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Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

READ THE FUCKING STORY. It is total, uncorroborated nonsense. It is based on a WAPO story of a couple weeks ago, with NO NEW INFORMATION, and NO RELIABLE INFORMATION in any event. No story that could be published by any reputable source.

TRUMP NEVER CLAIMED THAT OBAMA OR THE FBI PLANTED PEOPLE IN HIS CAMPAIGN. This is made-up nonsense, to make the "story" seem more relevant. Trump claimed that HIS PHONES WERE TAPPED, which is yet to be corroborated, but is certainly NOT debunked by this non-story.

On December 9th we will find out what the IG found. This is total, made-up bullshit for the TDS brigade.
To date, there's never been any evidence shown that Trump's phones were tapped. Only Trump said that on Twitter -- which he later admitted he made up...

“I don’t know if you remember, a long time ago, very early on I used the word wiretap, and I put in quotes, meaning surveillance, spying you can sort of say whatever you want. Now I understand why, because they thought two years ago when I said that just on a little bit of a hunch and a little bit of wisdom maybe, it blew up because they thought maybe I was wise to them.”


Trump lies...Trumpers believe it forever
Ah, the smell of Trumpster desperation...it overpowers the roasting turkey.

no desperation on this side witchey. the desperation is all with you dem/libs who have lied about this for years and are now being called to account for those lies.

the 2020 elections will be a bloodbath for the commie/dem party. and you can thank pelosi, schiff, schumer, swalwell, bernie, biden, warren and just about every other card carrying commie/dem

Uh huh...excuse me if I don't hold my breath.

I could not care less if you breathe or not, its up to you.

the dems who have attempted this coup will be held to account, keep watching.

God I wish I believed that.

Sadly, Barr will admonish the Traitor democrats but will do nothing. We have to accept the fact that we have no law in this nation. We are ruled by capricious tyrants who make up the rules as they go along. Good men like Trump and Barr seem powerless to contain the evil, the democrats.

Do not give up, we are in the majority. Do not believe the lying media. Right will prevail.

Are you trying to convince yourself? You aren't going to convince me. Unlike you, I rely on facts and evidence, not wild fantasy.
The only thing around here that have ZERO credibility are posters with 1000 posts a month who are pushing Putin's conspiracy theories, using web sites who refuse to disclose who owns them.


I didn't say "collusion".

You can't produce a single legitimate source for your conspiracy theories and lies. Legitimate sources from around the world:

F.B.I. Warns of Russian Interference in 2020 Race and Boosts Counterintelligence Operations

Leaked Russian interference report raises questions about 2016 Brexit result


PM accused of cover-up over report on Russian meddling in UK politics

Russia has meddled in EVERY US Election since the days Vladimir Lenin was Besties with Woodrow Wilson to present. Just as WE fuck with their elections, just as Obama fucked with the election in Israel, just as Obamugabe JUST got through meddling in the Canadian elections.

Regardless, the actions of the Obama regime in 2016 are unprecedented.

BTW, when you cite the Guardian and Global News you really have no business talking about "credible."

Okay, so here is by FAR the most credible source in America;

Believed Hillary Clinton Would Be a Better Steward for U.S.-UK Relations

In March 2016, Halper told Russia’s Sputnik News that he believed then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton would prove to be a steadier hand in preserving the “special relationship” enjoyed by the United States and Britain.

“I believe Clinton would be best for US-UK relations and for relations with the European Union. Clinton is well-known, deeply experienced and predictable. US-UK relations will remain steady regardless of the winner although Clinton will be less disruptive over time,” Halper said.}

Who Is Stefan Halper? Meet The 'FBI Informant' Inside Trump's 2016 Campaign

Again, you're posting Russian conspiracy theories and lies. The Russian cyber attack on the US elections was a new event, well financed and well organized, and fully intended to put Donald Trump into the White House. Mueller couldn't find SUFFICIENT evidence of a conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they conspired, but everyone with half a brain heard Trump enthusiastically condone and embrace that interference:


trump wikileaks - YouTube

Then there is the firing of every single official who had a senior position in the US intelligence community when the Russia investigationo began, the recent attempt to blame it on the Ukrainians, and his concerted attempts to lift sanctions against Russia.

