Another piece on white privilege

That is exactly what I would prefer, a level playing field, not affirmative action.

Award benefits on merit, let people, regardless of skin color, earn them, and you quit bitching about past wrongs you never suffered from and even you could not blame your white contemporaries for.

Or could you? Or do you? YES, you can and do you whining little freeloading pipsqueak.

Thats fine when we even up the starting point. When are you going redistribute the gains whites have due to white AA so we can start over?
As soon as blacks pay off the trillions in taxpayer assistance for things like welfare, clogging up the courts and prisons, the cost to the public for crimes and a dazzling array of costly parasitical behavior.
Why would we do that when whites put those conditions in place themselves? Whites created welfare for whites. The prison system is a big business where they incarcerate Blacks and Latinos to make money. Just because they are not passing that on to the tax payer doesnt mean Black people owe it. Learn your history you foreigner.
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Your argument is a monumental failure. AA benifits white women more than anyone else. If white men did not have AA for 400 years then there would be no need for AA now. Get your facts straight before questioning mine.

So, if a white kid, male or female, from Appalachia (which, some say is far poorer than any black inner city neighborhood) lifts themselves out of there and succeeds, it is white privilege?

Once again, STOP BEING LAZY and say: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION rather than peck out "AA" when you don't mean, but obviously NEED Alcoholics Anonymous.

Yes its white privilege. Why would whites living in the Appalachians be any different from other whites? One could move next door to you and you would never know until they told you.

People that complain about AA are low hanging fruit white men that are lazy. Face it. Everyone knows that the more successfully you are the less AA affects you.

You know, you could move in my neighborhood, your house next to mine and I could not care less if you are there or not. If we should meet I would make an effort to find out whether you are good people or not, again, regardless of the color of your skin. I could not care less if you shunned me because I am white, because, unlike you, I would be prepared to the eventuality and the fact that there are people who look different from me, but I would - again, unlike you - I would not judge them by their looks, but only on their actions and behavior. I would - unlike you - let my kids (well, actually by now, my grand kids - let kids of your own or kids of the next generation, play together.
I would not - unlike you - get upset if my kids (and again, by now my grand kids) decided that the one they love is a person with a different skin color.

If I were an employer I would look at the resume and the previous accomplishments of an applicant and I would make my decision to hire or not hire, sight unseen, based on the merits in that resume.

Obviously, in similar situation, you would not. Based on your posts, you would sacrifice the viability of your business in order to declare your fealty to political correctness and racial bigotry.

Your attitude and the similar attitude by those you admire is the reason why Detroit is an unsightly, stinking hellhole, Washington, DC is corrupt as can be, California is broke and the United States Senate will be resoundingly REPUBLICAN on November 5th 2014.

BTW, have you thought any ways to introduce Affirmative Action to get more blacks and women in the House and Senate.

Good luck with that!
White privilege is a race-pimp mantra a rather desperate attempt to justify the miserable failures of some other demographics.

Failure of some groups relative to others cannot be assigned to the history of a particular region when that failure is global.

It's all about being a victim to the reality that you're nothing more than a loser.

-Can't stay with the father of the child or the father can't stay with the mother.
-Can't have standards for your children
-Doesn't have the moral strength to speak out against violence against your own people.
-Can't stop being what you demand whites not to be.(Racist)

So they have to label whites with something as we're successful. That drives these people nuts...Their entire life they're taught to hate whites and believe we're the reason for their failures. Don't ever look inwards! This is why the left is so effin evil as they fucking, fucked these people.
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So if all whites are collectively responsible is it permissible to generalize about blacks? Hypocrites

As soon as Blacks start benefitting from 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow you can generalize away.

It seems like they are. Blacks in former slave owning countries are way better off than blacks descended from those who had never been slaves. There's no affirmative action.

Seems your critical thinking skills are off and away on the escape boat from you.
So, if a white kid, male or female, from Appalachia (which, some say is far poorer than any black inner city neighborhood) lifts themselves out of there and succeeds, it is white privilege?

Once again, STOP BEING LAZY and say: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION rather than peck out "AA" when you don't mean, but obviously NEED Alcoholics Anonymous.

Yes its white privilege. Why would whites living in the Appalachians be any different from other whites? One could move next door to you and you would never know until they told you.

People that complain about AA are low hanging fruit white men that are lazy. Face it. Everyone knows that the more successfully you are the less AA affects you.

