Another left wing lie bites the dust

Ask forbes. Everything in that post came from the article.
Also 1 of those Walton’s actually supported Obama and Hillary.
Oh, and you know Hillary was once on the board of Walmart, correct?
Wal-Mart Heir Donates To Obama PAC, Defying Rest Of Billionaire Family
And there is no coincidence you appear magically every time a certain mans name is mentioned...
From the article-

The Democratic Party is the party of the mega-, mega-wealthy. This is one of the dangerous cover-ups of the DMIC. Let's go to the tale of the tape.

Here are the top ten American billionaires, according to Forbes:

  1. Bill Gates, $86 billion
  2. Warren Buffet, $75.6
  3. Jeff Bezos, $72.8
  4. Mark Zuckerberg, $56.0
  5. Larry Ellison, $52.2
  6. Charles Koch, $48.3
  7. David Koch, $48.3
  8. Michael Bloomberg, $47.5
  9. Larry Page, $40.7
  10. Sergey Brin, $39.8
Well, well, well – look at all that wealth that could be redistributed! The above wealth totals $567 billion. The Ds above outnumber the Rs 7-3 (I counted the Kochs twice, even though they could be counted as one; the third is Ellison), with 74% of the wealth owned by the Democrats.
Hmmmmmm, I wonder why the Walton Family, who are Republican supporting donors, are not on the list of the ''wealthiest''??

The Walton family fortune totaling US$145.3 billion[8] according to Forbes magazine, as of August 19, 2017:

  • Jim Walton
    $48.4 billion[9]
  • S. Robson Walton
    $48.2 billion[10]
  • Alice Walton
    $48.1 billion[11]
  • Lukas Walton
    $15.6 billion[12]
  • Ann Walton Kroenke
    $6.6 billion[13]
  • Christy Walton
    $6.7 billion[14]
  • Nancy Walton Laurie
    $5.7 billion[15]
From the article-

The Democratic Party is the party of the mega-, mega-wealthy. This is one of the dangerous cover-ups of the DMIC. Let's go to the tale of the tape.

Here are the top ten American billionaires, according to Forbes:

  1. Bill Gates, $86 billion
  2. Warren Buffet, $75.6
  3. Jeff Bezos, $72.8
  4. Mark Zuckerberg, $56.0
  5. Larry Ellison, $52.2
  6. Charles Koch, $48.3
  7. David Koch, $48.3
  8. Michael Bloomberg, $47.5
  9. Larry Page, $40.7
  10. Sergey Brin, $39.8
Well, well, well – look at all that wealth that could be redistributed! The above wealth totals $567 billion. The Ds above outnumber the Rs 7-3 (I counted the Kochs twice, even though they could be counted as one; the third is Ellison), with 74% of the wealth owned by the Democrats.
Who gives to the gop? It’s not blue collar
Ask forbes. Everything in that post came from the article.
Also 1 of those Walton’s actually supported Obama and Hillary.
Oh, and you know Hillary was once on the board of Walmart, correct?
Wal-Mart Heir Donates To Obama PAC, Defying Rest Of Billionaire Family
And there is no coincidence you appear magically every time a certain mans name is mentioned...
From the article-

The Democratic Party is the party of the mega-, mega-wealthy. This is one of the dangerous cover-ups of the DMIC. Let's go to the tale of the tape.

Here are the top ten American billionaires, according to Forbes:

  1. Bill Gates, $86 billion
  2. Warren Buffet, $75.6
  3. Jeff Bezos, $72.8
  4. Mark Zuckerberg, $56.0
  5. Larry Ellison, $52.2
  6. Charles Koch, $48.3
  7. David Koch, $48.3
  8. Michael Bloomberg, $47.5
  9. Larry Page, $40.7
  10. Sergey Brin, $39.8
Well, well, well – look at all that wealth that could be redistributed! The above wealth totals $567 billion. The Ds above outnumber the Rs 7-3 (I counted the Kochs twice, even though they could be counted as one; the third is Ellison), with 74% of the wealth owned by the Democrats.
Hmmmmmm, I wonder why the Walton Family, who are Republican supporting donors, are not on the list of the ''wealthiest''??

