Another Minor Celebrity Gets Mau Maued by the Backlash

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
Mario Lopez regrets his 'ignorant and insensitive' comments about transgender children
Mario Lopez speaking to Candace Owens said this: "I'm trying to understand this new Hollywood mentality where they just think that their children now have the mental authority and clarity (to decide their gender)."

Then the shit started to flow down on top of him and he quickly said this: “The comments I made were ignorant and insensitive, and I now have a deeper understanding of how hurtful they were. I have been and always will be an ardent supporter of the LGBTQ community, and I am going to use this opportunity to better educate myself."

The world won't stop turning based on the comments of a celebrity B lister, at very best. But this is indicative of how some Hollywood minor players that want to keep working, quickly pay obeisance (deferential respect) to
the gay/trans community when they couldn't help themselves and let the truth slip out.

And it shows how the gay/trans mafia quickly stomps on people who do not toe their line.
Fear, intimidation, reprisals...that's how life is for those in the social media world.

The time of blacklisting used to be seen as a dark period in Hollywood's past. It hasn't gone away.
A few words will kill your career faster than you can say Mario Lopez, in Hollywood.

Charlize Theron, another left wing female brainiac, raising her BOY as a GIRL.

Cause when the BOY was three (yes 3) said HE was a SHE.

When will it be ok to get violent with these demented fucking losers. Especially when they abuse their kids.
I read earlier that Mario may have issued an apology saying that his remarks were ignorant and insensitive. Wow, I appreciate him letting us know just how much resentment he truly can not if the planet was in need of another flip flopper.

God bless you always!!!


Charlize Theron, another left wing female brainiac, raising her BOY as a GIRL.

Cause when the BOY was three (yes 3) said HE was a SHE.

When will it be ok to get violent with these demented fucking losers. Especially when they abuse their kids.

What does the kid’s dad say about this?
Mario Lopez regrets his 'ignorant and insensitive' comments about transgender children
Mario Lopez speaking to Candace Owens said this: "I'm trying to understand this new Hollywood mentality where they just think that their children now have the mental authority and clarity (to decide their gender)."

Then the shit started to flow down on top of him and he quickly said this: “The comments I made were ignorant and insensitive, and I now have a deeper understanding of how hurtful they were. I have been and always will be an ardent supporter of the LGBTQ community, and I am going to use this opportunity to better educate myself."

The world won't stop turning based on the comments of a celebrity B lister, at very best. But this is indicative of how some Hollywood minor players that want to keep working, quickly pay obeisance (deferential respect) to
the gay/trans community when they couldn't help themselves and let the truth slip out.

And it shows how the gay/trans mafia quickly stomps on people who do not toe their line.
Fear, intimidation, reprisals...that's how life is for those in the social media world.

The time of blacklisting used to be seen as a dark period in Hollywood's past. It hasn't gone away.
A few words will kill your career faster than you can say Mario Lopez, in Hollywood.
That's just sad. Voice a little common sense and get beaten into submission by the insane among us.

Glad I'm not important enough to care what the queers think.
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Charlize Theron, another left wing female brainiac, raising her BOY as a GIRL.

Cause when the BOY was three (yes 3) said HE was a SHE.

When will it be ok to get violent with these demented fucking losers. Especially when they abuse their kids.

The kids need to be removed (if we were a sane culture).
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I read earlier that Mario may have issued an apology saying that his remarks were ignorant and insensitive. Wow, I appreciate him letting us know just how much resentment he truly can not if the planet was in need of another flip flopper.

God bless you always!!!

It's hard to stand up to the masses. Especially when you were part of the "in crowd" for so long.

I have said it before. Many of the leftists greatest fear is to be rejected by their peers. To be saddled as a conservative or worse yet, a Christian.

Mel Gibson found that out. One of the more beloved stars. Everyone basically loved him. Then he made The Passion and the devils crushed him. Praised Scorcese when he made The Last Temptation of Christ, where he depicted Christ in sexual relationships. Praised for such art.

Anyway, the anti Christs are louder and louder and louder. They will not relent until all truth and every Christian has either renounced the faith or obliterated.