So stop talking about a Russia hoax, and pretending there was "no collusion, no collusion". The entire Trump Tower meeting is evidence of collusion, and that meeting is completely uncontested. Don Jr. met with an agent of the Russian government to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. That's the very definition of "collusion". But it doesn't meet the definition of a criminal conspiracy. The FBI doesn't think Don. Jr. is smart enough to know this was a Russian government operation.

As for your sources: Brietbart is no better than the American Thinker.

I'm curious, do you wake up in the morning and pray to the party to protect you from information that might cause you to doubt the party?

As for your fucking lies;


The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.

The investigation did not, however, yield evidence sufficient to sustain any charge that any individual affiliated with the Trump Campaign acted as an agent of a foreign principal within the meaning of FARA or, in terms of Section 951, subject to the direction or control of the government of Russia, or any official thereof. In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafott, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian government or at its direction, control, or request during the relevant time period.1232

no desperation on this side witchey. the desperation is all with you dem/libs who have lied about this for years and are now being called to account for those lies.

the 2020 elections will be a bloodbath for the commie/dem party. and you can thank pelosi, schiff, schumer, swalwell, bernie, biden, warren and just about every other card carrying commie/dem

Uh huh...excuse me if I don't hold my breath.

I could not care less if you breathe or not, its up to you.

the dems who have attempted this coup will be held to account, keep watching.

God I wish I believed that.

Sadly, Barr will admonish the Traitor democrats but will do nothing. We have to accept the fact that we have no law in this nation. We are ruled by capricious tyrants who make up the rules as they go along. Good men like Trump and Barr seem powerless to contain the evil, the democrats.

Do not give up, we are in the majority. Do not believe the lying media. Right will prevail.

Republicans are NOT in the majority, and the vast majority of the population - 70% believe that Trump behaved improperly in extorting the Ukrainians.

if your 70% is accurate, and I don't think it is, that is only because a large % of the population does not follow this stuff closely and is being brainwashed by the corrupt lying media.

Based on the transcript of the call, the testimony of the Ukrainian president, the testimony of the people called by shifty Schiff, and every piece of data available, there was no attempt to extort by Trump

However, there is clear evidence that Biden did engage in extortion and bribery with the Ukrainians and he even bragged publicly about it. But you don't care about that, right?
no desperation on this side witchey. the desperation is all with you dem/libs who have lied about this for years and are now being called to account for those lies.

the 2020 elections will be a bloodbath for the commie/dem party. and you can thank pelosi, schiff, schumer, swalwell, bernie, biden, warren and just about every other card carrying commie/dem

Uh huh...excuse me if I don't hold my breath.

I could not care less if you breathe or not, its up to you.

the dems who have attempted this coup will be held to account, keep watching.

God I wish I believed that.

Sadly, Barr will admonish the Traitor democrats but will do nothing. We have to accept the fact that we have no law in this nation. We are ruled by capricious tyrants who make up the rules as they go along. Good men like Trump and Barr seem powerless to contain the evil, the democrats.

Do not give up, we are in the majority. Do not believe the lying media. Right will prevail.

Are you trying to convince yourself? You aren't going to convince me. Unlike you, I rely on facts and evidence, not wild fantasy.

I don't need convincing, I am capable of looking at things objectively, unlike you. We shall see who is right in November 2020.
This is just another myth that Trump supporters will keep until the day they die.

#1 FBI spied on the Trump campaign.
#2 The DNC and Clintons killed Seth Rich for giving info to WikiLeaks
#3 The Clintons killed Epstein instead of suicide

Honorable Mention- Clintons killed Vince Foster

So tell us how Epstein violently hung himself from a bunk bed two feet off the floor. Epstein was about to rat out Bubba Clinton and a lot of other rich powerful people. and I'm sure you buy that the guards just happened to fall asleep and the cameras just happened to fail at just the right time.
Uh huh...excuse me if I don't hold my breath.

I could not care less if you breathe or not, its up to you.

the dems who have attempted this coup will be held to account, keep watching.

God I wish I believed that.

Sadly, Barr will admonish the Traitor democrats but will do nothing. We have to accept the fact that we have no law in this nation. We are ruled by capricious tyrants who make up the rules as they go along. Good men like Trump and Barr seem powerless to contain the evil, the democrats.

Do not give up, we are in the majority. Do not believe the lying media. Right will prevail.

Are you trying to convince yourself? You aren't going to convince me. Unlike you, I rely on facts and evidence, not wild fantasy.

