Another History Primer

If you think SA is any kind of analogy with Israel, you are a fool and will reap the whirlwind.
Doesn't matter. America supports Israel; that won't change.

And with the continuing of ISIL and ISIS and all else in the ME, Arab is beginning to mean "enemy" in the minds of more and more Americans, including some that supported the Palestinians. Much of the West is beginning that xfr from Arab to Jew.

Stop killing and see what happens.
Naw, Israel will end up like South Africa or Rhodesia, eventually.

What a 4th rate cess pit of violence, rape and murder under a dictatorship ran along sharia law. Wrong comparison child as we have all seen how those nations have become even more RACIST and APARTHEID since the natives took over.
Phoenall , there were no natives of South Africa, only nomads who were attracted by the British and Dutch who developed the lower portion of the country. The best description of events is described in James Michener's historical novel, "The Covenant." When the Europeans arrived they were restricted to a narrow strip along the southern coast. As people expanded northward the nomads flocked to the south to benefit from the European's expansion. Their presence evolved to the point where the nomads demanded and took back "their" country. World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history.

You couldn't make this stuff up, but it reveals the true nature of these racist Apartheid supporters. By the way, you are full of crap anyway.

That's your answer to everything that destroys your POV and shows that you will believe any LIE as long as it paints whitey as the bad guy. Have you seen what has happened to the Rainbow nation since the blacks took control ?

What can one respond when someone posts his admiration for Apartheid?

He said:

"World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history."

Have you been to South Africa and seen what it is like today, the once bustling streets are empty of life because the people are afraid to go outside. The few White areas are surrounded by segregation barriers and armed guards to stop the ANC from raping and murdering. The once vibrant Rainbow nation is now a bankrupt cess pit of murder and violence. And this is how you want Israel to end up.
Did you know that the black South Africans believe raping a baby to death will cure them of AIDS, so many thousands of babies are raped to death every year.
Considering the Jews have won three wars, have punished the PLA and Hamas as many times as needed, and will continue to do so, the Jews are not going anywhere.

Well your right, but the Palestinians have withstood their terrible punishments , and do not want to leave, that is their home.

Then why did they up sticks and move out in 1948, why didn't they stay and make it a nation to be proud of. Remember the Jews offered the hand of friendship and peace to the arab muslims in 1948 by including this in their declaration of independence

WE APPEAL - in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months - to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.
WE EXTEND our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land. The State of Israel is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East.
The Jews are fighting the Arabs in Israel.
In the 1949 armistice agreements the UN called the whole place (everything inside Palestine's international borders) Palestine.

Israel signed those agreements.

LINK that shows this to be a fact
The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949
The Avalon Project Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement March 23 1949
The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949
The Avalon Project Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement July 20 1949

Cant find any mention of Palestine the nation in any of those agreements, but can see Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. I also see mention of gaza and rafah and the mandate of Palestine but NO MENTION OF THE STATE OF PALESTINE or its International borders.
You can't be serious.
With a view to promoting the return to permanent peace in Palestine...

the Armistice Demarcation Line set forth in Article VI of this Agreement except as provided in Article III of this Agreement; and elsewhere shall not violate the international frontier

2. This withdrawal shall begin on the day after that which follows the signing of this Agreement, at 0500 hours GMT, and shall be beyond the Egypt-Palestine frontier.

4. The road Taba-Qouseima-Auja shall not be employed by any military forces whatsoever for the purpose of entering Palestine.

The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949

That land was under Israeli "control" but it was still Palestine.
With a view to promoting the return of permanent peace in Palestine

1. The Armistice Demarcation Line shall follow the international boundary between the Lebanon and Palestine.

The Avalon Project Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement March 23 1949
The armistice line did not follow the international border between Palestine and Jordan but it did say:
(d) In the sector from a point on the Dead Sea (MR 1925-0958) to the southernmost tip of Palestine,

The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949

That land was under Israeli "control" but it was still Palestine.
Where the existing truce lines run along the international boundary between Syria and Palestine, the Armistice Demarcation Line shall follow the boundary line.​

The Avalon Project Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement July 20 1949
Palestine was mentioned many times. A place called Israel was not mentioned. Land for Israel was not mentioned. Borders for Israel were not mentioned.

Israel signed those agreements.

Only those that state Israel and the belligerent nations, Now produce the treaty signed by the Palestinian representatives describing these alleged International borders not boundaries or frontier but legal borders as in the borders agreed between Israel and Egypt and the borders agreed between Israel and Jordan.
What you are describing is the international treaty language that concatates the Mandate of Palestine to Palestine as it takes less time to set in type and less time to write
What a 4th rate cess pit of violence, rape and murder under a dictatorship ran along sharia law. Wrong comparison child as we have all seen how those nations have become even more RACIST and APARTHEID since the natives took over.
Phoenall , there were no natives of South Africa, only nomads who were attracted by the British and Dutch who developed the lower portion of the country. The best description of events is described in James Michener's historical novel, "The Covenant." When the Europeans arrived they were restricted to a narrow strip along the southern coast. As people expanded northward the nomads flocked to the south to benefit from the European's expansion. Their presence evolved to the point where the nomads demanded and took back "their" country. World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history.

You couldn't make this stuff up, but it reveals the true nature of these racist Apartheid supporters. By the way, you are full of crap anyway.

That's your answer to everything that destroys your POV and shows that you will believe any LIE as long as it paints whitey as the bad guy. Have you seen what has happened to the Rainbow nation since the blacks took control ?

What can one respond when someone posts his admiration for Apartheid?

