Another Interstate Bridge Collapse


$800 million dollars to save 10 minutes.

That's the federal contribution to Washington state, tax payer money.

According to HuffPo, they estimate 15 million to replace this bridge.

Washington state could have replaced this bridge 53 times over!

But instead, that money went to "high speed" rail...

To reduce a 3 hour and 40 minute ride by 10 minutes.

that, my folks, is our asinine government at work.

If I made this it's own thread, liberals would fall all over themselves defending it.

Must protect Obama.

And vice versa if it was a republican project wasting money.

So the status quo continues, the government pisses away our money unobstructed.

At least the republicans don't insist upon increasing taxes to give the government more money to flush down the commode.

Idk, Reagen burnt through our money to crush the old Soviet Union. Bush Jr burnt through our money to save the U.S. Obama is just burning our money for political pay back and on shovel ready jobs that didnt exsist, it takes years of plaining and jumping through hoops/ regulations now a days to build a bridge or a nuke power plant. thats why you saw stupid shit like beutification projects in the U.S. when the stimulus money was spent. We all saw the stupid signs and how much did they cost? lol...
Think of it this way WW2's germany built V2 rockets and jet airplanes and the U.S. buit the Atomic bomb in just a few years, by just throwing money at it.Try to build anyting in just a year in the U.S by just money alone. it dont work.....everyone has to get involved, like the damn keystone pipeline.
Some of us have been asking for infrastructure work for a long time. This bridge was "functionally obsolete", as are many others. How many have to die?

Why did Obama waste all our money paying welfare, unemployment, food-stamps, disability, snap, etc instead of putting people to work rebuilding our infrastructure?
Never let a crisis go to waste...Rahm Emanuel.

not for the dimStar liberal WHO say's everything is the Republicans fault and right off the bat they whine the FEDERAL government NEEDS to suck more of the peoples money...when this is a STATE PROBLEM
"Generally the same for all?"
The policy to determine the live load capacity of bridges is uniform throughout the US.

But that's not what you said. You said, "Bridges have a load capacity (generally about the same for all)"
The load capacity designation applies to all bridges. Geez, anyone with any common sense would know that there are different load capacities, otherwise they wouldn't have to post them, but whatever, you just want to argue.

You clearly do not know what you are talking about. Please stop commenting on policy until you learn a lot more.
You want to blame the I-5 bridge collapse to "gravity" and I'm the one who doesn't know what I am talking about? :lol:

Ok, this should be fun.

If gravity is not to blame, explain how this bridge would have collapsed without it.

But gravity didn't cause it, so explain how it would have collapsed by gravity if the truck hadn't damaged the span.

Like I said, you just want to argue and you think you are so smart, trying to wiggle out of the fact that you thought oversize meant heavier.:cuckoo:
Infastructure is better when done by private companies and people

Big infrastructure - an Interstate bridge - is hardly within the reach of a private company. You practically guarantee that a Halliburton or someone of that size/resource base/management will take on the project.

That said, we need to wind up the Iraq/Afghan wars & any other major conflicts we're in in the neighborhood - we can't afford them. We need to sharply review the National Security State, our military's intended uses, scope of forces needed. We need to stop treating nat def like some kind of sheltered jobs program that harms no one.

Military tech is interesting - I like stuff that goes boom. But it's no substitute for a rational national economic policy & planning. We've put off infrastructure for a v. long time - the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, Haiti, Beirut, subsidizing Egypt, Israel, Jordan, & on & on. Time to call the troops home, bring home all the equipment, rebuild our physical & intellectual infrastructure. Someone else should play policeman to the World for a while, the game's not worth the candle.
Imagine how many bridges would eventually collapse, if we had the size government that Republicans insist on! :lol:

Let's see if some private company decides to rebuild the bridges for us, with their own money!

It's OK. We can't spend money, we have to save to avoid debt.. but businesses and others need lower taxes.

Eventually, all of that growth of business has a cost.. a cost on the roads and systems that are the lifeblood of our economy. And someone will have to pay the piper.

In case you wondered, several studies have been done on this, and we only have slightly over 76000+ bridges that are considered high risk.

Daily Kos: Washington State Bridge Collapses.. think Infrastructure Spending Doesn't matter?

Yep can you imaging if we had this crop of baggers in back in the 30's Hover dam would not have been built, in the south the TVA wouldn't have happened to bring electricity to that region. in the 50's the interstate highway system would not have been built (All government funded). Eisenhower warned us about the lunatic fringe in his party in his farewell speech
Eisenhower's Forgotten Warning and the Threat of Authoritarian Currents in Our Politics | Alternet

and none of those projects could be built today due to inane regulations, lawsuits to protect the long nosed woodfucker, people not wanting the things "in thier backyard" and a myriad of other progressive roadblocks to progress.

