Another Idiot Thanks God


Tyson for POTUS!
The universe makes perfect sense to me stupid people however are another story I will now take Twain's advice and go watch the World Series go Royals.
more rationalizing does not change their intent...

It's called not being an asshole, a skill you evidently lack.
as always you'd be wrong about that too ..
I'm always polite to the invades.
my attitude is not relevant ,what is, is if someone or a group comes to your door or stops you on the street they are imposing their belief or need on you ..

its the price we pay for a free society. I get stopped by ladies selling bootleg DVD's on the street and in bars, how is that any different than someone trying to preach to you in a nice manner? Its part of living in the world. deal with it.
the point is it's not..
on the other hand you asshats think it is..

It's sad when people cannot hear things they don't agree with or don't like without feeling the need to silence the people expressing said things.

Where have I said they should be silenced? They should be ashamed.
You idiots really know how to write your own stupidity into things you can barely read much less understand.
I thank God he saved her life.
that's nice evidence to support it but nice anyway...

I wonder if he would feel the same if she had thanked Allah...Krishna...Buddha.....Obama....the CDC as fervently as she thanked god.

Why does what they believe bother you so much?
"Just like 99% of the other posters here, you too have missed the point entirely.

And no, that's not what "Christians do". It's what they SAY they do"- ntp

And, once again. Why the fuck do you care? What got your tiny little head all wrapped up with hatred for those who believe in some higher thing than themselves?
ass always false! any hate is yours.
I don't care what others believe, I do care very much about imposing that belief on others..
you're so busy wanting to be pissed off about it you have no objectivity.
It's called not being an asshole, a skill you evidently lack.
as always you'd be wrong about that too ..
I'm always polite to the invades.
my attitude is not relevant ,what is, is if someone or a group comes to your door or stops you on the street they are imposing their belief or need on you ..

its the price we pay for a free society. I get stopped by ladies selling bootleg DVD's on the street and in bars, how is that any different than someone trying to preach to you in a nice manner? Its part of living in the world. deal with it.
the point is it's not..
on the other hand you asshats think it is..

It's sad when people cannot hear things they don't agree with or don't like without feeling the need to silence the people expressing said things.

Where have I said they should be silenced? They should be ashamed.
You idiots really know how to write your own stupidity into things you can barely read much less understand.

Shaming them leads to silencing them, its all on the same path.

I guess asshole#2 is now venting his worthless opinion.
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters
I thank God he saved her life.
that's nice evidence to support it but nice anyway...

I wonder if he would feel the same if she had thanked Allah...Krishna...Buddha.....Obama....the CDC as fervently as she thanked god.

No shit Sherlock. The point is, had she been a Muslim and thanked god (Allah) the libs here wouldn't have blinked an eye.
you just keep thinking that .
there are as many libs that thank god as there are cons that do.
so your shot at libs crashes and burns...
as always you'd be wrong about that too ..
I'm always polite to the invades.
my attitude is not relevant ,what is, is if someone or a group comes to your door or stops you on the street they are imposing their belief or need on you ..

its the price we pay for a free society. I get stopped by ladies selling bootleg DVD's on the street and in bars, how is that any different than someone trying to preach to you in a nice manner? Its part of living in the world. deal with it.
the point is it's not..
on the other hand you asshats think it is..

It's sad when people cannot hear things they don't agree with or don't like without feeling the need to silence the people expressing said things.

Where have I said they should be silenced? They should be ashamed.
You idiots really know how to write your own stupidity into things you can barely read much less understand.

Shaming them leads to silencing them, its all on the same path.

I guess asshole#2 is now venting his worthless opinion.
there are two of you?
its the price we pay for a free society. I get stopped by ladies selling bootleg DVD's on the street and in bars, how is that any different than someone trying to preach to you in a nice manner? Its part of living in the world. deal with it.
the point is it's not..
on the other hand you asshats think it is..

It's sad when people cannot hear things they don't agree with or don't like without feeling the need to silence the people expressing said things.

Where have I said they should be silenced? They should be ashamed.
You idiots really know how to write your own stupidity into things you can barely read much less understand.

Shaming them leads to silencing them, its all on the same path.

I guess asshole#2 is now venting his worthless opinion.
there are two of you?

Nice try, tough guy. How about you and noteadouche get together for a 2 minute hate?
I thank God he saved her life.
that's nice evidence to support it but nice anyway...

I wonder if he would feel the same if she had thanked Allah...Krishna...Buddha.....Obama....the CDC as fervently as she thanked god.

