Another piece on white privilege

BTW, Asclepias is the species name for milkweed...I think I know what Greek name you TRIED to choose, but all you can spell accurately is "AA and Tamika"....
BTW, Asclepias is the species name for milkweed...I think I know what Greek name you TRIED to choose, but all you can spell accurately is "AA and Tamika"....

Doesnt seem like you think. Sounds more like you assumed. Asclepias is the latin name for milkweed. What is your point?
And, "Hate White People" can spell that...I failed to give you credit, sorry...
Asclepias: Milkweed

Asclepius: Greek God of Healing

I have thousands of plants, I never give them names....I do KNOW their names, however...

Tell you what, you PM me when you get home from rehab/ in-patient therapy...until then, you are a worthless racist POS, and a waste of everyone's time...
Asclepias: Milkweed

Asclepius: Greek God of Healing

I have thousands of plants, I never give them names....I do KNOW their names, however...

Tell you what, you PM me when you get home from rehab/ in-patient therapy...until then, you are a worthless racist POS, and a waste of everyone's time...

I can tell you are confused. My name is "ias" meaning milkweed. You claim I am worthless and a waste of time yet you continue to post. Man up and stand for what you say you bigoted POS. :lol:
Assclepsia, you are now ignored, we should all hit the button on you...11 THOUSAND POSTS IN SEVEN MONTHS? This is what you DO...I cancelled the Cable, and now I'm cancelling are a professional leftie board troll...F OFF...
Assclepsia, you are now ignored, we should all hit the button on you...11 THOUSAND POSTS IN SEVEN MONTHS? This is what you DO...I cancelled the Cable, and now I'm cancelling are a professional leftie board troll...F OFF...

I'm glad I forced you to stick your head in the sand. You must feel stupid assuming I was trying to use the other Asclepius instead of the one I chose meaning the plant?
Last edited: Mobile | News, weather, sports

Her it has nothing to do with liberal policies that make blacks reliant on the state

Just another racist loudmouth who has nothing better to do than bitch and moan.
It never occurred to this mental giant that the population of MN is like 85% Caucasian? And if Minneapolis is excluded then it's like 95%.
How much 'diversity' can one expect when ( I love this one) "persons of color"( note, is a violation punishable by torture to use the term "colored") make up such a small portion of the state population? What an idiot!
BTW, Minnesota has been a blue state for some time now.
WTF is this 12 sandwich eating linebacker looking wench want?
As soon as Blacks start benefitting from 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow you can generalize away.

It seems like they are. Blacks in former slave owning countries are way better off than blacks descended from those who had never been slaves. There's no affirmative action.

Blacks in countries where they have never been enslaved are light years ahead of Blacks in former slave owning countries.

Oh? Says who? You?
As soon as Blacks start benefitting from 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow you can generalize away.

Get over it already and grow up!

NOBODY alive today suffered from slavery which was abolished 150+ years ago.

Hardly anybody alive today suffered from Jim Crow.

Crybabies like you are enormously benefitting by affirmative action, without any evidence of deserving it.

Anyone with ancestors that were enslaved or suffered through Jim Crow in the US are effected. Claiming they are not doesnt make it so. White women benefit more than any other demographic from AA so you may want to check your facts.

Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |

But study after study shows that affirmative action helps white women as much or even more than it helps men and women of color. Ironically, Fisher is exactly the kind of person affirmative action helps the most in America today.
You learned during your weekly meetings of the New Black Panthers, did ya?
hey fucko...You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Don't come on here with your racist shit and expect to get away with it.
Here's the deal... YOU Are responsible to your yourself and your family. No one else.
Stop blaming others for your pain. Because there is no one who is going to pick you up and pat you on the head and say "there there. We'll get those evil white people. Will that make you feel all better"....
I don't owe you a God damned thing.
The very foundation of Naziisn is/was revenge; ethnic revenge. There is nothing that can be done to turn back the clock and punish the people who enslaved your ancestors. To hold whites accountable today (a 50-year-old has never seen a white-only water fountain in this country and never went to a segregated school, a 70 year-old was only 21 when the civil rights act was passed --hardly in a position to wield much power, he had barely got a chance to vote in his first election), the idea that whites today are somehow culpable for the acts of their Great, Great, Great, Great,Great Grandfathers (that's the relative in my family that fought in the civil war 150 YEARS AGO--he died, of disease, in a Yankee POW Camp in Ohio,BTW) is a simple, bullshit attempt to extort political concessions. It is a racist assertion on it's face. Truly sick shit...get some help.

AA is an attempt to turn back the clock. A poor attempt but an attempt nonetheless. You had 400 years for your ancestors to make a legacy of success. The only people worrying about AA are low hanging fruit white men that cant stand seeing the playing field leveled. The good ole boys club is no longer in affect everywhere. I know it sucks for you but it sucks worse for us hearing all the whining.
You are the one who is whining.
AA is a travesty in that it was invented by self hating Caucasian liberals who figured black people were not adequately prepared for the working or educational world. So they put together AA to help them live with their guilt.
AA didn't level anything.
So now what. You think you can get away with your racist comments on here with no repercussions?
The very foundation of Naziisn is/was revenge; ethnic revenge. There is nothing that can be done to turn back the clock and punish the people who enslaved your ancestors. To hold whites accountable today (a 50-year-old has never seen a white-only water fountain in this country and never went to a segregated school, a 70 year-old was only 21 when the civil rights act was passed --hardly in a position to wield much power, he had barely got a chance to vote in his first election), the idea that whites today are somehow culpable for the acts of their Great, Great, Great, Great,Great Grandfathers (that's the relative in my family that fought in the civil war 150 YEARS AGO--he died, of disease, in a Yankee POW Camp in Ohio,BTW) is a simple, bullshit attempt to extort political concessions. It is a racist assertion on it's face. Truly sick shit...get some help.


It takes a person and/or a group of people without any pride and self-respect to demand "justice", "retribution" and "amends" from people who had absolutely nothing to do with the misfortunes and injustices of the past.

Reverse psychology doesn't work on me. I honestly don't care about you presumed suffering. I advocate AA because if just one more Black person can achieve and make a legacy for his family due to AA I am all in.

That's a load of bullshit. You like AA because you think someone owes you.
I advocate AA because if just one more Black person can achieve and make a legacy for his family due to AA I am all in.

That's because you're a bigot.

And most black people don't have a family because your subculture goes around indiscriminately fucking each other which is why 80% of you are born out of wedlock and end up growing up in the ghetto on welfare. You do it to yourselves and then losers like you go blame everyone but.

Every Black person I know has a family. Dont believe the hype bigot.
I made it a point to just laugh off your racism. I lost my way and responded. I think I will go back to laughing at your pathetic posts.

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