I don't need convincing, I am capable of looking at things objectively, unlike you. We shall see who is right in November 2020.

You have created a persona for yourself in your head that simply does not match reality.
This is just another myth that Trump supporters will keep until the day they die.

#1 FBI spied on the Trump campaign.
#2 The DNC and Clintons killed Seth Rich for giving info to WikiLeaks
#3 The Clintons killed Epstein instead of suicide

Honorable Mention- Clintons killed Vince Foster

So tell us how Epstein violently hung himself from a bunk bed two feet off the floor. Epstein was about to rat out Bubba Clinton and a lot of other rich powerful people. and I'm sure you buy that the guards just happened to fall asleep and the cameras just happened to fail at just the right time.

Or was he going to spill the beans on his buddy, Trump? Or maybe he just couldn't face the thought of actually paying for his crimes. Rich people like Trump and Epstein don't think they will ever be caught and don't know what do do when they are.
READ THE FUCKING STORY. It is total, uncorroborated nonsense. It is based on a WAPO story of a couple weeks ago, with NO NEW INFORMATION, and NO RELIABLE INFORMATION in any event. No story that could be published by any reputable source.

TRUMP NEVER CLAIMED THAT OBAMA OR THE FBI PLANTED PEOPLE IN HIS CAMPAIGN. This is made-up nonsense, to make the "story" seem more relevant. Trump claimed that HIS PHONES WERE TAPPED, which is yet to be corroborated, but is certainly NOT debunked by this non-story.

On December 9th we will find out what the IG found. This is total, made-up bullshit for the TDS brigade.

It's im2, he's not smart enough to do that.

IM2 is smarter than you. You will learn that.
No one I have ever met who refers to themselves in the third person had an overabundance of brains.
This is just another myth that Trump supporters will keep until the day they die.

#1 FBI spied on the Trump campaign.
#2 The DNC and Clintons killed Seth Rich for giving info to WikiLeaks
#3 The Clintons killed Epstein instead of suicide

Honorable Mention- Clintons killed Vince Foster

So tell us how Epstein violently hung himself from a bunk bed two feet off the floor. Epstein was about to rat out Bubba Clinton and a lot of other rich powerful people. and I'm sure you buy that the guards just happened to fall asleep and the cameras just happened to fail at just the right time.

Or was he going to spill the beans on his buddy, Trump? Or maybe he just couldn't face the thought of actually paying for his crimes. Rich people like Trump and Epstein don't think they will ever be caught and don't know what do do when they are.

there are no real or implied connections between Trump and Epstein, In fact, trump banned him from all of his properties. But the flight plans clearly prove that Bill Clinton took many trips to Epstein's juvenile rape island.

I agree that he didn't expect to get caught, but like all rats, once caught they like to squeal. The circumstances surrounding his death (guards just happened to all be sleeping, cameras just happened to fail, he was moved to a private cell) if you think he offed himself, you are either blind or stupid.
I could not care less if you breathe or not, its up to you.

the dems who have attempted this coup will be held to account, keep watching.

God I wish I believed that.

Sadly, Barr will admonish the Traitor democrats but will do nothing. We have to accept the fact that we have no law in this nation. We are ruled by capricious tyrants who make up the rules as they go along. Good men like Trump and Barr seem powerless to contain the evil, the democrats.

Do not give up, we are in the majority. Do not believe the lying media. Right will prevail.

Are you trying to convince yourself? You aren't going to convince me. Unlike you, I rely on facts and evidence, not wild fantasy.

I don't need convincing, I am capable of looking at things objectively, unlike you. We shall see who is right in November 2020.

You have created a persona for yourself in your head that simply does not match reality.

coming from someone who lives in dem/lib fantasy land, that's really funny.

tell me witchey, is the lowest unemployment rate ever for blacks a fantasy? is the stock market record a fantasy? Is the growth in your 401K a fantasy? were the meetings with Kim a fantasy? was bringing our troops home a fantasy? were the tax cuts a fantasy? are the crowds at Trump rallys a fantasy?
This is just another myth that Trump supporters will keep until the day they die.

#1 FBI spied on the Trump campaign.

Proven fact.

Comey admitted he bugged Trump tower and spied on the Trump campaign. The little weasel tried to claim "I don't view surveillance as spying."