You know, you could move in my neighborhood, your house next to mine and I could not care less if you are there or not. If we should meet I would make an effort to find out whether you are good people or not, again, regardless of the color of your skin. I could not care less if you shunned me because I am white, because, unlike you, I would be prepared to the eventuality and the fact that there are people who look different from me, but I would - again, unlike you - I would not judge them by their looks, but only on their actions and behavior. I would - unlike you - let my kids (well, actually by now, my grand kids - let kids of your own or kids of the next generation, play together.
I would not - unlike you - get upset if my kids (and again, by now my grand kids) decided that the one they love is a person with a different skin color.

If I were an employer I would look at the resume and the previous accomplishments of an applicant and I would make my decision to hire or not hire, sight unseen, based on the merits in that resume.

Obviously, in similar situation, you would not. Based on your posts, you would sacrifice the viability of your business in order to declare your fealty to political correctness and racial bigotry.

Your attitude and the similar attitude by those you admire is the reason why Detroit is an unsightly, stinking hellhole, Washington, DC is corrupt as can be, California is broke and the United States Senate will be resoundingly REPUBLICAN on November 5th 2014.

BTW, have you thought any ways to introduce Affirmative Action to get more blacks and women in the House and Senate.

Good luck with that!

I guess we feel the same about living next door to each other. I have 2 white neighbors. One across the street and one next door. We have no issues at all. I wouldn't shun you unless you were an asshole. My daughters have white girls over here all the time spending the night and I actually am a godfather to a white girl. I dont think of them as white. I think of them as girls. The only time I even think about race outside of this forum is when I meet racists and when staffing my business. When choosing people to staff my business I make sure I hire Black people first as the opportunity will help them get out from under this racial caste system that exist in the US. If you have an issue with that too bad.
Yes its white privilege. Why would whites living in the Appalachians be any different from other whites? One could move next door to you and you would never know until they told you.

People that complain about AA are low hanging fruit white men that are lazy. Face it. Everyone knows that the more successfully you are the less AA affects you.

You know, you could move in my neighborhood, your house next to mine and I could not care less if you are there or not. If we should meet I would make an effort to find out whether you are good people or not, again, regardless of the color of your skin. I could not care less if you shunned me because I am white, because, unlike you, I would be prepared to the eventuality and the fact that there are people who look different from me, but I would - again, unlike you - I would not judge them by their looks, but only on their actions and behavior. I would - unlike you - let my kids (well, actually by now, my grand kids - let kids of your own or kids of the next generation, play together.
I would not - unlike you - get upset if my kids (and again, by now my grand kids) decided that the one they love is a person with a different skin color.

If I were an employer I would look at the resume and the previous accomplishments of an applicant and I would make my decision to hire or not hire, sight unseen, based on the merits in that resume.

Obviously, in similar situation, you would not. Based on your posts, you would sacrifice the viability of your business in order to declare your fealty to political correctness and racial bigotry.

Your attitude and the similar attitude by those you admire is the reason why Detroit is an unsightly, stinking hellhole, Washington, DC is corrupt as can be, California is broke and the United States Senate will be resoundingly REPUBLICAN on November 5th 2014.

BTW, have you thought any ways to introduce Affirmative Action to get more blacks and women in the House and Senate.

Good luck with that!

I guess we feel the same about living next door to each other. I have 2 white neighbors. One across the street and one next door. We have no issues at all. I wouldn't shun you unless you were an asshole. My daughters have white girls over here all the time spending the night and I actually am a godfather to a white girl. I dont think of them as white. I think of them as girls. The only time I even think about race outside of this forum is when I meet racists and when staffing my business. When choosing people to staff my business I make sure I hire Black people first as the opportunity will help them get out from under this racial caste system that exist in the US. If you have an issue with that too bad.

Reading your post I said to myself: Maybe I was wrong about this guy.

But then I realized that I was not.

You are, by your own admission, ready to dismiss a better qualified person for your business based on their skin color. When you put out an application form to get a job at your business, without a box to check out pertaining to race, when you look at that application form with all the questions honestly answered, all the qualifications for your business properly met, but you still insist to hire only people who look like you, you are not only racist, but also stupid.

And you have the unmitigated gall to call me a racist.
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You know, you could move in my neighborhood, your house next to mine and I could not care less if you are there or not. If we should meet I would make an effort to find out whether you are good people or not, again, regardless of the color of your skin. I could not care less if you shunned me because I am white, because, unlike you, I would be prepared to the eventuality and the fact that there are people who look different from me, but I would - again, unlike you - I would not judge them by their looks, but only on their actions and behavior. I would - unlike you - let my kids (well, actually by now, my grand kids - let kids of your own or kids of the next generation, play together.
I would not - unlike you - get upset if my kids (and again, by now my grand kids) decided that the one they love is a person with a different skin color.

