Another Mass Shooting in Colorado



Mental illness.
Watch out for Nazis and Jews :auiqs.jpg:
You first.I guess visiting Hollywood would be an act of
betrayal.Not too many Patriots in dat place.
My all time favorite Director is Billy Wilder.
One of my favorite actors is Paul Muni { Meshllem Meir Weisenfreud }
As far as Actor and Director combined ... Hands down ... Woody Allen.
Got it Schmendrick { Pipsqueak }
you've been proven a liar.

We just lather, rinse and repeat.
On some level { Lowest rung of a cruddy ladder } this Caveman thig-a-ma-jigger
could be thunk of an outlier { Out and out Liar }.Uses an Outhouse to putz on
his Monkey suit { Tux and bow tie }.
Stop repeating that silly shit. We have a problem with gun killings and gun deaths in general. Something needs to be done. And quit repewting that silly ass government taking your gun shit, because if the government decides to take your arms, your pea shooter can't compete with the weapons you would face.
The problem is too many criminals on the street and not in jail and too many people who are left defenseless against these animals. They're defenseless either by choice, or by government overreach.

The government wants to ban and confiscate guns. Anyone who says otherwise is either a liar, or stupid. Which one are you?
You think by 2021 men would outgrow the need for their stupid guns.

Tell that to the criminals....tell that to the governments around the world that murdered close to 200 million people....innocent people.....

Stop releasing criminals and our gun crime rates drop by are too stupid to understand the real issues.
Democrats just don't understand human nature.

The year is irrelevant. Human nature never changes. Humans want other people's stuff. And that includes the government
You think by 2021 men would outgrow the need for their stupid guns. I guess children have to continue to play. I just told you that guns are in the wrong people's hands. Anyone who cannot speak or act in a civil manner should not have a gun, anyone who is mentally ill or is on psych drugs should not be should not have a weapon. That should make sense to most everyone especially fellow gun owners they don't want guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them. And please don't mention criminals again like I said there's so many guns out there at the criminals are always going to have guns.
anyone who cannot speak in a civil manner should not be allowed to vote.

i guess children must use the vote to continue their temper tantrum entitled ways.
Good guys with guns don't seem to be showing up.

That's why it is good to have your own. That way you don't have to wait for someone to show up
too late for the party. In most shootings the good guys don't even need their guns when they get to
the scene, just some caution tape, a camera, and pen and paper to document the evidence and take
witness accounts (if there are any)

When seconds count, police are only minutes away.
Henry had to pay the Welsh archers to practice enough to be useful as a military force.

As hunters they were great, but as military people they were a pain in the ass.
No, Englishmen had to practice weekly in organized practices by towns throughout the Middle Ages. The longbow was a very effective weapon that penetrated armor, which is why our side won at Agincourt. I do wish people would read before asserting silly things about history that are not even remotely true.
No, Englishmen had to practice weekly in organized practices by towns throughout the Middle Ages. The longbow was a very effective weapon that penetrated armor, which is why our side won at Agincourt. I do wish people would read before asserting silly things about history that are not even remotely true.

Do a search on YouTube for English longbows versus armor. The longbow doesn't do much.
Do a search on YouTube for English longbows versus armor. The longbow doesn't do much.
Not as much as pistols ----- still, the English did kill one whale of a lot of heavily armored French knights at Agincourt. Let the grey geese fly!
Not as much as pistols ----- still, the English did kill one whale of a lot of heavily armored French knights at Agincourt. Let the grey geese fly!

Nobody knows what happened at Agincourt. History is really fuzzy.

I thought the same as you for the longest time.

All we really know is that English won.
Nobody knows what happened at Agincourt. History is really fuzzy.

I thought the same as you for the longest time.

All we really know is that English won.
I'm not a fan of the historiography that says we just don't know and we just can't know. If we didn't see it, we can't know. It's seductive; I understand it; we rely on few and individual sources (not newspapers and Internet sources in plenty like now) and how can we trust them? They say different things so often, too. Exasperating. What we need is a time machine, I know that. It's the only real solution: Connie Willis' Oxford History Department with the students going back whenever they can get to.

But we don't have a time machine. And I don't like the nihilist approach. I think the "boys at Agincourt" waded through a newly plowed field (and I always sympathize with the farmer, every time!) and the sucking mud -- there is nothing like the mud of France in wartime, any wartime -- pulled their boots right off. The French knights charged on horseback and the English let fly the grey geese arrows and the whole sky turned black; the French knights fell and so did many of their giant grey horses; the blood-red streaming oriflamme banners fell too, with their signal that no lives were to be spared among the English. And so, as you say, the English won. :)

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