Another myth bites the dust

Ever been on the fire line of a crown fire? I have. What is bullshit is your attitude and those of all the deniers here that for political reasons cannot acknowledge that we are now in the consequences era of AGW.

Uhhh, no. Because if you do your job correctly it doesn't get to that stage.

Of course, thanks to enviro nazis who prevent clearing dead fall the fire gets to the crown so fast that no matter how good you are you can't stop it.

What is bullshit is your claim to have ever fought a fire.
More fuel on more acres makes no difference?
And what are you trying to prove with that nonsense? When you have a forest this dry, in a hot spell with high winds, even if it has been selective logged recently and grazed, it makes no difference. The crown fire will go through it, and the wind will spread the fire very rapidly. More fuel mainly means more smoke and embers blown ahead of the fire.
Uhhh, no. Because if you do your job correctly it doesn't get to that stage.

Of course, thanks to enviro nazis who prevent clearing dead fall the fire gets to the crown so fast that no matter how good you are you can't stop it.

What is bullshit is your claim to have ever fought a fire.
What is bullshit is your claim to be a Phd geologist that does not know what bi-model volcanism is.
And what are you trying to prove with that nonsense? When you have a forest this dry, in a hot spell with high winds, even if it has been selective logged recently and grazed, it makes no difference. The crown fire will go through it, and the wind will spread the fire very rapidly. More fuel mainly means more smoke and embers blown ahead of the fire.

The ignorance displayed here is astonishing. The heat makes no difference. If it were cool and dry the result is the same based on the fuel load.
Ever been down in those forests? I have, Most of the ranchers in that area graze their cows in the forest during the summer, and use their land to raise hay for the winter. There is little underbrush in the forest, and what there is is seldom more than a couple of feet tall. They often get ground fires because of the dry lightning that is common there during the spring and summer. Trees with burn scars on the base are common. But they are in an extended drought, and the trees are bone dry. The days and nights are now warmer, and hot spells more intense than they have been in the past. And the winds are stronger. And, in spite of having huge helicopters, four engine jumbo jets dropping retardant, they simply cannot control these crown fires. From the Mexican border to the Arctic Circle, we are seeing fire behavior on a scale we are not prepared for.
And you figure that not grazing or logging those fires will be less?
Ever been on the fire line of a crown fire? I have. What is bullshit is your attitude and those of all the deniers here that for political reasons cannot acknowledge that we are now in the consequences era of AGW.
You deny that "a couple of feet tall" underbrush that is tinder dry will not spread fire in rough terrain. You also don't take into account that the existing trees have branches that reach down to the underbrush promoting a crown fire. Take it down the road moron. I deal with wild fires in the NW every year. Wild fires are not new, indeed, any forester worth his dust will tell you that a forest should burn at least every hundred years to remain healthy. STFU with your bullshit backdoor premise to promote global warming.
Ever been down in those forests? I have, Most of the ranchers in that area graze their cows in the forest during the summer, and use their land to raise hay for the winter. There is little underbrush in the forest, and what there is is seldom more than a couple of feet tall. They often get ground fires because of the dry lightning that is common there during the spring and summer. Trees with burn scars on the base are common. But they are in an extended drought, and the trees are bone dry. The days and nights are now warmer, and hot spells more intense than they have been in the past. And the winds are stronger. And, in spite of having huge helicopters, four engine jumbo jets dropping retardant, they simply cannot control these crown fires. From the Mexican border to the Arctic Circle, we are seeing fire behavior on a scale we are not prepared for.
the only problem with forest fires is the humans that try to stop them,, its a natural occurrence when you take away the human factor,,
Uhhh, no. Because if you do your job correctly it doesn't get to that stage.

Of course, thanks to enviro nazis who prevent clearing dead fall the fire gets to the crown so fast that no matter how good you are you can't stop it.

What is bullshit is your claim to have ever fought a fire.
he has probably stayed at a holiday inn express.

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