If I were an employer I would look at the resume and the previous accomplishments of an applicant and I would make my decision to hire or not hire, sight unseen, based on the merits in that resume.

Obviously, in similar situation, you would not. Based on your posts, you would sacrifice the viability of your business in order to declare your fealty to political correctness and racial bigotry.

Your attitude and the similar attitude by those you admire is the reason why Detroit is an unsightly, stinking hellhole, Washington, DC is corrupt as can be, California is broke and the United States Senate will be resoundingly REPUBLICAN on November 5th 2014.

BTW, have you thought any ways to introduce Affirmative Action to get more blacks and women in the House and Senate.

Good luck with that!

I guess we feel the same about living next door to each other. I have 2 white neighbors. One across the street and one next door. We have no issues at all. I wouldn't shun you unless you were an asshole. My daughters have white girls over here all the time spending the night and I actually am a godfather to a white girl. I dont think of them as white. I think of them as girls. The only time I even think about race outside of this forum is when I meet racists and when staffing my business. When choosing people to staff my business I make sure I hire Black people first as the opportunity will help them get out from under this racial caste system that exist in the US. If you have an issue with that too bad.

Reading your post I said to myself: Maybe I was wrong about this guy.

But then I realized that I was not.

You are ready to dismiss a better qualified person for your business based on their skin color.

And you have the unmitigated gall to call me a racist.

I dont dismiss anyone. I said I look to staff with Black people first.
You know, you could move in my neighborhood, your house next to mine and I could not care less if you are there or not. If we should meet I would make an effort to find out whether you are good people or not, again, regardless of the color of your skin. I could not care less if you shunned me because I am white, because, unlike you, I would be prepared to the eventuality and the fact that there are people who look different from me, but I would - again, unlike you - I would not judge them by their looks, but only on their actions and behavior. I would - unlike you - let my kids (well, actually by now, my grand kids - let kids of your own or kids of the next generation, play together.
I would not - unlike you - get upset if my kids (and again, by now my grand kids) decided that the one they love is a person with a different skin color.

If I were an employer I would look at the resume and the previous accomplishments of an applicant and I would make my decision to hire or not hire, sight unseen, based on the merits in that resume.

Obviously, in similar situation, you would not. Based on your posts, you would sacrifice the viability of your business in order to declare your fealty to political correctness and racial bigotry.

Your attitude and the similar attitude by those you admire is the reason why Detroit is an unsightly, stinking hellhole, Washington, DC is corrupt as can be, California is broke and the United States Senate will be resoundingly REPUBLICAN on November 5th 2014.

BTW, have you thought any ways to introduce Affirmative Action to get more blacks and women in the House and Senate.

Good luck with that!

I guess we feel the same about living next door to each other. I have 2 white neighbors. One across the street and one next door. We have no issues at all. I wouldn't shun you unless you were an asshole. My daughters have white girls over here all the time spending the night and I actually am a godfather to a white girl. I dont think of them as white. I think of them as girls. The only time I even think about race outside of this forum is when I meet racists and when staffing my business. When choosing people to staff my business I make sure I hire Black people first as the opportunity will help them get out from under this racial caste system that exist in the US. If you have an issue with that too bad.

Reading your post I said to myself: Maybe I was wrong about this guy.

But then I realized that I was not.

You are, by your own admission, ready to dismiss a better qualified person for your business based on their skin color. When you put out an application form to get a job at your business, without a box to check out pertaining to race, when you look at that application form with all the questions honestly answered, all the qualifications for your business properly met, but you still insist to hire only people who look like you, you are not only racist, but also stupid.

And you have the unmitigated gall to call me a racist.

He's black, he can't be a racist.
Why don't blacks just create "black privilege"

Because we prefer to compete on a level playing field...:cool:
The playing field is level and you black folks even had a head start.

Actually its not. White people on average make more money than Blacks on average and own more resources. You are bringing down the white average even with a 400 year head start Tank by wiping asses for a living.
In the 400 years of slavery, blacks learned more about civilization then in the thousands of years before that.
In the 400 years of slavery, blacks learned more about civilization then in the thousands of years before that.
Getting on the slave ships was their first glimpse of civilization. Even through today, too many have never really fully taken to it.
Asclepias thinks whites should have let blacks navigate the ships back to America to level the playing field :lol:

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