Another 'Inconvenient Fact' For The 'No Election Fraud' Crowd

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'Nuh-Uh....YOU guys are.'

Your childish grade-school reptort is duly noted, snowflake.

The problem with a lot of the Democrat fraud is that it has been and is easily proven. 2000 Mules, confessions, convictions, whistle-blower, eyewitnesses can't hide things forever - Hillary & Hunter Biden can attest to.

Hell, in 2020 it was caught on video at polling locations, but when you have a complicit media, factions in the GOP who wanted Trump out, and Democrats who fought like hell to install a dementia-ravaged, compromised, proven criminal they could easily control, it wasn't about hiding as much as controlling the evidence and making sure nothing was done about it.

I am not saying Democrats are the only ones who do it and / or should get punished.

Several GOP candidates in a governor's race just got busted having fake signatures on their role to meet the criteria for being official candidates. Maybe they were not the ones collecting the signatures, maybe an over-zealous supporter wanted to make sure they got enough. I would have pressed the question 'did they have enough signatures without the false signatures'. Instead, they were just disqualified. I don't have a SERIOUS problem with that. If they didn't know who was collecting signatures / did it then they need to find out who did it & ensure they are punished.

The woman who just confessed to running the voter fraud scheme should NEVER be allowed to vote in an election again - federal, state, local - and should NEVER be allowed to participate in elections - poll monitor, poll manager, volunteer, coffee bi-atch, etc... - EVER again. That goes for any and all election fraud criminals, no matter what party...IMHO.
You’re just quoting FAKE NEWS!!!
I have a brain and realize where there are humans there will be fraud. But given the proven fraud rate is less than 1 percent of one percent of the votes, I can live with that. Perfection is not obtainable until there are no humans involved in the process
Where there’s smoke there’s fire right?
What about the way the Mexicrats circumvented state legislatures and wrote their own election guidelines in the 11th hour under the guise of “national emergency” when there was no national emergency….I’m certain you two have posted your discontent for such actions…right? You know, because freedom, liberty and shit.
Where there’s smoke there’s fire right?

That does not mean what you seem to think it means.

What about the way the Mexicrats circumvented state legislatures and wrote their own election guidelines in the 11th hour under the guise of “national emergency” when there was no national emergency….I’m certain you two have posted your discontent for such actions…right? You know, because freedom, liberty and shit.

Their actions were reviewed by the legal system and dealt with.

So much for 'election fraud doesn't exist / didn't happen.'

I predeict a Democrat / snowflake shift ... again ... from 'No election fraud' back to 'Not enough to matter'.

She committed election fraud in the Democratic PRIMARY Election,

NOT the presidential election.

She committed election fraud in the Democratic PRIMARY Election,

NOT the presidential election.

and it was less than a dozen ballots,. and it was not fraud it was "illegal transportation of ballots" or some such misdemeanor
Those of us not Leftarded as fuck saw the videos with our own eyes….we listened to the testimonies given under oath.
You LibTard-Lite folks need to extract your heads from your asses….you and Golfing Gator have drank the piss.
THIS is why Biden and Democrats need their 'Truth Commissions', to tell you what you saw with your own eyes didn't and isn't happeing.
What testimonies under oath? No one was sworn in.
Actually there were over 12,000 eye-witness reports and 400+ do know what an affidavit is, right? Sworn testimony considered 'under oath' testimony?

But please continue....

I find it HILARIOUS ... and pathetic ... that so many stupid leftists would try to argue that Drmocrats

- who perpetrated MASSIVE, collaborated, well-organized seditious, treasonous scandal that included a candidate, a sitting-President, VP, the US' NSA, CIA, FBI, and others...

could / would claim there was / is no way these same traitors engage in election fraud and cover it up.

The same people who did this, the same people who seized and his Epstein's client info from ped Island and has hidden it to protect very powerful people...

The same people who took Hunter's laptop, claimed they lost it, and have hidden it, refusing to act on its criminal content, IOT protect Biden...

The same people who helped brand parents as 'terrorists then used terrorist protocol to spy on them...

The same people who perpetrated 2 failed faux coup Impeachment attempts admittedly based on zero crime, evidence, and witnesses...

The former President who was caught, with his DHS, trying to hack severally state elections before an election so he cod make the case for he and the federal govt could take over all states' elections to 'ensure the safety and integrity of elections...

have told the sheep they did not / would not engage in election fraud...

....and the sheep swallow, repeat the talking points, and rabidly defend those who have proven they should be in GITMO or some Federal Prison.

Hod bless America.

Are you a foreign operative? And that's why you are worried about the DOJ exposing FOREIGN created propaganda?
Making wild false accusations as part of your 'rational' argument, reaching fr this bullshit because it's all you got...

Go back to the kids' table unt you grow up, lil' snowflake.
Those of us not Leftarded as fuck saw the videos with our own eyes….we listened to the testimonies given under oath.

Now I know you are lying, there were not testimonies given under oath. In fact in one of the hearings a Dem asked for the witnesses to be sworn in and they were told they were out of order

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