Projects are still being completed today in spite of regulations, lawsuits and whatever, and it's not just the progressives that are to blame for the roadblocks, but if you want to appear inane and partisan, that's your choice.
Some of us have been asking for infrastructure work for a long time. This bridge was "functionally obsolete", as are many others. How many have to die?

Why did Obama waste all our money paying welfare, unemployment, food-stamps, disability, snap, etc instead of putting people to work rebuilding our infrastructure?

Because Republicans blocked it?
This thread is stupid and disengenuous. A moron with a big rig truck with a huge oversized steel box on the lowboy smashed into the steel girders supporting the span that fell into the Skagit.

This bridge collape had nothing to do with crumbling infrastructure. It had to do with 50,000 pounds of steel smashing into the bridge supports at 60 mile per hour.

This is NOTHING like the Missisippi bridge collapse. You people are idiots.
Some of us have been asking for infrastructure work for a long time. This bridge was "functionally obsolete", as are many others. How many have to die?

Why did Obama waste all our money paying welfare, unemployment, food-stamps, disability, snap, etc instead of putting people to work rebuilding our infrastructure?

Because Republicans blocked it?

Then how did Obama manage to increase entitlement welfare, unemployment, food-stamps & disability spending, but not manage to get money to repair the infrastructure that would have created jobs that would have reduced dependence on those support programs?
Why did Obama waste all our money paying welfare, unemployment, food-stamps, disability, snap, etc instead of putting people to work rebuilding our infrastructure?

Because Republicans blocked it?

Then how did Obama manage to increase entitlement welfare, unemployment, food-stamps & disability spending, but not manage to get money to repair the infrastructure that would have created jobs that would have reduced dependence on those support programs?

Doofus Bush is responsible for the number of people having to go on welfare, Obama wasn't the one that put the country in the toilet. And did you ever hear of "filibuster" - Republicans have over-used that gimmick to keep anything they don't want to pass from passing.

Republicans in Congress don't give a crap about jobs - they just say they do. If they did, they would spend more time and taxpayer money trying to figure out how to get more jobs instead of chasing rabbits and making up scandals that aren't scandals.
Because Republicans blocked it?

Then how did Obama manage to increase entitlement welfare, unemployment, food-stamps & disability spending, but not manage to get money to repair the infrastructure that would have created jobs that would have reduced dependence on those support programs?

Doofus Bush is responsible for the number of people having to go on welfare, Obama wasn't the one that put the country in the toilet. And did you ever hear of "filibuster" - Republicans have over-used that gimmick to keep anything they don't want to pass from passing.

Republicans in Congress don't give a crap about jobs - they just say they do. If they did, they would spend more time and taxpayer money trying to figure out how to get more jobs instead of chasing rabbits and making up scandals that aren't scandals.

Bush would have had no problem fixing our bridges if we would have given him the green light to bomb them. :lol:
This thread is stupid and disengenuous. A moron with a big rig truck with a huge oversized steel box on the lowboy smashed into the steel girders supporting the span that fell into the Skagit.

This bridge collape had nothing to do with crumbling infrastructure. It had to do with 50,000 pounds of steel smashing into the bridge supports at 60 mile per hour.

This is NOTHING like the Missisippi bridge collapse. You people are idiots.

Thank You for the breath of fresh air Huggy. The balance of the Universe has been restored. :beer:

Shit happens. It's not always political. ;)
Then how did Obama manage to increase entitlement welfare, unemployment, food-stamps & disability spending, but not manage to get money to repair the infrastructure that would have created jobs that would have reduced dependence on those support programs?

Doofus Bush is responsible for the number of people having to go on welfare, Obama wasn't the one that put the country in the toilet. And did you ever hear of "filibuster" - Republicans have over-used that gimmick to keep anything they don't want to pass from passing.

Republicans in Congress don't give a crap about jobs - they just say they do. If they did, they would spend more time and taxpayer money trying to figure out how to get more jobs instead of chasing rabbits and making up scandals that aren't scandals.

Bush would have had no problem fixing our bridges if we would have given him the green light to bomb them. :lol:

Huggy! Huggy! Walk towards the light Huggy! .... That's it.... keep walking towards the bright light...... :razz:
How come everyone here is such an expert on spending other peoples money?
If the above statement is true, why are we in such deep shit?
Doofus Bush is responsible for the number of people having to go on welfare, Obama wasn't the one that put the country in the toilet. And did you ever hear of "filibuster" - Republicans have over-used that gimmick to keep anything they don't want to pass from passing.

Republicans in Congress don't give a crap about jobs - they just say they do. If they did, they would spend more time and taxpayer money trying to figure out how to get more jobs instead of chasing rabbits and making up scandals that aren't scandals.

Bush would have had no problem fixing our bridges if we would have given him the green light to bomb them. :lol:

Huggy! Huggy! Walk towards the light Huggy! .... That's it.... keep walking towards the bright light...... :razz:

Bring em on! That bright light may very well be a train coming at you! :lol:

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