ISLAMONAZI terrorism and violence. To try and limit the violence and terrorism the UN portioned Palestine illegally and gave the two parties till November of 1948 to declare independence on the land allocated to them. The Jews declared independence on May 14 1948 and it was accepted by the UN and they became a legal sovereign nation. They also became a nation that could not be dissolved under Customary International Law and the only Jewish one to exist.

The situation started long before 1948, but if you want to start from a cut off date the on may 14 1948 the arab league declared war on Israel and started an invasion with the sole intention of wiping out the Jews and taking the land as their own. The Jews defended against this and won the many battles that ensued. In 1949 the UN brokered a ceasefire that resulted in an end to hostilities but not the war that has been going on since. The arab league, which includes Palestine, stated that they did not consider the ceasefire lines to be the new borders but now are demanding that they be named as such.

Truman only ever recognised them as a state he did not have the power to declare them a state.
I only took it as far as 1948. I do not see where Britain ever gave rule of the land of Palestine to the Jews, but said they could live there ,

is that right? Then the British said they wanted nothing to do with the issue and gave it to the UN, and before the UN decided what to do, the Jews declared themselves a state of Israel and so did Truman in 1948.

Wrong on all counts as Britain did not have that power, but the LoN did. They gave the land of Palestine to the Jews, just as they gave the lands of Syria, Iraq and Jordan to the arab muslims . All Britain ever was intended to be were caretakers until the people were ready for independence. The British faced arab muslim violence, terrorism and riots up until the outbreak of WW2 when they went to war with the axis powers. After WW2 Britain was suffering many problems with its economy and could no longer sustain a presence in the M.E, at the same time the LoN was incorporated into the new United Nations who took on their powers and mandates. The UN illegally partitioned the land of Palestine into Jewish and arab muslim nations at the same time as Britain declared its intentions of giving up the mandate on May 14 1948. The UN had already decided what it was going to do and it was UN resolution 181 of 1947, the year before the declaration of independence of Israel under the same UN resolution
The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.

Ok due to the arab and jewish fighting the UN stepped in ,

so when did the name Palestine get officially changed to Israel and how did it happen.

Wrong again child due to the arab muslims violence and mass murders Britain could no longer sustain a presence in the M.E. so handed the control back to the UN who had taken over the LoN's role. The UN produced Resolution 181 that was the chance for both parties to declare independence and take control of their own nations. The Jews declared independence on May 14 1948 and their part of the land then became known as Eretz Israel. This was accepted by the legal land owners as being a valid claim and it entered into International law from that date.
The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.
A rose by any other name, you know.

Greater Israel and deportation will be the result if the Arabs do not put down their weapons for good.

Naw, Israel will end up like South Africa or Rhodesia, eventually.

What a 4th rate cess pit of violence, rape and murder under a dictatorship ran along sharia law. Wrong comparison child as we have all seen how those nations have become even more RACIST and APARTHEID since the natives took over.
Considering the Jews have won three wars, have punished the PLA and Hamas as many times as needed, and will continue to do so, the Jews are not going anywhere.

And a HUGE thank you to the good old US of A ...

Not really as it was not until the 1980's that the US started to give Israel any AID. and that was in the form of military weapons at cost
Considering the Jews have won three wars, have punished the PLA and Hamas as many times as needed, and will continue to do so, the Jews are not going anywhere.

Well your right, but the Palestinians have withstood their terrible punishments , and do not want to leave, that is their home.

Then why did they up sticks and move out in 1948, why didn't they stay and make it a nation to be proud of. Remember the Jews offered the hand of friendship and peace to the arab muslims in 1948 by including this in their declaration of independence

WE APPEAL - in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months - to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.
WE EXTEND our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land. The State of Israel is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East.
The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.

LINK that shows this to be a fact
The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949
The Avalon Project Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement March 23 1949
The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949
The Avalon Project Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement July 20 1949

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