Another nail in the coffin of Trump's COVID record.

"The Trump administration spent $200 million to send more than 8,700 ventilators to countries around the world last year, with no clear criteria for determining who should get them and no way to keep track of where many ended up, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office.

The effort, driven by the Trump White House, was an unusual top-down initiative with little decision-making by experts at the U.S. Agency for International Development, which carried out the administration’s orders. President Donald Trump last year boasted about U.S. success in manufacturing the machines and declared the U.S. “the king of ventilators,” promising donations to foreign countries."

So..........not only did the despicable border policy result in about 600 kids being permanently separated from their parents, the gang that couldn't shoot straight couldn't keep track of ventilators either. Or maybe they just didn't give a damn.
So far, Biden's body count from COVID is 31,180 after one week. That translates to over 1.5 million in a year. When we take into account that every action Biden has taken so far has made the problem worse, it's not unreasonable to assume his count could be 2 million in his first year. By the end of his 4 year term he will have likely wiped out Pennsylvania. But not to worry, he'll still get the same amount of votes here. Dead and imaginary people vote, often many times, in our elections these days.
"The Trump administration spent $200 million to send more than 8,700 ventilators to countries around the world last year, with no clear criteria for determining who should get them and no way to keep track of where many ended up, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office.
The Obama administration gave away billions to who?
So far, Biden's body count from COVID is 31,180 after one week. That translates to over 1.5 million in a year. When we take into account that every action Biden has taken so far has made the problem worse, it's not unreasonable to assume his count could be 2 million in his first year. By the end of his 4 year term he will have likely wiped out Pennsylvania. But not to worry, he'll still get the same amount of votes here. Dead and imaginary people vote, often many times, in our elections these days.

I love to read the whimsical posts of the cult!

Always with that "tween girl" reason, logic an demotion.
So far, Biden's body count from COVID is 31,180 after one week. That translates to over 1.5 million in a year. When we take into account that every action Biden has taken so far has made the problem worse, it's not unreasonable to assume his count could be 2 million in his first year. By the end of his 4 year term he will have likely wiped out Pennsylvania. But not to worry, he'll still get the same amount of votes here. Dead and imaginary people vote, often many times, in our elections these days.

I love to read the whimsical posts of the cult!

Always with that "tween girl" reason, logic an demotion.
In six months your senile boy and his dipshit VP will be the worlds biggest COVID killers. The reasons will be incompetence and apathy. All your party has proved so far is that they can stuff a ballot box and run a country into the dirt. We'll be in a depression before the next winter ends.
So far, Biden's body count from COVID is 31,180 after one week. That translates to over 1.5 million in a year. When we take into account that every action Biden has taken so far has made the problem worse, it's not unreasonable to assume his count could be 2 million in his first year. By the end of his 4 year term he will have likely wiped out Pennsylvania. But not to worry, he'll still get the same amount of votes here. Dead and imaginary people vote, often many times, in our elections these days.

I love to read the whimsical posts of the cult!

Always with that "tween girl" reason, logic an demotion.
In six months your senile boy and his dipshit VP will be the worlds biggest COVID killers. The reasons will be incompetence and apathy. All your party has proved so far is that they can stuff a ballot box and run a country into the dirt. We'll be in a depression before the next winter ends.

Ok, got it. You are posting full out Trumpist. Ignoring fact and reason and running full throttle with hateful nonsense.

So far, Biden's body count from COVID is 31,180 after one week. That translates to over 1.5 million in a year. When we take into account that every action Biden has taken so far has made the problem worse, it's not unreasonable to assume his count could be 2 million in his first year. By the end of his 4 year term he will have likely wiped out Pennsylvania. But not to worry, he'll still get the same amount of votes here. Dead and imaginary people vote, often many times, in our elections these days.

I love to read the whimsical posts of the cult!

Always with that "tween girl" reason, logic an demotion.
In six months your senile boy and his dipshit VP will be the worlds biggest COVID killers. The reasons will be incompetence and apathy. All your party has proved so far is that they can stuff a ballot box and run a country into the dirt. We'll be in a depression before the next winter ends.

Ok, got it. You are posting full out Trumpist. Ignoring fact and reason and running full throttle with hateful nonsense.

You don't post "facts" just stupid TDS opinions.

Getting back to the thread's topic. Here are the daily infections. Now that the vaccines are being given see how they are falling off a cliff. No thanks to Xiden after only being in office a week. The Trump admin expedited the vaccine development, testing, production, and distribution. You're welcome.

