Another mystery of women, most unexplicable.


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
I have just discovered this, plus many women have confirmed this. When 2 or more women live together in a house for a longer period of time, their biological (menstrual) cycles shift, until they all get synchronized to be coincidental. Isn't this another fact that proves that there is much more to life than what the sciences of physics and chemistry and biology can describe?

Why do you think this happens? (I may be wrong, but at this time I lean to think that this is a solid and repeatable manifestation of the non-physical supernatural world.) What's your take?
I have just discovered this, plus many women have confirmed this. When 2 or more women live together in a house for a longer period of time, their biological (menstrual) cycles shift, until they all get synchronized to be coincidental. Isn't this another fact that proves that there is much more to life than what the sciences of physics and chemistry and biology can describe?

Why do you think this happens? (I may be wrong, but at this time I lean to think that this is a solid and repeatable manifestation of the non-physical supernatural world.) What's your take?

Did you look into this? There are reasons for it. Regulation of ovulation is controlled by the sense of smell. It isn't only women who live together, but women who work together every day will eventually synchronize menstrual cycles. This is for mutual protection. It ensures that children will be born at about the same time to ease communal protection. It also ensures that the infants will have a ready supply of nutrition in case a mother died. This is quite biological with nothing to do with anything supernatural. It is a left over from the beginnings of humanity and a tribal culture. Particularly nomadic cultures where moving to follow a food supply is vital.
I have just discovered this, plus many women have confirmed this. When 2 or more women live together in a house for a longer period of time, their biological (menstrual) cycles shift, until they all get synchronized to be coincidental. Isn't this another fact that proves that there is much more to life than what the sciences of physics and chemistry and biology can describe?

Why do you think this happens? (I may be wrong, but at this time I lean to think that this is a solid and repeatable manifestation of the non-physical supernatural world.) What's your take?

This has been known for ages. You don't want to be a man living in a household with a wife and three teenage girls. At that time of the month, it is wise to go out of town for a few days, lol.
I have just discovered this, plus many women have confirmed this. When 2 or more women live together in a house for a longer period of time, their biological (menstrual) cycles shift, until they all get synchronized to be coincidental. Isn't this another fact that proves that there is much more to life than what the sciences of physics and chemistry and biology can describe?

Why do you think this happens? (I may be wrong, but at this time I lean to think that this is a solid and repeatable manifestation of the non-physical supernatural world.) What's your take?

The answer is hormones. Humans secrete hormones through their skin that convey various signals to each other. Women secrete specific hormones during their ovulation which make them more attractive to men, and which signal other women they spend a lot of time around to their fertile times, causing their bodies to sync.

The reason why is survival of the species. In more primitive times, a human social group tended to be like a harem, with many women and few men available to impregnate them and produce offspring. Having all of the women in the group fertile at more or less the same time made this much easier and ensured the proliferation of the human species.
Just because you were previously unaware of this does not mean its "most [sic] unexplicable".

Its that kind of non-thinking that makes rw's believe raped women can "shut that whole thing down" and other inexplicably stupid gems.
Granny says, "Dat's right, it's just like doin' drugs - it'll drive ya crazy an' have ya takin' off yer clothes inna front yard...
Man-made chemicals ‘partial cause’ of surge in birth deformities and cancers
Thu, Feb 21, 2013 - MISERY: A UN-sponsored report said that synthetic chemicals in everyday objects can be a cause of increasing psychiatric diseases and infertility
Man-made chemicals in everyday products are likely to be at least the partial cause of a global surge in birth deformities, hormonal cancers and psychiatric diseases, a UN-sponsored research team reported on Tuesday. These substances, dubbed EDCs, could also be linked to a decline in the human male sperm count and female fertility, to an increase in once-rare childhood cancers and to the disappearance of some animal species, they said. “It is clear that some of these chemical pollutants can affect the endocrinal [hormonal] system and … may also interfere with the development processes of humans and wildlife species,” the report declared.

The international group, academic experts working under the umbrella of the UN environmental and health agencies UNEP and WHO, issued their findings in a paper updating a 2002 study on the potential dangers of synthetic chemicals. Declaring “a global threat that needs to be resolved,” the team said humans and animals across the planet were probably exposed to hundreds of these often little-studied or understood compounds at any one time. “We live in a world in which man-made chemicals have become part of everyday life,” said their 28-page report, State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, 2012, issued as a policy guide for governments.

EDCs include phthalates long used in making plastics soft and flexible. Products made from them include toys, children’s dummies, perfumes and pharmaceuticals, as well as cosmetics like deodorants that are absorbed into the body. Another is bisphenol A, or BPA, which is used to harden plastics and is found in food and beverage containers, including some babies’ bottles and the coating of food cans. A few countries — including the US, Canada and some EU members — have already banned the use of some of them in certain products, especially those destined for the use of children. However, the report said, “many hundreds of thousands” are in use around the world and only a small fraction had been assessed for their potential to spark disease by upsetting the endocrinal, or hormonal, systems of humans and animals.

Experts believe that in general, such chemicals can be absorbed into drinks and food from the containers they come in. The team said a key problem was that manufacturers of consumer products did not identify many of their chemical components. Consequently, the researchers said, they had only been able to look at “the tip of the iceberg.” Using studies of the effect of the chemicals on humans and animals, the team added, a link to EDCs could be suspected in breast and prostate cancer, diabetes, infertility, asthma, obesity, strokes, and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

Man-made chemicals ?partial cause? of surge in birth deformities and cancers - Taipei Times

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