Another Idiot Thanks God

Oh really? If I gave you a laundry list of all the people who have escaped god's wrath while others died, then you'd have to skip the next 5 hikes into the mountains.

Yes really. People die. Everyone dies eventually. It is sad when kids die. It truly is, but why you care what someone else believes is beyond me. I'm a agnostic from way back. I don't care what people believe so long as they don't try and impose their beliefs on me like you miserable militant atheists do.
if only that were true...
if you truly didn't care what people believed then you wouldn't feel the need to defend it.
btw there are far more militant Christians then atheists and they've been imposing their beliefs on everybody and everything for a couple of millennia...

I defend the right of people, yes even you, to believe as they wish. It is you and your fellow militant atheists who wish to impose your values and ideals on others. First by ridicule and when that invariably fails by force. The degree of force that you will try and employ, or approve of is of course dependent on your level of scumbaggery.

NoTeapartyass is the classic "asshole atheist" Who desires freedom from religion, not freedom of religion.
you're the classic al carte Christian that hasn't got the smarts to understand that freedom of religion is also freedom from religion......

No, it isn't. You can't force your fellow citizens to hide their beliefs in the closet of the nearest church. Freedom of religion is soley the restriction on government forcing you to follow a given religion, or of government providing favoritism or support of a given religion. It does not relegate it to the shadows, despite your desire for this.
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

I will give you 10 to 1 she would pray for you if you had Ebola, even tho you are a jerk. That is what Christians do.
even if others find that offensive? that's not imposing your belief on others, no not at all....

It isn't. How is someone praying for you imposing their beliefs on you?
even you should know the answer to that captain obvious..

The only obvious thing is that you are an asshole.
Yes really. People die. Everyone dies eventually. It is sad when kids die. It truly is, but why you care what someone else believes is beyond me. I'm a agnostic from way back. I don't care what people believe so long as they don't try and impose their beliefs on me like you miserable militant atheists do.
if only that were true...
if you truly didn't care what people believed then you wouldn't feel the need to defend it.
btw there are far more militant Christians then atheists and they've been imposing their beliefs on everybody and everything for a couple of millennia...

Where do you live? I want to send a few Christians to your house Sunday and forcefully, if necessary, take you to Church and impose Christianity on you. That is what you meant by impose is it not?
false fuck stick know exactly what I mean when I say impose
also if you sent Christians to my house to force your pov on me you'd be doing the very thing you are whining about.
besides Christians already do come to people's homes uninvited to attempt to impose their belief system, they are call missionaries..

It's called politely telling them "no thank you" and closing the door. A whole 30 seconds of inconvenience.
more rationalizing does not change their intent...

It's called not being an asshole, a skill you evidently lack.
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

They never seem to realize that the same god they believe spared them is the god who is killing others.

Their "god" is either all knowing and all powerful or he's just a petulant dick.
Oh really? If I gave you a laundry list of all the people who have escaped god's wrath while others died, then you'd have to skip the next 5 hikes into the mountains.

Yes really. People die. Everyone dies eventually. It is sad when kids die. It truly is, but why you care what someone else believes is beyond me. I'm a agnostic from way back. I don't care what people believe so long as they don't try and impose their beliefs on me like you miserable militant atheists do.
if only that were true...
if you truly didn't care what people believed then you wouldn't feel the need to defend it.
btw there are far more militant Christians then atheists and they've been imposing their beliefs on everybody and everything for a couple of millennia...

I defend the right of people, yes even you, to believe as they wish. It is you and your fellow militant atheists who wish to impose your values and ideals on others. First by ridicule and when that invariably fails by force. The degree of force that you will try and employ, or approve of is of course dependent on your level of scumbaggery.
can you say rationalize ? I knew you could -Fred rogers

Rationalize? I think you don't know what that word means.
I do seem you don't or you would not need to make such a lame ass comment.

these two definitions are spot on
Full Definition of RATIONALIZE
transitive verb
: to bring into accord with reason or cause something to seem reasonable: as
a : to substitute a natural for a supernatural explanation of <rationalize a myth> b : to attribute (one's actions) to rational and creditable motives without analysis of true and especially unconscious motives <rationalized his dislike of his brother> ; broadly : to create an excuse or more attractive explanation for <rationalize the problem>
Yes really. People die. Everyone dies eventually. It is sad when kids die. It truly is, but why you care what someone else believes is beyond me. I'm a agnostic from way back. I don't care what people believe so long as they don't try and impose their beliefs on me like you miserable militant atheists do.
if only that were true...
if you truly didn't care what people believed then you wouldn't feel the need to defend it.
btw there are far more militant Christians then atheists and they've been imposing their beliefs on everybody and everything for a couple of millennia...