No shit Sherlock. The point is, had she been a Muslim and thanked god (Allah) the libs here wouldn't have blinked an eye.

Who else besides me has taken exception or even noticed the hypocrisy of these Christians?

Every time I read their garbage.

They are what I call fake christians.
more rationalizing does not change their intent...

It's called not being an asshole, a skill you evidently lack.
as always you'd be wrong about that too ..
I'm always polite to the invades.
my attitude is not relevant ,what is, is if someone or a group comes to your door or stops you on the street they are imposing their belief or need on you ..

its the price we pay for a free society. I get stopped by ladies selling bootleg DVD's on the street and in bars, how is that any different than someone trying to preach to you in a nice manner? Its part of living in the world. deal with it.
the point is it's not..
on the other hand you asshats think it is..

It's sad when people cannot hear things they don't agree with or don't like without feeling the need to silence the people expressing said things.

Who said that?

Only RWs want people silenced.
I thank God he saved her life.
that's nice evidence to support it but nice anyway...

I wonder if he would feel the same if she had thanked Allah...Krishna...Buddha.....Obama....the CDC as fervently as she thanked god.

Why does what they believe bother you so much?
"Just like 99% of the other posters here, you too have missed the point entirely.

And no, that's not what "Christians do". It's what they SAY they do"- ntp

I give up. He's too thick between the ears.
that's nice evidence to support it but nice anyway...

I wonder if he would feel the same if she had thanked Allah...Krishna...Buddha.....Obama....the CDC as fervently as she thanked god.

Why does what they believe bother you so much?

I've explained this over at least 10-15 posts. Scroll back, I don't like repeating myself.

It took you 10 or 15 posts to explain why you're a bigot? Really?

You are too thick between the ears to understand. It's not their beliefs that offend me, it's their insinuation that those who died were children of a lesser god.
For someone who implies that they flew jets, things sure fly easily over your head.
OH, so you're trying to convert someone to be an atheist?
The universe makes perfect sense to me stupid people however are another story I will now take Twain's advice and go watch the World Series go Royals.
giants !
Looking like the Giants will get to play a game 7.
Of, course more money for the networks and advertisers, and another days worth of distraction for the sheeple. it's a fucking win win all the way around
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

85 percent of Libera is Christian. I'll bet just as many there are either thanking God they did not get the disease or damning God because their loved one did. Works both ways.
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

If I were looking ebola in the face or anything else that icky I'd be in prayer around the clock and thanking God too. :)
Amber Vinson at the press conference now, first words are to thank god. Because that's why she survived? I guess god just doesn't love 15000 dead Liberians like he loves her. What a stupid idiot. The Pham chick thanked god, too. How fucking arrogant.

Official WHO Ebola toll near 5,000 with true number nearer 15,000
Official WHO Ebola toll near 5 000 with true number nearer 15 000 Reuters

I will give you 10 to 1 she would pray for you if you had Ebola, even tho you are a jerk. That is what Christians do.
even if others find that offensive? that's not imposing your belief on others, no not at all....

That is correct, it is not imposing anything on others. I find it offensive when reference is made by some to a sky fairy, but they aren't imposing their belief on me. They are merely proving that they think they are intelligent and those that believe in a higher being are ignorant. Are you one of those?
Yes really. People die. Everyone dies eventually. It is sad when kids die. It truly is, but why you care what someone else believes is beyond me. I'm a agnostic from way back. I don't care what people believe so long as they don't try and impose their beliefs on me like you miserable militant atheists do.
if only that were true...
if you truly didn't care what people believed then you wouldn't feel the need to defend it.
btw there are far more militant Christians then atheists and they've been imposing their beliefs on everybody and everything for a couple of millennia...

Where do you live? I want to send a few Christians to your house Sunday and forcefully, if necessary, take you to Church and impose Christianity on you. That is what you meant by impose is it not?
false fuck stick know exactly what I mean when I say impose
also if you sent Christians to my house to force your pov on me you'd be doing the very thing you are whining about.
besides Christians already do come to people's homes uninvited to attempt to impose their belief system, they are call missionaries..

It's called politely telling them "no thank you" and closing the door. A whole 30 seconds of inconvenience.
more rationalizing does not change their intent...

That is certainly reasonable, but they were not there to impose anything on you. When you figure out the difference between impose and invite, you will see the light. All most Christians subscribe to hate the sin, love the sinner. It is a shame If you have a problem with that.
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