Another 'Inconvenient Fact' For The 'No Election Fraud' Crowd

You must have missed the memo.

They won't say "none" anymore just , no proof of "substantial" or "wide spread" voter fraud.

Two things they are loathe to do is to be honest or to firmly plant the goal posts in the ground.
Hardly anyone of note said it before. I think you’re creating a goalpost ex post facto.

So much for 'election fraud doesn't exist / didn't happen.'

I predeict a Democrat / snowflake shift ... again ... from 'No election fraud' back to 'Not enough to matter'.

Yawn. Sleazzy started another thread about the "big steal" that isn't supported by any facts whatsoever, "inconvenient" or otherwise.

The only people who keep trying to shift the narrative are you clowns, every time one of your conspiracy theories is shot down, you pop up with another lie, supported by a link to yet another questionable source.
You must have missed the memo.

They won't say "none" anymore just , no proof of "substantial" or "wide spread" voter fraud.

Two things they are loathe to do is to be honest or to firmly plant the goal posts in the ground.

No one ever said there is "no voter fraud", just that there isn't any of the voter fraud which will be cured by a special "voter ID". Nearly all of the 200+ voter fraud cases involved one idiot voter - no grand schemes at all.

But continue to believe the lies you just posted. I'm sure they help you sleep better at night.

So much for 'election fraud doesn't exist / didn't happen.'

I predeict a Democrat / snowflake shift ... again ... from 'No election fraud' back to 'Not enough to matter'.
Lol, first off the lions share of wlection fraud defendants that were convicted were Republicans. Second off they were caught and sentenced. Third off was not wide spread.
I don't think I've heard anyone say that. All I've ever said is that Trumpsters are whiney, chickenshit motherfuckers who can't accept the fact that they lost.

That's different.

'Nuh-Uh....YOU guys are.'

Your childish grade-school reptort is duly noted, snowflake.
That's coming. Probably this fall. All because Trump threw a fit and encouraged his goons to undermine the entire process.

Way to go!

If it does happen, it will be the product of an election system rife with fraud and abuse. It won't be a legitimate victory. Right?
The problem with a lot of the Democrat fraud is that it has been and is easily proven. 2000 Mules, confessions, convictions, whistle-blower, eyewitnesses can't hide things forever - Hillary & Hunter Biden can attest to.

Hell, in 2020 it was caught on video at polling locations, but when you have a complicit media, factions in the GOP who wanted Trump out, and Democrats who fought like hell to install a dementia-ravaged, compromised, proven criminal they could easily control, it wasn't about hiding as much as controlling the evidence and making sure nothing was done about it.

I am not saying Democrats are the only ones who do it and / or should get punished.

Several GOP candidates in a governor's race just got busted having fake signatures on their role to meet the criteria for being official candidates. Maybe they were not the ones collecting the signatures, maybe an over-zealous supporter wanted to make sure they got enough. I would have pressed the question 'did they have enough signatures without the false signatures'. Instead, they were just disqualified. I don't have a SERIOUS problem with that. If they didn't know who was collecting signatures / did it then they need to find out who did it & ensure they are punished.

The woman who just confessed to running the voter fraud scheme should NEVER be allowed to vote in an election again - federal, state, local - and should NEVER be allowed to participate in elections - poll monitor, poll manager, volunteer, coffee bi-atch, etc... - EVER again. That goes for any and all election fraud criminals, no matter what party...IMHO.
8 votes? Yes fraud and yes prosecute, but it's not much more than that.

Have you watched the movie?
Have you seen numerous state officials saying the actual votes, chain of custody documents, and other documents were either destroyed (illegal), 'lost', or they simply refused to hand them over?! (Many reports immature media since the election)

Either by i tentional design to mislead or by ignorance too many people have been and are saying 'not much' / not enough to matter'.

Define 'enough to matter'. There are a LOT of Americans who no longer trust the integrity of our election system anymore (which our enemies like Xi, Putin, and others who attempt to interfere in EVERY ONE of our elections, according to Obama, wants to happen).

Ma y people also believe and argue that it takes a massive amount of election fraud all over the country to have an impact- they are WRONG.

Look back at how many of the elections were so incredibly close, look at how close many of the primary races have been. Candidates no longer have to win a majority of states, in some cases not even a majority of their state, to have an extremely significant impact on an election.

Win the right districts, won the right states, and you win. Perpetrate just enough election fraud in the right counties, districts, states - not all, not massive widespread fraud, and you can turn your 'loser' into a 'winner'.
I am in my mid 50s and nobody has ever said there is NO fraud ever in any election....
....that evidently YOU know of.

