Another Left Tard Fail: Stormy Daniels Crashes and Burns!

Stormy Daniels' attorney @MichaelAvenatti says "we're chess players" and explains that his infamous tweet with a photo of an optical disc was a "warning shot" for Trump and Cohen so they wouldn't come out and claim his client is lying after the 60 Minutes interview. #CheddarLIVE

Her lawyer was playing 4th dimensional chess, since he looked into the future and predicted Trump would deny all knowledge of the NDA, including the $130 ,000 payment.
Just if anyone is paying attenition:

A Bimbo who has had 10,000 cocks stuffed in her for her lust of the Almighty Dollar, is trying to make unsubstantiated claims against the President, and can't even get her story straight, and is doing that to get out of an NDA because she violated it and now has a monetary penalty to pay because of it......and THAT IS LEGITIMATE DISCUSSION?

That is the legitimate discussion. And the latest has Trump throwing his lawyer Michael Cohen under the bus, while Trump is still chained to his wrist. Trump didn't sign the NDA, Trump knew nothing about the $130,000 paid for the NDA, so in short, there is no contract, the NDA isn't valid, So any effort by Trump to enforce the NDA ia void. You can't enforce an invalid contract.

As her lawyer would say, christmas came early this year.
The NDA was with Cohen, not Trump, so how is The NDA she signed not valid? Besides that it was for an appearance at a Hotel which from what I heard was a Grand Opening (fitting for Daniels), or it may have been a bachelor party, or just because of the mere fact she was a dick sucking "actress" and they didn't want it getting out that she was paid an appearance fee for the Hotel.

Either way, its a valid NDA signed with Cohen. This is about The Midterms, not about JFK, or Slick Willie, or LBJ's mistress, or an NDA that is 12 years old.

This is just The DNC allying with our enemies like Russia again in order to destabilize our Democracy and thwart The President's agenda. Anyone trying to sell you that it's something else is a liar.
Something is Spooking the Tali Evangelicals LOL ...they know Stormy has the goods on the Sex Offender Trump
leaders planning
sit down with
Trump over Stormy Daniels | TheHill

The Hill
The NDA was with Cohen, not Trump, so how is The NDA she signed not valid?

Read the NDA (I downloaded the PDF if you need a copy) it gives David Dennison the sole right to bring disputes to arbitration, so Michael Cohen has no part of the NDA except to arrange payment of $130,000 as the lawyer for the LLC.

This is no more a valid contract, than a homeless guy giving you $10, and then claiming you just sold him your coat. There was consideration, but no mutual assent. Hence no contract.


An agreement between private parties creating mutual obligations enforceable by law. The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality.

the parties may enter into a binding agreement without signing a formal written document. For example, Virginia Supreme Court has held in Lucy v. Zehmer that even an agreement made on a piece of napkin can be considered a valid contract, if the parties were both sane, and showed mutual assent and consideration.
President Trump's approval rating climbs again. Everyone is tired of The Leftard Personal Attacks on The President, and no one believes them, and The Left Tard Gestapo loses more and more credibility and followers every day.

President Trump hits 51% approval rating per Ramussen Reports

When the Whore That Roared fails, will The Left return back to Russia, Russia, Russia, or Racist, Racist, Racist?

Who knows?

They'll think of something outlandish that has nothing to do with solutions to America's problems.

Meanwhile, I am curious as to why Nobody on The Left wants to discuss the following:

Spy vs. Spy: Skirpal, Strozk & Steele
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You all should read the NDA. Stormy Daniels has Trump by the balls.

Throughout the NDA, there are references to images and other "property" in Stormy's possession. That can't be good. :lol:

Trump fucked her. No. Doubt. About. It.

Trump fucked her.

Yes, indeed.

And she has the goods on him.
It's really unbelievable that Trump is do dumb he fell into the same trap as Bill Clinton did: it's about the lie, not about the sex. And he's made it 100 times worse because he gave her hush money.

Trump really stepped in it now. But then we knew he wouldn't keep his mouth shut. I wonder which lawyer will drop him now?
It's a great big nothing burger, moron. Even snowflakes can see that this story is the ultimate hypocrisy for douchebag leftists.

You sound like Hillary in 1998. You think this is nothing but a far left-wing conspiracy? Bahahahha.......Idiot.
The evangelicals are going to give Trump so many mulligans, the Bible is going to need a rewrite!