From the Antisemitic commie bastards of the NY Times

Comey Defends Trump Campaign Surveillance: ‘I Have Never Thought of That as Spying’

To legitimate sources;

{Comey’s Trump Tower Meeting Was Used for FBI’s Counterintelligence Investigation
While the meeting was described by former FBI Director James Comey as a ‘defensive briefing,’ it was used to gain information from Trump, new IG report reveals}}

Comey’s Trump Tower Meeting Was Used for FBI’s Counterintelligence Investigation

So right out of the gate you come out lying, Lewd.

#2 The DNC and Clintons killed Seth Rich for giving info to WikiLeaks

Nah, Seth Rich committed suicide.

There in Washington DC, within about one minute after speaking on his cell phone with his sometime girlfriend, Kelsey Mulka, Seth Rich was shot.[19] "He was talking on the phone with his girlfriend when she heard noise on Rich's end of the line, Mary Rich said. Her son told his girlfriend not to worry about it."[20] The Washington Post published a record of Seth's cell phone calls that night (including early July 10, 2017):

Before Closing Time at Lou's Bar: Seth made 3 calls:
1) & 2) to Joel Rich (unanswered).
3) to a friend lasting 1 minute.
At Closing Time at Lou's Bar:
4) 1:21-1:33 Another friend called Seth, 12 minute call.
After Closing Time
5) 2:05-3:34 Seth called Kelsey Mulka, his girlfriend, who was in Michigan. They conversed for 89 minutes. Then the call was disconnected.
6) 3:36-4:19 (approx) Seth called Kelsey again, and they conversed for 43 minutes.
At about 4:19 a.m., Rich told Kelsey that he was nearly home and said, 'I gotta go,' according to Joel Rich (Seth's father), who has talked with Kelsey . . . ."[21]
This time log indicates that immediately or almost immediately after ending that call, he was in a fight, then quickly shot from behind, all possibly in less than 1 minute after call ended; then in about 1 minute after the shots police were on scene at 4:20.[22] Although there was a report that Seth had been shot twice in the head ,[23] he was evidently shot in the torso.[24] It has been theorized that the motive was a robbery, but neither his wallet nor his watch were taken, causing doubt that the motive was robbery.[25] The (tabloid style) Daily Mail Online says that the coroner's office confirmed the cause of death as gunshots to the torso.[26] Fox 5 reports that a witness near the scene, Mark Mueller, heard the shots and went to the scene. Mueller says, "He was conscious, & I saw him moving his hand, and uh then they carried him past me to the ambulance. I had to look at him to see if he was anybody that we knew from the neighborhood".[27] Consistent with Mueller, Seth's mother reports that he was alive and talking when the police arrived (about a minute later). This report with the lack of a head shot (and evidence of a fight), requires explanation if one entertains the hypothesis of a political assassination.}

Murder of Seth Rich - Conservapedia

#3 The Clintons killed Epstein instead of suicide



Honorable Mention- Clintons killed Vince Foster

Nah, people go out to the woods and put two in the back of their own skull with a .22 to commit suicide everyday...
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no desperation on this side witchey. the desperation is all with you dem/libs who have lied about this for years and are now being called to account for those lies.

the 2020 elections will be a bloodbath for the commie/dem party. and you can thank pelosi, schiff, schumer, swalwell, bernie, biden, warren and just about every other card carrying commie/dem

Uh huh...excuse me if I don't hold my breath.

I could not care less if you breathe or not, its up to you.

the dems who have attempted this coup will be held to account, keep watching.

God I wish I believed that.

Sadly, Barr will admonish the Traitor democrats but will do nothing. We have to accept the fact that we have no law in this nation. We are ruled by capricious tyrants who make up the rules as they go along. Good men like Trump and Barr seem powerless to contain the evil, the democrats.

Do not give up, we are in the majority. Do not believe the lying media. Right will prevail.

Republicans are NOT in the majority, and the vast majority of the population - 70% believe that Trump behaved improperly in extorting the Ukrainians.

Making shit up again, I see....

The latest Emerson College poll shows only 34% of Independents support the impeachment inquiry compared to 49% who oppose it. This is a flip from October when 48% of Independents supported it versus 39% who opposed it. It’s the second poll in a row that shows support fading rapidly for an inquiry that appears to have failed miserably at proving its case.

