Another Holocaust "survivor" forced to admit he made it all up.

I know a woman who was in concentration camp.

You mean she says she was. Who knows.?

Have you ever asked her why the germans didn't kill her if they were out to kill all the jews. Amazing how many holohoax "survivors" there still are in the world!!!
WWII was made up, it never happened. My father and all his generation just made it all up. WHAT? Some of you people amaze me.

No - it happened but it was not due to hitler. It would have still happened if he had never been born. The war profiteers simply wanted another war. THINK.
Your daddy witnessed 6 million jews killed by the nazis.???

If you witness the process of it happening, then yes, you witnessed 6 million Jews being killed. You didn't need to see a person actually in the process of dying to have witnessed it.

HAHAHA. So who did witness 6 million jews murdered by the nazis.? Where is the evidence for this claim.?

The allies had a strong incentive to invent the holocaust myth since they had unquestionably killed millions of civilians by their urban bombing. It's an ancient tactic - you absolve your war crimes by claiming the enemy was worse.

Who witnessed every single one of the 6 million Jews being murdered in various locations around the Third Reich? That's such a dumb question.

The fact that you seem to want to find something that's impossible in order to prove something, shows the lows you might go to.

It might be an ancient tactic to make stuff up. However you're looking at stuff being made up in places where it would be hard to make stuff up. You looking at photos that are hard to make up. You're looking at Allied troops coming across this. How did the allies invent something before they'd even arrived to liberate camps?

No one has ever invented something on this scale. Why not just stick to 6 million Jews being killed in one place?

Where did the number of Jews go? 6 million Jews just disappeared? To where?
plus 4 million other ethnicities besides the Jews , so about 10 million people exterminated
Your daddy witnessed 6 million jews killed by the nazis.???

If you witness the process of it happening, then yes, you witnessed 6 million Jews being killed. You didn't need to see a person actually in the process of dying to have witnessed it.

HAHAHA. So who did witness 6 million jews murdered by the nazis.? Where is the evidence for this claim.?

The allies had a strong incentive to invent the holocaust myth since they had unquestionably killed millions of civilians by their urban bombing. It's an ancient tactic - you absolve your war crimes by claiming the enemy was worse.

Yeah, well BS, ...there were first hand accounts, but lucky for people like you most of the survivors have died of old age and arn't around to tell their stories, but Im sure there are some. I knew a Dutch guy who was in a Dutch labor camp he hated Germans period till the day he died, told me how they would just work people till they would drop, and shot a friend of his in the head because he rolled up a potato in his pants cuff. One of his friends was a Jewish concentration camp survivor from dachau, I was there once when they were exchanging stories with each other, There are times when you know what you are hearing is authentic truth, and that was definately the case. They had no reason to be making up BS about the Germans murdering people.
You don't have any proof but wishful thinking that it never happened. The fact that you just don't like Jews is not evidence
A couple of years ago the Courts overturned the "Stolen Valor Law" that prohibited people from claiming Military awards and service that they weren't awarded and nobody seems interested in bringing the issue to the Supreme Court these days. Why the fuk would a story about a Pa.civilian who related an outlandish story about a Nazi Concentration camp be relevant today?
Your daddy witnessed 6 million jews killed by the nazis.???

If you witness the process of it happening, then yes, you witnessed 6 million Jews being killed. You didn't need to see a person actually in the process of dying to have witnessed it.

HAHAHA. So who did witness 6 million jews murdered by the nazis.? Where is the evidence for this claim.?

The allies had a strong incentive to invent the holocaust myth since they had unquestionably killed millions of civilians by their urban bombing. It's an ancient tactic - you absolve your war crimes by claiming the enemy was worse.

Who witnessed every single one of the 6 million Jews being murdered in various locations around the Third Reich? That's such a dumb question.

The fact that you seem to want to find something that's impossible in order to prove something, shows the lows you might go to.

