Another piece on white privilege

AA is an attempt to turn back the clock. A poor attempt but an attempt nonetheless. You had 400 years for your ancestors to make a legacy of success. The only people worrying about AA are low hanging fruit white men that cant stand seeing the playing field leveled. The good ole boys club is no longer in affect everywhere. I know it sucks for you but it sucks worse for us hearing all the whining.

Would you like to see Affirmative Action in the NFL and the NBA?

After all the composition of these leagues hardly represents the composition of the population as a whole.

If sports leagues can flourish without affirmative action, all businesses and other establishments should be able to.

Granted, it would require at least some minimal effort by those who are too incompetent or too lazy to make it without affirmative action.

You dont need AA in the NFL and NBA. They are already majority Black.

Oh wait a minute. AA is a quota system. Based on that, those leagues should be representative of the demographic make up of the country.
You say tomato, I say tomoto.
You say potato, I say pototo,
You say check your white privilege, I say check your excuses.
Every Black person I know has a family. Dont believe the hype bigot.

It's not hype; it's federal government statistics. You're an ignoramus.

I see you never took a statistics class. If you did you would not be so naive.

Perhaps it is you who is need of a refresher course.
You should not open the door to a discussion in which the facts make you squirm.
One of the things I have to smile about when I read it, was this jewel she threw out from the beginning:

I have to get this off my chest

Lol !!! Yeah right, I guarantee you she's been getting it "off her chest" her whole life. She no doubt has had this whine, and plenty others, spewing out to anyone who'll listen ! :lol:
As soon as Blacks start benefitting from 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow you can generalize away.

It seems like they are. Blacks in former slave owning countries are way better off than blacks descended from those who had never been slaves. There's no affirmative action.

Blacks in countries where they have never been enslaved are light years ahead of Blacks in former slave owning countries.

:lol: Have you ever been to Africa?
I guess having a brain that could invent all that we enjoy is kind of a privilege. Just that I doubt these assholes would want to live within a world that didn't have it.

They couldn't watch their favorite movie!
They couldn't play on the computer through the internet!
They couldn't drive hundreds of miles in their car or truck!
They couldn't go to college and most writing would be in stone. So knowledge wouldn't be passed down.
All the medical cures of the 19th and 20th century! None. So you would have to have big families to past on your genetics. So get use to seeing your children die.
Fresh food to feed 7 billion human beings? Forget it!
Light to see at night, forget it! Light a piece of hemp why don't you.

Fucking losers and fools.
Even this white guy knows the deal. He must make more than minimum wage though or he would never admit it.

Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is | Whatever

So that’s “Straight White Male” for you in The Real World (and also, in the real world): The lowest difficulty setting there is. All things being equal, and even when they are not, if the computer — or life — assigns you the “Straight White Male” difficulty setting, then brother, you’ve caught a break.
My ethnic group was targeted for extermination . Am I owed shit and excuses get made for my failings?

Here in the US?

What fucking difference does it make?
Hey guess what? If you're looking for a freebie you racist bigoted prick, don't. Because you're not getting it.

The difference is he cant expect the US to compensate or make up for what some other country did to his ancestors especially if there was no racism involved you dumbass. why would I need a freebie? AA is not a freebie. Its payback for being denied opportunity in the past. I know low hanging fruit whites like you dont get that but too bad.
Get over it already and grow up!

NOBODY alive today suffered from slavery which was abolished 150+ years ago.

Hardly anybody alive today suffered from Jim Crow.

Crybabies like you are enormously benefitting by affirmative action, without any evidence of deserving it.

Anyone with ancestors that were enslaved or suffered through Jim Crow in the US are effected. Claiming they are not doesnt make it so. White women benefit more than any other demographic from AA so you may want to check your facts.

Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |

But study after study shows that affirmative action helps white women as much or even more than it helps men and women of color. Ironically, Fisher is exactly the kind of person affirmative action helps the most in America today.
You learned during your weekly meetings of the New Black Panthers, did ya?
hey fucko...You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Don't come on here with your racist shit and expect to get away with it.
Here's the deal... YOU Are responsible to your yourself and your family. No one else.
Stop blaming others for your pain. Because there is no one who is going to pick you up and pat you on the head and say "there there. We'll get those evil white people. Will that make you feel all better"....
I don't owe you a God damned thing.

You sound quite perturbed. Definitely a sign of frustration at being a minimum wage employee. I never said you owe me anything. I know you are broke so what good would that do?
So if all whites are collectively responsible is it permissible to generalize about blacks? Hypocrites

As soon as Blacks start benefitting from 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow you can generalize away.

How does one benefit from slavery at all?

By building an infrastructure based on slavery and then a racial caste system meant to keep the best jobs and opportunities for the people in control of that system?
As soon as Blacks start benefitting from 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow you can generalize away.

How does one benefit from slavery at all?

By building an infrastructure based on slavery and then a racial caste system meant to keep the best jobs and opportunities for the people in control of that system?
That's not what I meant. I was asking basically.. How are black folks going to benefit from 400 years of slavery at all? My bad..

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