What makes matters worse for Democrats is that these numbers are in spite of nonstop coverage by mainstream media propping up the Democrats’ insinuations by highlighting “bombshells” with every new testimony they examine. The major networks fail to cover any of the important points made by Republicans when questioning the witnesses. This is just another reason readers should financially support independent, truthful news to counter the propaganda pushed forth by progressive legacy media.}

Impeachment poll flips as Independent support for the inquiry takes a nosedive
READ THE FUCKING STORY. It is total, uncorroborated nonsense. It is based on a WAPO story of a couple weeks ago, with NO NEW INFORMATION, and NO RELIABLE INFORMATION in any event. No story that could be published by any reputable source.

TRUMP NEVER CLAIMED THAT OBAMA OR THE FBI PLANTED PEOPLE IN HIS CAMPAIGN. This is made-up nonsense, to make the "story" seem more relevant. Trump claimed that HIS PHONES WERE TAPPED, which is yet to be corroborated, but is certainly NOT debunked by this non-story.

On December 9th we will find out what the IG found. This is total, made-up bullshit for the TDS brigade.
To date, there's never been any evidence shown that Trump's phones were tapped. Only Trump said that on Twitter -- which he later admitted he made up...

“I don’t know if you remember, a long time ago, very early on I used the word wiretap, and I put in quotes, meaning surveillance, spying you can sort of say whatever you want. Now I understand why, because they thought two years ago when I said that just on a little bit of a hunch and a little bit of wisdom maybe, it blew up because they thought maybe I was wise to them.”



Fucking liar.

The FBI did wiretap Trump Tower—but not to spy on Trump
I could not care less if you breathe or not, its up to you.

the dems who have attempted this coup will be held to account, keep watching.

God I wish I believed that.

Sadly, Barr will admonish the Traitor democrats but will do nothing. We have to accept the fact that we have no law in this nation. We are ruled by capricious tyrants who make up the rules as they go along. Good men like Trump and Barr seem powerless to contain the evil, the democrats.

Do not give up, we are in the majority. Do not believe the lying media. Right will prevail.

Are you trying to convince yourself? You aren't going to convince me. Unlike you, I rely on facts and evidence, not wild fantasy.

I don't need convincing, I am capable of looking at things objectively, unlike you. We shall see who is right in November 2020.

You have created a persona for yourself in your head that simply does not match reality.

Where the party created your persona - every thought, desire, and action is fed to you by party bosses.

"Four legs good, Orange Man Bad, BAHHHHH BAHHHHHH"
The cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief used Homeland Security assets for political campaign purposes..... because he wants to stay


God I wish I believed that.

Sadly, Barr will admonish the Traitor democrats but will do nothing. We have to accept the fact that we have no law in this nation. We are ruled by capricious tyrants who make up the rules as they go along. Good men like Trump and Barr seem powerless to contain the evil, the democrats.

Do not give up, we are in the majority. Do not believe the lying media. Right will prevail.

Are you trying to convince yourself? You aren't going to convince me. Unlike you, I rely on facts and evidence, not wild fantasy.

I don't need convincing, I am capable of looking at things objectively, unlike you. We shall see who is right in November 2020.

You have created a persona for yourself in your head that simply does not match reality.

coming from someone who lives in dem/lib fantasy land, that's really funny.

tell me witchey, is the lowest unemployment rate ever for blacks a fantasy? is the stock market record a fantasy? Is the growth in your 401K a fantasy? were the meetings with Kim a fantasy? was bringing our troops home a fantasy? were the tax cuts a fantasy? are the crowds at Trump rallys a fantasy?

1. Trump has continued the lowering of the unemployment under Barack Obama.

The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under President Barack Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump on unemployment for blacks, Latinos

2. Same thing as above. The S&P 500 Is at an All Time High—But It Still Performed Far Better Under Obama Than Trump

3. Answer is the same as 2

4. No, unfortunately the "meeting with Kim" was not a fantasy...how you spin it as positive is beyond me.
5. Say again your last, over. Oh, and shall I dig up some of your old posts from when Obama wanted to bring troops home?
6. The tax cut that benefited the 1%? Again, how are you possibly spinning that as a positive? It added to the deficit, businesses have not responded as "advertised" and the middle class has seen zero benefit. How is this a good thing?
7. What do the sycophants at his ego fests have anything to do with anything? Bernie draws big crowds too but he'll never be President.
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