Sorry to pop your ego, but you are not the center of the universe, and just because YOU say YOU have never heard that doesn't make it so.

From 'NO election fraud' to 'Not ENOUGH to matter' / 'No WIDESPREAD election fraud'....

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Have you watched the movie?
Have you seen numerous state officials saying the actual votes, chain of custody documents, and other documents were either destroyed (illegal), 'lost', or they simply refused to hand them over?! (Many reports immature media since the election)

Either by i tentional design to mislead or by ignorance too many people have been and are saying 'not much' / not enough to matter'.

Define 'enough to matter'. There are a LOT of Americans who no longer trust the integrity of our election system anymore (which our enemies like Xi, Putin, and others who attempt to interfere in EVERY ONE of our elections, according to Obama, wants to happen).

Ma y people also believe and argue that it takes a massive amount of election fraud all over the country to have an impact- they are WRONG.

Look back at how many of the elections were so incredibly close, look at how close many of the primary races have been. Candidates no longer have to win a majority of states, in some cases not even a majority of their state, to have an extremely significant impact on an election.

Win the right districts, won the right states, and you win. Perpetrate just enough election fraud in the right counties, districts, states - not all, not massive widespread fraud, and you can turn your 'loser' into a 'winner'.
no. i don't pay too much attention to things that are emotionally driven these days. either side. i wanted a factual presentation of the data and all the special effects, glitches, use of catch phrases out of context to start made me walk away and go back to diablo 3. i just demon hunted my way through S26 and am now going for GOD mode.

like i said, the data to me simply doesn't add up to a fair election.

laws changed ad hoc due to "safety"
states going around their constitution to create new processes
polling places shutting down for a water main break that was in fact, a "bathroom leak" that which in itself was never verified.

you smell enough shit you know there's shit there. period. so yes, i do believe fraud occurred and i would love to see it FACTUALLY proven. but that will need to be done in court; not a movie designed to prove a point by emotional connections.

if the data shows the same person at the same dropbox 10x, bring that person to court and have them explain why. if 2000 people did it, plan for a long court session. while you can make assumptions with the data, that is the wrong thing to do. far too often we see a video clip of XYZ and people go cray cray all around.

days later we see the ENTIRE video and it's an ENTIRELY different story.

we need all the data, sorted through and agendas, emotional pleas/ploys and gimmicks need to be left at the door.

the data either proves it, or it does not. creating a high drama movie around it doesn't help the accuracy of the data to me.

so - to this point, some moistened bint lobbing 8 extra votes into a drop box is no basis for a government conspiracy.

prove she was part of 2,000 people doing it and how they did it, great. anything short of that in my mind defeats your own point as the "one off" this would appear to be has already been acknowledged by the left.

one offs happen. they say that and agree it does.

how is this anything more than what they already agree exists?
....that evidently YOU know of.

Sorry to pop your ego, but you are not the center of the universe, and just because YOU say YOU have never heard that doesn't make it so.
im sure i can find a few people who say its NEVER happened. give moonpie or rightwinger a minute they will say it along with 10,000 other bits of stupidity beyond normal comprehension.

but those 2 don't represent the common knowledge factor unless you're choosing to make the minority the majority in order to be "correct".
Win the right districts, won the right states, and you win. Perpetrate just enough election fraud in the right counties, districts, states - not all, not massive widespread fraud, and you can turn your 'loser' into a 'winner'.

You are full of crap.

In GA it would have taken more than 11,000 "fake votes" to swing the state
In Az more than 10,000
In PA more than 170,000
In WI more than 20,000
In Mi more than 154,000

That is massive widespread fraud by any reasonable definition

So much for 'election fraud doesn't exist / didn't happen.'

I predeict a Democrat / snowflake shift ... again ... from 'No election fraud' back to 'Not enough to matter'.
Did you hear about the Asian bamboo in the ballots and the Italian satellites that changed votes for Biden? You better look in to it.
Did you hear about the Asian bamboo in the ballots and the Italian satellites that changed votes for Biden? You better look in to it.
the same people telling me trump lost are also the ones who told me

corono will be the end of us
masks work
we must defend womens rights to the point a man can be a woman and have man rights as a woman over women
russia colluded with trump
we just want one statue
its ok to burn portland but it's not ok to protest at the white house
you've seen the jan 6th video you need to see, stop asking to see the rest
we couldn't buy cannons in the civil war times
a 9mm is more deadly than a .223

and the list goes on.

forgive me if that side doesn't have any credibility left, but they did it to themselves.
View attachment 653415

'Nuh-Uh....YOU guys are.'

