Angel Heart
Conservative Hippie
Not FEDERAL spending. The States need to get their acts together. And I do in fact vote yes on any and all bonds in my district. And no none of my kids even go to school anymore.
ITA with the federal funding part. How ever I refuse to vote for any more bonds until the bleeding due to corrupt leaders in both admin and elected officials has been drastically cut back.
Why is it that the local school district here gets around $9000 a year per student and can't seem to get the job done but the best private school (Waldorf of Portland), that charges about that, have 95% of their students not only graduate high school but go on to 4 yr degrees. Part of it is the inability of the schools to adapt to the proven science of how children learn. They commonly teach in ways that the brain can't absorb as much. They push reading and writing earlier and earlier. When studies show that if you wait until the child is around 8 to start 'formal' lessons in reading and writing the child excels beyond normal benchmarks by the age of 10.
That's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to issues I see with in the schools.