The Walton family fortune totaling US$145.3 billion[8] according to Forbes magazine, as of August 19, 2017:

hillary was once a Republican as what about being a board member of walmart's? Is there something sinister about being a board member for any corporation?
She grew up in a Republican family, born in ‘47, and by ‘68 declared herself a Democrat and never left the Dems after that.
Ask forbes. Everything in that post came from the article.
Also 1 of those Walton’s actually supported Obama and Hillary.
Oh, and you know Hillary was once on the board of Walmart, correct?
Wal-Mart Heir Donates To Obama PAC, Defying Rest Of Billionaire Family
And there is no coincidence you appear magically every time a certain mans name is mentioned...
From the article-

The Democratic Party is the party of the mega-, mega-wealthy. This is one of the dangerous cover-ups of the DMIC. Let's go to the tale of the tape.

Here are the top ten American billionaires, according to Forbes:

  1. Bill Gates, $86 billion
  2. Warren Buffet, $75.6
  3. Jeff Bezos, $72.8
  4. Mark Zuckerberg, $56.0
  5. Larry Ellison, $52.2
  6. Charles Koch, $48.3
  7. David Koch, $48.3
  8. Michael Bloomberg, $47.5
  9. Larry Page, $40.7
  10. Sergey Brin, $39.8
Well, well, well – look at all that wealth that could be redistributed! The above wealth totals $567 billion. The Ds above outnumber the Rs 7-3 (I counted the Kochs twice, even though they could be counted as one; the third is Ellison), with 74% of the wealth owned by the Democrats.
Hmmmmmm, I wonder why the Walton Family, who are Republican supporting donors, are not on the list of the ''wealthiest''??

The Walton family fortune totaling US$145.3 billion[8] according to Forbes magazine, as of August 19, 2017:

hillary was once a Republican as what about being a board member of walmart's? Is there something sinister about being a board member for any corporation?
Well, you seemed to think it sinister Forbes didn’t mention the Waltons, so you tell me.
Ask forbes. Everything in that post came from the article.
Also 1 of those Walton’s actually supported Obama and Hillary.
Oh, and you know Hillary was once on the board of Walmart, correct?
Wal-Mart Heir Donates To Obama PAC, Defying Rest Of Billionaire Family
And there is no coincidence you appear magically every time a certain mans name is mentioned...
From the article-

The Democratic Party is the party of the mega-, mega-wealthy. This is one of the dangerous cover-ups of the DMIC. Let's go to the tale of the tape.

Here are the top ten American billionaires, according to Forbes:

  1. Bill Gates, $86 billion
  2. Warren Buffet, $75.6
  3. Jeff Bezos, $72.8
  4. Mark Zuckerberg, $56.0
  5. Larry Ellison, $52.2
  6. Charles Koch, $48.3
  7. David Koch, $48.3
  8. Michael Bloomberg, $47.5
  9. Larry Page, $40.7
  10. Sergey Brin, $39.8
Well, well, well – look at all that wealth that could be redistributed! The above wealth totals $567 billion. The Ds above outnumber the Rs 7-3 (I counted the Kochs twice, even though they could be counted as one; the third is Ellison), with 74% of the wealth owned by the Democrats.
Hmmmmmm, I wonder why the Walton Family, who are Republican supporting donors, are not on the list of the ''wealthiest''??

The Walton family fortune totaling US$145.3 billion[8] according to Forbes magazine, as of August 19, 2017:

hillary was once a Republican as what about being a board member of walmart's? Is there something sinister about being a board member for any corporation?
Ask forbes. Everything in that post came from the article.
Also 1 of those Walton’s actually supported Obama and Hillary.
Oh, and you know Hillary was once on the board of Walmart, correct?
Wal-Mart Heir Donates To Obama PAC, Defying Rest Of Billionaire Family
And there is no coincidence you appear magically every time a certain mans name is mentioned...
From the article-

The Democratic Party is the party of the mega-, mega-wealthy. This is one of the dangerous cover-ups of the DMIC. Let's go to the tale of the tape.

Here are the top ten American billionaires, according to Forbes:

  1. Bill Gates, $86 billion
  2. Warren Buffet, $75.6
  3. Jeff Bezos, $72.8
  4. Mark Zuckerberg, $56.0
  5. Larry Ellison, $52.2
  6. Charles Koch, $48.3
  7. David Koch, $48.3
  8. Michael Bloomberg, $47.5
  9. Larry Page, $40.7
  10. Sergey Brin, $39.8
Well, well, well – look at all that wealth that could be redistributed! The above wealth totals $567 billion. The Ds above outnumber the Rs 7-3 (I counted the Kochs twice, even though they could be counted as one; the third is Ellison), with 74% of the wealth owned by the Democrats.
Hmmmmmm, I wonder why the Walton Family, who are Republican supporting donors, are not on the list of the ''wealthiest''??

