Another Obamacare provision ruled unconstitutional: Forced contraception/abortion ins

And I suppose you guys would be alright with some one who offered healthcare to their employees denying it because they are in the Christian Science movement?

Obamacare exempts Christian Scientists already, I haven't heard a single complaint from anyone that thinks that Catholics should be forced to violate their beliefs over that yet.

Christian Scientists are exempt from the INDIVIDUAL mandate.
Free BC saves EVERYONE money, so this is just a-holes being intolerant of those that don't agree with them. Freedom lovers I'm sure.

If that is true, which is debatable, why not supply it through the government, or make the Pill available OTC instead of forcing women to go to a doctor and requiring employers to pay for it?
Free BC saves EVERYONE money, so this is just a-holes being intolerant of those that don't agree with them. Freedom lovers I'm sure.

Well.. except those that must make it for free if it is truly free of charge to the consumer...

Or those that have to pony up if it is not free to the manufacturer and it is an actual taxpayer that has to fork it over for some slutty mcmuffin

Freedom would mean that you are free to buy it yourself or buy an insurance plan that helps cover it with your own premiums... you know, WHAT WE HAVE NOW

Go fuck yourself, troll.. you don't need free birth control for that
This should be settled by Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius which will be decided this summer. Obviously barring some sort of judicial activism, the precedent set in United States v. Lee (1982) will be upheld

Freedom FROM Religion - Broowaha

Well there we have it. Who needs judges when the forum lefties already proclaim the outcome.

Sonny, centrists and leftists and rightists and libertar-crazees do this all the time on the Board.
Now you are a doctor? Your life story is amazing.

Don't have to be a Dr to exercise common sense and safety precautions.
That's right, and that is why the pill is safe OTC. Use common sense and precaution.

Posts like this make me wonder if you have any women in your life. The pill is NOT an automatic safe product with no side effects. And that is why it REQUIRES a prescription.
Your opinion is worthless, grampa. But I will defend your right to have it. And I will kick your board butt if you discuss or allude any of my family.
OMG!!! The federal courts have joined the war on women.

<runs around in circles throwing hands in air screaming>

Everybody knows a woman's right to birth control at the expense of her employer's religious principles is sacrosanct. The 1st Amendment is a relic written by slave owners! How can anyone take that 200 year old crap seriously?
I will take that you backed up all the way and then turned and ran away.

The pill is safe enough to be sold over the counter if the purchaser uses safety and common sense.
Most of the first ten amendments have been incorporated so that they apply to state as well as federal government. Incorporation began after the Civil War as a federal reaction to the states' failures to protect personal liberties.

Oh. I thought it was a naked power grab that was never properly ratified.

My bad.
Most of the first ten amendments have been incorporated so that they apply to state as well as federal government. Incorporation began after the Civil War as a federal reaction to the states' failures to protect personal liberties.

Oh. I thought it was a naked power grab that was never properly ratified.

My bad.

Yup, silly reactionary propaganda thrown at you about power grabs.
This is not a first amendment issue. Freedom of religion is an individual right.

Freedom FROM religion is also a right. An employee is not and cannot be bound the the religion of a corporation or corporate officer.

There is no question at all that a public license requires that laws be obeyed. The law is equal access to services.

Guess what? Birth control is both a right and a service.

It's all over but the final court case and fifty or so years of ever decreasing numbers of nutball screaming like stuck pigs.

No, freedom from religion is not a right.

Who tells you these things?
Most of the first ten amendments have been incorporated so that they apply to state as well as federal government. Incorporation began after the Civil War as a federal reaction to the states' failures to protect personal liberties.

Oh. I thought it was a naked power grab that was never properly ratified.

My bad.

Yup, silly reactionary propaganda thrown at you about power grabs.

Yup, that shows me you know nothing about the 14th Amednment.

Thanks for confirming.

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