Your childish grade-school reptort is duly noted, snowflake.

The problem with a lot of the Democrat fraud is that it has been and is easily proven. 2000 Mules, confessions, convictions, whistle-blower, eyewitnesses can't hide things forever - Hillary & Hunter Biden can attest to.

Hell, in 2020 it was caught on video at polling locations, but when you have a complicit media, factions in the GOP who wanted Trump out, and Democrats who fought like hell to install a dementia-ravaged, compromised, proven criminal they could easily control, it wasn't about hiding as much as controlling the evidence and making sure nothing was done about it.

I am not saying Democrats are the only ones who do it and / or should get punished.

Several GOP candidates in a governor's race just got busted having fake signatures on their role to meet the criteria for being official candidates. Maybe they were not the ones collecting the signatures, maybe an over-zealous supporter wanted to make sure they got enough. I would have pressed the question 'did they have enough signatures without the false signatures'. Instead, they were just disqualified. I don't have a SERIOUS problem with that. If they didn't know who was collecting signatures / did it then they need to find out who did it & ensure they are punished.

The woman who just confessed to running the voter fraud scheme should NEVER be allowed to vote in an election again - federal, state, local - and should NEVER be allowed to participate in elections - poll monitor, poll manager, volunteer, coffee bi-atch, etc... - EVER again. That goes for any and all election fraud criminals, no matter what party...IMHO.

If this so-called "fraud" was so easily proven, why did all 50+ court cases get tossed for lack of evidence, lack of standing, and all of the lawyer involved were disbarred for lying to the court?

Talk about "inconvenient facts".

You're stupid movie is being laughed off the air. As usual, you have nothing but Russian propaganda and Republican lies.
The proof is every day the TV people eviscerate Republican Voters. The Shrew Progs of the View even want the Republican voters exterminated. Others have sounded the same. There is something much more than "politics" going on.

Try this, quit watching TV news and talk shows. They are all full of shit
Then back up your claim.

Otherwise it is just empty words
I have numerous times but I am sure YOU have never heard or seen it.

Again, yiu are not the center of tbe universe, do not have the final say, and I don't care about the opinion of a leftist who admittedly is secluded from the rest of the world outside his own reality.
no. i don't pay too much attention to things that are emotionally driven these days. either side. i wanted a factual presentation of the data and all the special effects, glitches, use of catch phrases out of context to start made me walk away and go back to diablo 3. i just demon hunted my way through S26 and am now going for GOD mode.

like i said, the data to me simply doesn't add up to a fair election.

laws changed ad hoc due to "safety"
states going around their constitution to create new processes
polling places shutting down for a water main break that was in fact, a "bathroom leak" that which in itself was never verified.

you smell enough shit you know there's shit there. period. so yes, i do believe fraud occurred and i would love to see it FACTUALLY proven. but that will need to be done in court; not a movie designed to prove a point by emotional connections.

if the data shows the same person at the same dropbox 10x, bring that person to court and have them explain why. if 2000 people did it, plan for a long court session. while you can make assumptions with the data, that is the wrong thing to do. far too often we see a video clip of XYZ and people go cray cray all around.

days later we see the ENTIRE video and it's an ENTIRELY different story.

we need all the data, sorted through and agendas, emotional pleas/ploys and gimmicks need to be left at the door.

the data either proves it, or it does not. creating a high drama movie around it doesn't help the accuracy of the data to me.

so - to this point, some moistened bint lobbing 8 extra votes into a drop box is no basis for a government conspiracy.

prove she was part of 2,000 people doing it and how they did it, great. anything short of that in my mind defeats your own point as the "one off" this would appear to be has already been acknowledged by the left.

one offs happen. they say that and agree it does.

how is this anything more than what they already agree exists?
Fu NY, emotion-driven snowflakes claiming they pay no attention to emotional issues / opinions.

the same people telling me trump lost are also the ones who told me

corono will be the end of us
masks work
we must defend womens rights to the point a man can be a woman and have man rights as a woman over women
russia colluded with trump
we just want one statue
its ok to burn portland but it's not ok to protest at the white house
you've seen the jan 6th video you need to see, stop asking to see the rest
we couldn't buy cannons in the civil war times
a 9mm is more deadly than a .223

and the list goes on.

forgive me if that side doesn't have any credibility left, but they did it to themselves.
The same people telling me there is no significant election fraud are the see deniers who swore Russian Collusion was real, Hillary did not make it up, and Trump was twice Impeached based on crime, evidence, and witnesses.

:p Bwuhahaha

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