It might be an ancient tactic to make stuff up. However you're looking at stuff being made up in places where it would be hard to make stuff up. You looking at photos that are hard to make up. You're looking at Allied troops coming across this. How did the allies invent something before they'd even arrived to liberate camps?

No one has ever invented something on this scale. Why not just stick to 6 million Jews being killed in one place?

Where did the number of Jews go? 6 million Jews just disappeared? To where?
plus 4 million other ethnicities besides the Jews , so about 10 million people exterminated

Of course, but even dealing with the Jews is way too much.

In the sense that the number of Jews killed was far too many, I re-read it and read it differently to that).
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His age allows him to speak about the Holocaust as a personal experience, true or false.

Those who bitch about slavery, demand reparation, extraordinary rights and ridiculous affirmative action NEVER experienced personally what they bitch and cry about.
Your daddy witnessed 6 million jews killed by the nazis.???

If you witness the process of it happening, then yes, you witnessed 6 million Jews being killed. You didn't need to see a person actually in the process of dying to have witnessed it.

HAHAHA. So who did witness 6 million jews murdered by the nazis.? Where is the evidence for this claim.?

The allies had a strong incentive to invent the holocaust myth since they had unquestionably killed millions of civilians by their urban bombing. It's an ancient tactic - you absolve your war crimes by claiming the enemy was worse.

Who witnessed every single one of the 6 million Jews being murdered in various locations around the Third Reich? That's such a dumb question.

The fact that you seem to want to find something that's impossible in order to prove something, shows the lows you might go to.

It might be an ancient tactic to make stuff up. However you're looking at stuff being made up in places where it would be hard to make stuff up. You looking at photos that are hard to make up. You're looking at Allied troops coming across this. How did the allies invent something before they'd even arrived to liberate camps?

No one has ever invented something on this scale. Why not just stick to 6 million Jews being killed in one place?

Where did the number of Jews go? 6 million Jews just disappeared? To where?
plus 4 million other ethnicities besides the Jews , so about 10 million people exterminated

Or how about the at least 20 million victims of FDR's bosom buddy and "Uncle Joe" Stalin, who taught that chain smoking miserable bastard how to create concentration camps for your own citizens?
People are deluding themselves. My father was traumatized by this shit, nazi fascist Germans tried to exterminate a whole race. It happened, He saw it and made it apparent to me, so get over it, To many impartial witnesses and facts to bare it out. The question is, why question it?
There is so much historical footage on this event, those who find it false are simply fools or better still....Trump supporters!! Need we know more?
His age allows him to speak about the Holocaust as a personal experience, true or false.

Those who bitch about slavery, demand reparation, extraordinary rights and ridiculous affirmative action NEVER experienced personally what they bitch and cry about.
LOLOLOL...all this coming out of the mouth of a privileged white boy....Next?
I know a woman who was in concentration camp.

You mean she says she was. Who knows.?

Have you ever asked her why the germans didn't kill her if they were out to kill all the jews. Amazing how many holohoax "survivors" there still are in the world!!!
I know a woman who was in concentration camp.

You mean she says she was. Who knows.?

Have you ever asked her why the germans didn't kill her if they were out to kill all the jews. Amazing how many holohoax "survivors" there still are in the world!!!
some camps were labor camps, some camps were extermination camps, they couldnt kill them all at once and still wanted the labor. The process of killing 10 million people takes some time, you do realize that? If Germany had not been defeated, do you think there would have been any Jews left?
WWII was made up, it never happened. My father and all his generation just made it all up. WHAT? Some of you people amaze me.

No - it happened but it was not due to hitler. It would have still happened if he had never been born. The war profiteers simply wanted another war. THINK.
Anytime a white man struggles, expect a war, expect unrest, expect finger pointing and expect misery...until that white fuck is back on his feet, looking down at somebody other than his fellow white, they will make everyone's life a living happened in Germany and its happening here in America. Can't wait for the day, whites become a minority, I just hate that I won't be around...but its a comin!!

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