And Jesus said, "You can commit adultery all you wish, just don't bake a cake for homos!"

Jeffress, biggest, phoniest evangelical of them all. Jesus would weep.
This asshole would have never given Obama a pass like this. Fucking hypocrites.

Pastor Jeffress on Trump's adultery: "Even if its proven to be true, it doesn't matter".

Sorry, moron, but your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises. What legal principle says the NDA isn't valid?

An NDA is a contract. The law of contracts, law school 101, lays out the requirements for a contract to be valid. And Trump saying he knew nothing of the NDA and paid nothing for the NDA, means he wasn't a party to the contract, and you can't have a unilateral contract (single party)
His lawyer was the other party to the contract, moron.

Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti

Good (actually GREAT) things come to those who wait!!! The strength of our case just went up exponentially. You can't have an agreement when one party claims to know nothing about it. #nodiscipline #thanksforplaying #basta

5:33 PM - Apr 5, 2018

Trump isn't the other party to the contract, moron. How many times do you dumbass snowflakes need to be told that?
Judge denied her attempts at weaseling out of her NDA Penalty she signed over an Appearance Fee, when her and her weaselly attorney tried to depose The President who's name does not even appear on the NDA.

She is closer to having to pay out that $20 Million she owes for violating the contract. Her and her agent are idiots for trying to cash in on a 12 year old NDA for an appearance fee, and agreement she signed with Michael Cohen. They tried to color around the edges, because they knew anything even inferred about President Trump would get attention of The Rabid Foaming at The Mouth Trump Hating Media and result in more appearances and more appearance fees.

In her own words in numerous public statements, she said:

"I did not sleep with Trump and it's absurd that I would accept a mere $130,000 for something like that."

Trump keeps on winning, and you creeps keep on scheming.

When are you going to learn?

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request to depose Trump

Stormy Daniels ordered by arbitration judge not to sue, Michael Cohen's lawyer says

Judge denies Stormy Daniels’s bid to expedite case against Trump over confidential agreement

Stormy Daniels Denies She Had an Affair With Donald Trump

Why is the left spending so much time promoting this woman? Of course, I know it's another attempt to smear Trump.

Fact is, IF she and Trump had a one night stand, it was consensual. And Trump's lawyer, without Trump's approval, paid the woman under the condition she stop kissing and telling. She was a nuisance and probably bribed by some lib to come forward and start some shit. Anything to keep sensational headlines against Trump.

So, she took the money but now wants to make more money going on talk shows. She wants fame. Of course, only the left would admire a woman who is a prostitute and does anything for money.

There is no story here. I think the left wants to humiliate Mrs. Trump by parading this little whore around.

It's sick.

The media and the left have acted more outraged over an alleged one night stand than about Bill Clinton spending a great deal of time flying to an island known to have underage sex slaves. Now, that is something to be outraged over. Nothing consensual about screwing little girls who are held against their will.

Maybe the left should adjust their priorities.

That's all an amusing fantasy, and please save me some of those mushrooms for a rainy Saturday night.

But here on Earth the actual story has completely eluded you. Because it's about campaign finance laws and the breaking thereof.

And if you think lawyers go around spending six-figure hush money payments of their own money, of their own volition, when they themselves have nothing at stake and their client has the most powerful job in the world at stake, we need to figure out how to tap Naïveté as an energy source, because you're full of it and I want mineral rights.
Sorry, moron, but your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises. What legal principle says the NDA isn't valid?

An NDA is a contract. The law of contracts, law school 101, lays out the requirements for a contract to be valid. And Trump saying he knew nothing of the NDA and paid nothing for the NDA, means he wasn't a party to the contract, and you can't have a unilateral contract (single party)
His lawyer was the other party to the contract, moron.

Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti

Good (actually GREAT) things come to those who wait!!! The strength of our case just went up exponentially. You can't have an agreement when one party claims to know nothing about it. #nodiscipline #thanksforplaying #basta

5:33 PM - Apr 5, 2018

Trump isn't the other party to the contract, moron. How many times do you dumbass snowflakes need to be told that?
Read the NDA.
Trump is going to up his tweet attacks against Mexicans and Muslims to cover this shit up.

He fucked her, and she has the goods to prove it.

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