The Walton family fortune totaling US$145.3 billion[8] according to Forbes magazine, as of August 19, 2017:

hillary was once a Republican as what about being a board member of walmart's? Is there something sinister about being a board member for any corporation?

And very rich as well, no matter how poor she likes to pretend to be.

Hillary Clinton: Last time I drove was 1996
From the article-

The Democratic Party is the party of the mega-, mega-wealthy. This is one of the dangerous cover-ups of the DMIC. Let's go to the tale of the tape.

Here are the top ten American billionaires, according to Forbes:

  1. Bill Gates, $86 billion
  2. Warren Buffet, $75.6
  3. Jeff Bezos, $72.8
  4. Mark Zuckerberg, $56.0
  5. Larry Ellison, $52.2
  6. Charles Koch, $48.3
  7. David Koch, $48.3
  8. Michael Bloomberg, $47.5
  9. Larry Page, $40.7
  10. Sergey Brin, $39.8
Well, well, well – look at all that wealth that could be redistributed! The above wealth totals $567 billion. The Ds above outnumber the Rs 7-3 (I counted the Kochs twice, even though they could be counted as one; the third is Ellison), with 74% of the wealth owned by the Democrats.
Democrats never said people can’t be wealthy......

Every Democrat voted against tax cuts for billionaires

Guess who voted for it?
Anyone with a brain and integrity.

Next stupid fucking question?
When did liberals ever say rich people weren’t in the party? Never. This is just one of the usual delusions the rightwing has based on nothing. Of course there are rich democrats.

Actually all the far left religious dogma says this and I bet you have spewed that dogma as well.

But Soros has never been on the right side of anything!
How many houses and cars does crazy Bernie have? Does that seem consistent with his message? The left wants people to give everything they have to the government and the politicians are running around like gilded lillies. It reminds me of filthy rich preachers. We care about the poor, where is my driver?
From the article-

The Democratic Party is the party of the mega-, mega-wealthy. This is one of the dangerous cover-ups of the DMIC. Let's go to the tale of the tape.

Here are the top ten American billionaires, according to Forbes:

  1. Bill Gates, $86 billion
  2. Warren Buffet, $75.6
  3. Jeff Bezos, $72.8
  4. Mark Zuckerberg, $56.0
  5. Larry Ellison, $52.2
  6. Charles Koch, $48.3
  7. David Koch, $48.3
  8. Michael Bloomberg, $47.5
  9. Larry Page, $40.7
  10. Sergey Brin, $39.8
Well, well, well – look at all that wealth that could be redistributed! The above wealth totals $567 billion. The Ds above outnumber the Rs 7-3 (I counted the Kochs twice, even though they could be counted as one; the third is Ellison), with 74% of the wealth owned by the Democrats.

Why hasn't this liberal wealth been redistributed?
Ask forbes. Everything in that post came from the article.
Also 1 of those Walton’s actually supported Obama and Hillary.
Oh, and you know Hillary was once on the board of Walmart, correct?
Wal-Mart Heir Donates To Obama PAC, Defying Rest Of Billionaire Family
And there is no coincidence you appear magically every time a certain mans name is mentioned...
From the article-

The Democratic Party is the party of the mega-, mega-wealthy. This is one of the dangerous cover-ups of the DMIC. Let's go to the tale of the tape.

Here are the top ten American billionaires, according to Forbes:

  1. Bill Gates, $86 billion
  2. Warren Buffet, $75.6
  3. Jeff Bezos, $72.8
  4. Mark Zuckerberg, $56.0
  5. Larry Ellison, $52.2
  6. Charles Koch, $48.3
  7. David Koch, $48.3
  8. Michael Bloomberg, $47.5
  9. Larry Page, $40.7
  10. Sergey Brin, $39.8
Well, well, well – look at all that wealth that could be redistributed! The above wealth totals $567 billion. The Ds above outnumber the Rs 7-3 (I counted the Kochs twice, even though they could be counted as one; the third is Ellison), with 74% of the wealth owned by the Democrats.
Hmmmmmm, I wonder why the Walton Family, who are Republican supporting donors, are not on the list of the ''wealthiest''??

The Walton family fortune totaling US$145.3 billion[8] according to Forbes magazine, as of August 19, 2017:

hillary was once a Republican as what about being a board member of walmart's? Is there something sinister about being a board member for any corporation?

And very rich as well, no matter how poor she likes to pretend to be.

Hillary Clinton: Last time I drove was 1996
Has President Trump EVER driven a car?

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