Another 'Inconvenient Fact' For The 'No Election Fraud' Crowd

The same people telling me there is no significant election fraud are the see deniers who swore Russian Collusion was real, Hillary did not make it up, and Trump was twice Impeached based on crime, evidence, and witnesses.

:p Bwuhahaha

Bwuhahaha noted.
'Not Enough' / 'Not Widespread'

More votes cast that people who live in districts / cities; dead people voting; Democrats refusing to purge dead,non-citizens, etc...from voting rosters before elections; votes for Democrats 'discovered' WEEKS after elections that were counted; polls remaining open hours after they were supposed to be closed in Democrat districts;...

"The Justice Department announced Thursday that federal prosecutors had charged a disgraced former Democratic congressman from Philadelphia with perpetrating a variety of voting-related crimes in recent years.

Michael “Ozzie” Myers was indicted earlier this week on charges of “conspiring to violate voting rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections, bribery of an election official, falsification of records, voting more than once in federal elections, and obstruction of justice,” according to a Justice Department statement."

- Oops...

Not Enough, Not significant, not widespread....election fraud is evidently acceptable if there isn't much, not 'enough to matter', and / or is not Widespread... oh, and as long as the Republicans aren't the ones being caught ... according to Democrats / snowflakes, it seems.
yep, just empty words.

Thanks for verifying
I verified I have posted the evidence, articles, etc... yiu have asked for. You have just verified you avoid them because they threaten your admitted isolationist ignorance and alternate reality.

Further discussion with you, based on that admitted limited connection to the rest of the world / reality, is a waste of time....

...but good luck with that.
'Not Enough' / 'Not Widespread'

Thanks for proving it is not widespread at all.

The Heritage foundation's database goes back to 1982 and includes elections at every level from city to national

And their total proven cases is 1,285. That is 1,285 out of more than a billion votes cast.

Think about that for a second.....1,285 out of a billion. That is one proven case of fraud for every 778,000 votes case. Of if you like it is a fraud rate of 0.078%

The exact opposite of widespread

So much for 'election fraud doesn't exist / didn't happen.'

I predeict a Democrat / snowflake shift ... again ... from 'No election fraud' back to 'Not enough to matter'.
Easy, just got this!!

You are full of crap.

In GA it would have taken more than 11,000 "fake votes" to swing the state
In Az more than 10,000
In PA more than 170,000
In WI more than 20,000
In Mi more than 154,000

That is massive widespread fraud by any reasonable definition
Google "Trump lost the 2020 election by 43,000 votes"

It should explain how those 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, and WI would have given Trump the 2020 election by having an EC "tie" sending the election to the states.
Google "Trump lost the 2020 election by 43,000 votes"

It should explain how those 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, and WI would have given Trump the 2020 election by having an EC "tie" sending the election to the states.

43,000 votes is widespread, massive fraud.

Going by the link given by one of the true "stolen election" believers there are less than 2000 cases of proven voter fraud since 1982.

So much for 'election fraud doesn't exist / didn't happen.'

I predeict a Democrat / snowflake shift ... again ... from 'No election fraud' back to 'Not enough to matter'.
Impossible. I’ve been assured by my moral and intellectual superiors that election fraud is a myth.
All this fraud?

Less than a dozen ballots?

Hell, so far this past election most of the proven fraud has been by Repubs

That's coming. Probably this fall. All because Trump threw a fit and encouraged his goons to undermine the entire process.

Way to go!

If it does happen, it will be the product of an election system rife with fraud and abuse. It won't be a legitimate victory. Right?
Hmmm…how weird, self proclaimed Lib-Tarians sounding exactly like Lib-Tards.
We thought you two democracy lovers would be pissed off to learn of any voter fraud…no?
Where there’s smoke there’s fire right?
What about the way the Mexicrats circumvented state legislatures and wrote their own election guidelines in the 11th hour under the guise of “national emergency” when there was no national emergency….I’m certain you two have posted your discontent for such actions…right? You know, because freedom, liberty and shit.
Hmmm…how weird, self proclaimed Lib-Tarians sounding exactly like Lib-Tards.
We thought you two democracy lovers would be pissed off to learn of any voter fraud…no?
You thought wrong. Again. It's sort of a pattern with you.
We thought you two democracy lovers would be pissed off to learn of any voter fraud…no?
Where there’s smoke there’s fire right?

I have a brain and realize where there are humans there will be fraud. But given the proven fraud rate is less than 1 percent of one percent of the votes, I can live with that. Perfection is not obtainable until there are no humans involved in the process

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