That, is truth.
Mario Lopez regrets his 'ignorant and insensitive' comments about transgender children
Mario Lopez speaking to Candace Owens said this: "I'm trying to understand this new Hollywood mentality where they just think that their children now have the mental authority and clarity (to decide their gender)."

Then the shit started to flow down on top of him and he quickly said this: “The comments I made were ignorant and insensitive, and I now have a deeper understanding of how hurtful they were. I have been and always will be an ardent supporter of the LGBTQ community, and I am going to use this opportunity to better educate myself."

The world won't stop turning based on the comments of a celebrity B lister, at very best. But this is indicative of how some Hollywood minor players that want to keep working, quickly pay obeisance (deferential respect) to
the gay/trans community when they couldn't help themselves and let the truth slip out.

And it shows how the gay/trans mafia quickly stomps on people who do not toe their line.
Fear, intimidation, reprisals...that's how life is for those in the social media world.

The time of blacklisting used to be seen as a dark period in Hollywood's past. It hasn't gone away.
A few words will kill your career faster than you can say Mario Lopez, in Hollywood.

When he gets back from the re-education camp, I am sure he will understand his place.....
Mario Lopez regrets his 'ignorant and insensitive' comments about transgender children
Mario Lopez speaking to Candace Owens said this: "I'm trying to understand this new Hollywood mentality where they just think that their children now have the mental authority and clarity (to decide their gender)."

Then the shit started to flow down on top of him and he quickly said this: “The comments I made were ignorant and insensitive, and I now have a deeper understanding of how hurtful they were. I have been and always will be an ardent supporter of the LGBTQ community, and I am going to use this opportunity to better educate myself."

The world won't stop turning based on the comments of a celebrity B lister, at very best. But this is indicative of how some Hollywood minor players that want to keep working, quickly pay obeisance (deferential respect) to
the gay/trans community when they couldn't help themselves and let the truth slip out.

And it shows how the gay/trans mafia quickly stomps on people who do not toe their line.
Fear, intimidation, reprisals...that's how life is for those in the social media world.

The time of blacklisting used to be seen as a dark period in Hollywood's past. It hasn't gone away.
A few words will kill your career faster than you can say Mario Lopez, in Hollywood.
That's just sad. Voice a little common sense and get beaten into submission by the insane among us.

Glad I'm not important enough to care what the queers think.

This is why Trump was elected.......
You Will Comply Mario
Or Else...

You Think Clearly With Common Sense
And The Prog Thought Jack-Boots Will Come A-Goose Stepping

You Will Be Assimilated

Mario just showed the world he has no balls.
It's more about keeping jobs and opportunities. But the left thinks they're actually changing minds, they're dead wrong. They are seething underneath, and they will express themselves at the ballot box

Trump is NOT Hitler, but this is how Hitlers get elected.
I was sorry to see him apologize. What he said was completely reasonable, but not in this crazy ass environment we are in today.
As amusing as this madness can be, ya gotta feel bad for the kids.
3 year olds can't drink alcohol. They are 3 years old.
3 year olds can't smoke. They are 3 years old.
3 year olds can't drive. They are 3 years old.
You get the drift.
So why in the hell would a parent let a 3 year old decide what gender they are? They don't even know what gender means. They are THREE YEARS OLD!
Gracie said:
So why in the hell would a parent let a 3 year old decide what gender they are? They don't even know what gender means. They are THREE YEARS OLD!
Maybe Charlize Theron Is Urging Her Child
She Needs The Latest Fashion Accessory

Oh, Lookie Everybody !!
My Little One Is A Trans-Gender
Aren't I Just The Latest By Proxy ??

As amusing as this madness can be, ya gotta feel bad for the kids.
You dont feel bad for society being bullied into "compliance"? This nonsense happens every day in the workplace too.

I don't. Why people in 2019 continue to say anything even remotely controversial over social media is beyond me. There have been countless examples of people getting into big trouble for it and even losing their livelihoods, so why continue to do it? Because people never seem to learn, that's why. Zero sympathy from me.

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