I defend the right of people, yes even you, to believe as they wish. It is you and your fellow militant atheists who wish to impose your values and ideals on others. First by ridicule and when that invariably fails by force. The degree of force that you will try and employ, or approve of is of course dependent on your level of scumbaggery.
can you say rationalize ? I knew you could -Fred rogers

Rationalize? I think you don't know what that word means.
I do seem you don't or you would not need to make such a lame ass comment.

these two definitions are spot on
Full Definition of RATIONALIZE
transitive verb
: to bring into accord with reason or cause something to seem reasonable: as
a : to substitute a natural for a supernatural explanation of <rationalize a myth> b : to attribute (one's actions) to rational and creditable motives without analysis of true and especially unconscious motives <rationalized his dislike of his brother> ; broadly : to create an excuse or more attractive explanation for <rationalize the problem>

OK, you know how to read a dictionary. Now how does that pertain to what I said?
if only that were true...
if you truly didn't care what people believed then you wouldn't feel the need to defend it.
btw there are far more militant Christians then atheists and they've been imposing their beliefs on everybody and everything for a couple of millennia...

Where do you live? I want to send a few Christians to your house Sunday and forcefully, if necessary, take you to Church and impose Christianity on you. That is what you meant by impose is it not?
false fuck stick know exactly what I mean when I say impose
also if you sent Christians to my house to force your pov on me you'd be doing the very thing you are whining about.
besides Christians already do come to people's homes uninvited to attempt to impose their belief system, they are call missionaries..

It's called politely telling them "no thank you" and closing the door. A whole 30 seconds of inconvenience.
more rationalizing does not change their intent...

It's called not being an asshole, a skill you evidently lack.
as always you'd be wrong about that too ..
I'm always polite to the invades.
my attitude is not relevant ,what is, is if someone or a group comes to your door or stops you on the street they are imposing their belief or need on you ..
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

They never seem to realize that the same god they believe spared them is the god who is killing others.

Their "god" is either all knowing and all powerful or he's just a petulant dick.
it is a cruel joke get them sick just to cure them, isn't that called Munchausen's syndrome?
Where do you live? I want to send a few Christians to your house Sunday and forcefully, if necessary, take you to Church and impose Christianity on you. That is what you meant by impose is it not?
false fuck stick know exactly what I mean when I say impose
also if you sent Christians to my house to force your pov on me you'd be doing the very thing you are whining about.
besides Christians already do come to people's homes uninvited to attempt to impose their belief system, they are call missionaries..

It's called politely telling them "no thank you" and closing the door. A whole 30 seconds of inconvenience.
more rationalizing does not change their intent...

It's called not being an asshole, a skill you evidently lack.
as always you'd be wrong about that too ..
I'm always polite to the invades.
my attitude is not relevant ,what is, is if someone or a group comes to your door or stops you on the street they are imposing their belief or need on you ..

its the price we pay for a free society. I get stopped by ladies selling bootleg DVD's on the street and in bars, how is that any different than someone trying to preach to you in a nice manner? Its part of living in the world. deal with it.
if only that were true...
if you truly didn't care what people believed then you wouldn't feel the need to defend it.
btw there are far more militant Christians then atheists and they've been imposing their beliefs on everybody and everything for a couple of millennia...

I defend the right of people, yes even you, to believe as they wish. It is you and your fellow militant atheists who wish to impose your values and ideals on others. First by ridicule and when that invariably fails by force. The degree of force that you will try and employ, or approve of is of course dependent on your level of scumbaggery.
can you say rationalize ? I knew you could -Fred rogers

Rationalize? I think you don't know what that word means.
I do seem you don't or you would not need to make such a lame ass comment.

these two definitions are spot on
Full Definition of RATIONALIZE
transitive verb
: to bring into accord with reason or cause something to seem reasonable: as
a : to substitute a natural for a supernatural explanation of <rationalize a myth> b : to attribute (one's actions) to rational and creditable motives without analysis of true and especially unconscious motives <rationalized his dislike of his brother> ; broadly : to create an excuse or more attractive explanation for <rationalize the problem>

OK, you know how to read a dictionary. Now how does that pertain to what I said?
what you said is again a kind of rationalizing..
the you're so dumb ploy...
false fuck stick know exactly what I mean when I say impose
also if you sent Christians to my house to force your pov on me you'd be doing the very thing you are whining about.
besides Christians already do come to people's homes uninvited to attempt to impose their belief system, they are call missionaries..