Here are the vaccinations per day. Xiden is hoping for 100m doses in 100-days. Totally clueless. Just leaving the Trump admin vaccine contracts alone he should get close to 200m doses in the 1st 100-days. Xiden is ignoring the JNJ vaccine's 1b doses that the Trump admin purchased for 2021. The JNJ vaccine is 1-dose. You're welcome.
"As the first American evacuees from Wuhan, China, touched down at a California military base a year ago, fleeing the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, they were met by U.S. health officials with no virus prevention plan or infection-control training — and who had not even been told to wear masks, according to a federal investigation.

Later, those officials were told to remove protective gear when meeting with the evacuees to avoid “bad optics,” and days after those initial encounters, departed California aboard commercial airline flights to other destinations.

Those are among the findings of two federal reports obtained by The Washington Post, supporting a whistleblower’s account of the chaos as U.S. officials scrambled to greet nearly 200 evacuees from Wuhan at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, Calif., in the early morning of Jan. 29, 2020."

Ordinarily, this would be a shocking revelation of incompetence and recklessness. Another example of the admin's botched COVID response. But because this is the admin of the Orange Insurrectionist we are talking about nothing is shocking any more.
Awe, you mad because Biden is going to produce 600 million doses of the vaccine to treat 300 Americans? Lol, his own words.
They'll blame Biden for the mess that Trump left, just as they blamed Obama for the mess that Dubya left.

It's already happening.

These are not serious people.
You own what happens, your party is in charge.
They'll blame Biden for the mess that Trump left, just as they blamed Obama for the mess that Dubya left. It's already happening. These are not serious people.
You own what happens, your party is in charge.
Yep, you guys said that in 2009, too.

It's who you are. Shameless.
Biden has already screwed the pooch. You own the collapse that is fixing to happen. Canada is going to put sanctions on us. I guess you gonna hate them now.
Awe, you mad because Biden is going to produce 600 million doses of the vaccine to treat 300 Americans? Lol, his own words.
Hewy dumfuk. It's a two dose innulation.

What's 2X 300? Yea...600
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So far, Biden's body count from COVID is 31,180 after one week. That translates to over 1.5 million in a year. When we take into account that every action Biden has taken so far has made the problem worse, it's not unreasonable to assume his count could be 2 million in his first year. By the end of his 4 year term he will have likely wiped out Pennsylvania. But not to worry, he'll still get the same amount of votes here. Dead and imaginary people vote, often many times, in our elections these days.

Biden isn't doing shit. He's putting on a dog and pony show to try to hitch his wagon to Trump's success, and of course the lying media will run with it in order to transfer credit from Trump to Biden. The slow start to vaccinations was due to states not being prepared to distribute mass vaccines. The state problems are being straightened out. Biden said he has plans that will get a million Americans a day vaccinated, when he didn't look at the stats to see that was already happening.
Awe, you mad because Biden is going to produce 600 million doses of the vaccine to treat 300 Americans? Lol, his own words.
Hewy dumfuk. It's a two dose innulation.

What's 2X 300? Yea...600
Only one dumbass and we already have doses used and about half like me won't get it. Quit sticking up for the dumbass you elected. Lol
Do you seriously NOT know that the vaccine is a two does procedure?

Too bad there isn't a vaccine to deal with right wing stupid
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Awe, you mad because Biden is going to produce 600 million doses of the vaccine to treat 300 Americans? Lol, his own words.
Hewy dumfuk. It's a two dose innulation.

What's 2X 300? Yea...600
Only one dumbass and we already have doses used and about half like me won't get it. Quit sticking up for the dumbass you elected. Lol
Do you seriously NOT know that the vaccine is a two does procedure?

Too bad there isn't a vaccine to seal with right wing stupid
The first one is the other two are not.
Covid Trump was a horrible President.
Covid Joe is worse he will hit Trump's total death total in 100 know, the timeframe he has been bragging about.

We can thank the GOP too for endorsing Trumpybear's corrupt act in the Ukraine. I think Pence would handled the virus much better for the Dirty Don's final year in office. But you reap what you sow.
Hmmm I thought we were talking about Sleepy and his 100 day promise. What was it again, to reach 500,000 additional Covid deaths?

I thought you were bragging about Trump's Covid deaths doubling in a hundred days and trying, feebly, to blame those deaths on his successor.
HEy dumbfuck, the deaths now are on Biden. Your feeble attempt to blame Trump for Biden’s incompetence just shows your TDS.

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