He said:

"World opionion and boycotts led to the theft of South Africa by the present "owners." A sad event in history."

Have you been to South Africa and seen what it is like today, the once bustling streets are empty of life because the people are afraid to go outside. The few White areas are surrounded by segregation barriers and armed guards to stop the ANC from raping and murdering. The once vibrant Rainbow nation is now a bankrupt cess pit of murder and violence. And this is how you want Israel to end up.
Did you know that the black South Africans believe raping a baby to death will cure them of AIDS, so many thousands of babies are raped to death every year.

Like all supporters of Israel, you support Apartheid. No surprise there.
South Africa's nuclear arsenal made no difference, and it will make no difference in Palestine. Demographics are a bitch.

And the demographics od South Africa has now made it morally, fiscally and humanely bankrupt and without a friend in the world. So much so that many black South Africans want a return to white rule and apartheid so they can once again work to support their families.
If you think SA is any kind of analogy with Israel, you are a fool and will reap the whirlwind.

I think with both know who the fool is. Read and weep, fool.

"Israel's similarity to South Africa's apartheid is more than skin-deep"

Read more: Israel s similarity to South Africa s apartheid is more than skin-deep The National
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ISLAMONAZI SOURCES that have no validity or truth.

Once again I ask show the apartheid inside Israel's borders, what happens outside is not apartheid but military law in defence of the Israeli civilians.
It was martial law in South Africa too. No difference.
South Africa's nuclear arsenal made no difference, and it will make no difference in Palestine. Demographics are a bitch.

And the demographics od South Africa has now made it morally, fiscally and humanely bankrupt and without a friend in the world. So much so that many black South Africans want a return to white rule and apartheid so they can once again work to support their families.

You've made it clear you support Apartheid, by repeating it so often you must be proud of it. Your Israel Firsters buddies are just as much racist supporters of Apartheid as you are but don't make it so obvious. Maybe you should tone it down.
If you think SA is any kind of analogy with Israel, you are a fool and will reap the whirlwind.

I think with both know who the fool is. Read and weep, fool.

"Israel's similarity to South Africa's apartheid is more than skin-deep"

Read more: Israel s similarity to South Africa s apartheid is more than skin-deep The National
Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | on Facebook

ISLAMONAZI SOURCES that have no validity or truth.

Once again I ask show the apartheid inside Israel's borders, what happens outside is not apartheid but military law in defence of the Israeli civilians.

How about a British newspaper article saying the same thing. Sorry, had I noticed it was UAE media, I would not have linked it. I try to use source documents or neutral sources as you know:

"The US state department's annual human rights report - not a document known for being hostile to Israel - concluded that there is "institutionalised legal and societal discrimination against Israel's Christian, Muslim and Druze citizens". "The government," it says, "does not provide Israeli Arabs, who constitute 20% of the population, with the same quality of education, housing, employment and social services as Jews."

In the past few days alone, the police have arrested eight women, the Palestinian wives of Arab Israelis, in the Israeli village of Jaljulya and deported them to the occupied territories. Among women living under the threat of future deportation is the wife of an Israeli football player. MPs say the law has nothing to do with discrimination and everything to do with the security threat posed by Palestinians.

Its backers question how anyone can accuse them, as Jews at the end of a long line of persecuted generations, of racism, or in any way of resembling the old Afrikaner regime. But for years, much of South Africa's Jewish population and successive Israeli governments made their own pact with apartheid - a deal that exchanged near silence by most South African Jews on a great moral issue for acceptance, and clandestine cooperation between Israel and the Afrikaner government that drew the two countries into a hidden embrace."

Worlds apart World news The Guardian
You've made it clear you support Apartheid, by repeating it so often you must be proud of it. Your Israel Firsters buddies are just as much racist supporters of Apartheid as you are but don't make it so obvious. Maybe you should tone it down.
Funny drivel.
one race of people need their own land, and can't live among others.

Thanks for the video link and for those who do not have time to listen to it all, min 40 is a good point to start.

I take it you are a Muzzie Beast, correct?

Of course it was Britain who partitioned Palestine, giving the Arabs Syria and Jordan - which are every bit as much "Palestine" as Israel is. Giving the Christians Lebanon - though the Muzzie Beasts engaged in murder and terror, taking the Christians rightful land - with Muzzie Beasts occupying the Christians homeland. Israel was divided between the Jews and Muslims, but Muzzie Beasts cannot abide with civilized people. Muzzie Beasts have the "one grain" philosophy, that not one grain of sand shall be controlled by the Dhimmi. Though you have 90% of Ottoman Palestine, you still murder children, you still terrorize, you are still Beasts, because you don't give a fuck about the Arabs in Israel, you simply demand Muslim supremacy, not one grain of sand under the control of non-Muslims.

Muzzie Beasts cannot live in peace, cannot coexist with civilized men.
Muzzie Beasts cannot live in peace, cannot coexist with civilized men.[/QUOTE]

No not jewish.
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Have you been to South Africa and seen what it is like today, the once bustling streets are empty of life because the people are afraid to go outside. The few White areas are surrounded by segregation barriers and armed guards to stop the ANC from raping and murdering. The once vibrant Rainbow nation is now a bankrupt cess pit of murder and violence. And this is how you want Israel to end up.
Did you know that the black South Africans believe raping a baby to death will cure them of AIDS, so many thousands of babies are raped to death every year.

Like all supporters of Israel, you support Apartheid. No surprise there.

Like all supporters of Palestinians, you support terrorism. No surprise there.

Now answer the question Sara. when have you been to South Africa? Here is a little something I found about your wonderful country:

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