It's called politely telling them "no thank you" and closing the door. A whole 30 seconds of inconvenience.
more rationalizing does not change their intent...

It's called not being an asshole, a skill you evidently lack.
as always you'd be wrong about that too ..
I'm always polite to the invades.
my attitude is not relevant ,what is, is if someone or a group comes to your door or stops you on the street they are imposing their belief or need on you ..

its the price we pay for a free society. I get stopped by ladies selling bootleg DVD's on the street and in bars, how is that any different than someone trying to preach to you in a nice manner? Its part of living in the world. deal with it.
the point is it's not..
on the other hand you asshats think it is..
those same people have been slaughtering each other for just as long and thanking god for being on they're side.
oh the irony..
I have no problem with people doing that sparingly

The point is, who cares who they thank, and regardless, "thanking god" is older than the pyramids.
It amazes me that someone would be upset about this, and they take it so literally.
you no proof that thanking god is older than the pyramids I was with you till you said that.

Those people worshipped.....Isis, not Jesus. Bahahahaa. This thread is getting more fun all the time.

Fucking idiot. You are the moron not understanding that the poster was not referring to Egyptians but a time frame.

Man oh man you are a flat out mean whack job.

You bet this thread is going to be fun because you are really unveiling what a vile piece of shit you are today.

I gather by the OP's standards that no one should ever be grateful for anything in their lives because someone else's life just sucked today.

Yowzah. That's just crazy.

Wrong. But it's not the first time.

You should gather instead that the survivors should show respect for the dead and leave their arrogant Christianity out of it. They imply that those who have died are lesser than they in the eyes of their god.

And you would have said the same if she praised Allah, right ? :biggrin:
I didn't put words into her mouth. Those were her very first words when she took the mic. She thanked god more than anything else.

A better question is why do you not care about the 15000 people who died? Did they not love the big invisible man enough?
I noticed that, straight away too as I almost :puke:
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

They never seem to realize that the same god they believe spared them is the god who is killing others.

Their "god" is either all knowing and all powerful or he's just a petulant dick.
You look stupid too now.
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

They never seem to realize that the same god they believe spared them is the god who is killing others.

Their "god" is either all knowing and all powerful or he's just a petulant dick.
it is a cruel joke get them sick just to cure them, isn't that called Munchausen's syndrome?

That would make god the ultimate proxy!
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

They never seem to realize that the same god they believe spared them is the god who is killing others.

Their "god" is either all knowing and all powerful or he's just a petulant dick.
You look stupid too now.


You're one of those fake christians right? The kind that "believes" as along as its convenient but then posts miles of hate for your god's "creations".

Which is it?

Did your god cause this disease or not?

Is he all powerful or just a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum?

What next? Another flood?
The point is, who cares who they thank, and regardless, "thanking god" is older than the pyramids.
It amazes me that someone would be upset about this, and they take it so literally.
you no proof that thanking god is older than the pyramids I was with you till you said that.

Those people worshipped.....Isis, not Jesus. Bahahahaa. This thread is getting more fun all the time.

Fucking idiot. You are the moron not understanding that the poster was not referring to Egyptians but a time frame.

Man oh man you are a flat out mean whack job.

You bet this thread is going to be fun because you are really unveiling what a vile piece of shit you are today.

I gather by the OP's standards that no one should ever be grateful for anything in their lives because someone else's life just sucked today.

Yowzah. That's just crazy.

Wrong. But it's not the first time.

You should gather instead that the survivors should show respect for the dead and leave their arrogant Christianity out of it. They imply that those who have died are lesser than they in the eyes of their god.

And you would have said the same if she praised Allah, right ? :biggrin:
allah and god are the same god the god of Abraham....
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

They never seem to realize that the same god they believe spared them is the god who is killing others.

Their "god" is either all knowing and all powerful or he's just a petulant dick.
You look stupid too now.

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