Another piece on white privilege

Seems to me, blacks want to tar whitey down so they can get back at him. Well, how did that work out in south Africa for that matter? Not to effin good.

Stupid idiocy. Why not reward success for all? Oh'yeah, they put their hatred ahead of the country.
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I bet Asclepias never had to see and never has seen a sign, anywhere, saying "No blacks/Negroes/African-Americans need apply".

I, on the other hand, DID see such signs referring to my old country, when I immigrated here.

When I did, I looked for employment where no such signs were displayed.

I bet Asclepias never had to struggle to learn another language or starve. (I never considered food stamps or similar measures so beloved by freeloaders an option). Of course, if her/his language is Ebonics, he/she would be well advised to do so.

I never cried about the inconveniences I had to endure. I certainly never asked any government to bail me out, support me, feed me, or correct injustices committed against my ancestors, in order to benefit me.

I would rather be and always have been proudly self-supporting and prefer to be poor to being a free loading, affirmative action dependent free loader.

If that makes me a racist, so be it!

Lets see. You lose on number 1.

I never have struggled to learn languages. i pick them up pretty easily. I am fluent in Ebonics and English but can also speak Spanish. Working on the language of my ancestors now.

I never cried over hardships. Never had to take a dime from the government. Never got an immigrant loan to start a business. Never asked the government to bail me out or assist in anyway.

if you are white you are only saying sour grapes as you don't qualify for AA unless you are a woman. If i ever had to use AA I would because I dont let white people guilt me into not taking advantage of what my ancestors should have had all along. Opportunity.

Yes you are probably a racist. Did I miss anything?

It is ridiculous when you say you don't cry. You cry constantly and demand all kinds of things you never earned from people who never done you any harm.

If you had any self-respect and pride you would not take cowardly refuge in the fact that your ancestors suffered, a fact that can not be changed and a fact that can not be corrected by undeserved free loading which you seem to be so dependent upon.

Yes, I am white, so sue me. If you win you can collect from me all the money I got from government largesse. But be prepared to walk away broke.

I gave you the friendly advise before to take full advantage of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Finally, if I am racist how do you explain that I spent many weeks of my vacation between 1993 and 2006 volunteering with Habitat for Humanity in Homestead, Goulds, Naranja, Florida city and Overtown, (all in Florida) working with African American home owners, doing their sweat equity. Not a single one of them was like you. They all had a happy disposition even when their homes laid waste after Hurricane Andrew. And none of them ever felt like you do, that all whites are exploiters and slave merchants and none of them ever felt ashamed or sorry for having associated with me or fellow volunteers, who, by a strange co-incidence were all white AND conservatives.

If any one of them had ever been a sorry waste of human skin and oxygen like you I would have never gone back.

Luckily you are an unfortunate exception and a scoundrel who could not and would never resist the temptation to resort to name calling.

You must be an Obama worshipping liberal Democrat robot.

You have never heard me cry about anything. Pointing out facts to people is not crying.

Pointing out facts is not taking refuge. What would I take refuge from or for?

I have no need to sue you because you havent done anything to me nor do you have anything I want.

I dont drink and never have. Why would I need AA?

You are a racist in the same way Sterling was. As long as you see yourself as a benefactor and Black people are grateful to you then you feel superior. Thats why I anger you so much. I'm your worst nightmare. I'm educated, I own my business, and I know my history. Of course you dont want many Black people like me around to make you feel inferior.

Yes I voted the POTUS into office. I am very effective at what I do. No I am not a Democrat. I dont play for a specific team. I voted for the best man.
Seems to me, blacks want to tar whitey down so they can get back at him. Well, how did that work out in south Africa for that matter? Not to effin good.

Stupid idiocy. Why not reward success for all? Oh'yeah, they put their hatred ahead of the country.

No. Most Black people just want you to stop being afraid and move out of the way. Your fear exudes an odor and makes you smell bad. Staying in the way of the inevitable is just pitiful. The playing field will be level one day soon and you know its coming in your heart. You lack confidence so you stand in the way of natural progress.

South Africans are taking back their resources from the whites. i'd say its working out great.

You dont want to reward success for all. Who do you think you are kidding? You want white privilege to stay in place so you can feel like a man. At least man up like Swagger and be truthful. He agrees the system is set up for the benefit of the white man. Your failure to do that only makes you a pussified racist. I have no respect for that sort of hiding from a coward.
How dare you make such a racist and biased comparison?

Don't you know that if there is indeed truth to the fact, as you claim, that blacks score lower, on the average than whites, it is because the whites have devastated thousands of years of superior black intelligence by 400 years of slavery?

Don't you know that whites score lower than Orientals, because those evil Chinese, Japanese and Koreans did the same to whites?
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As soon as Blacks start benefitting from 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow you can generalize away.

It seems like they are. Blacks in former slave owning countries are way better off than blacks descended from those who had never been slaves. There's no affirmative action.

Blacks in countries where they have never been enslaved are light years ahead of Blacks in former slave owning countries.

No they aren't. Blacks in countries where they have never been enslaved have some of the lowest living standards in the world. Just check out Nigeria.
Seems to me, blacks want to tar whitey down so they can get back at him. Well, how did that work out in south Africa for that matter? Not to effin good.

Stupid idiocy. Why not reward success for all? Oh'yeah, they put their hatred ahead of the country.

No. Most Black people just want you to stop being afraid and move out of the way. Your fear exudes an odor and makes you smell bad. Staying in the way of the inevitable is just pitiful. The playing field will be level one day soon and you know its coming in your heart. You lack confidence so you stand in the way of natural progress.

What is it that we're standing in the way of? How are we obstructing you?

The "playing field" is already tilted in the direction of blacks. What you're looking for is wholesale looting.

South Africans are taking back their resources from the whites. i'd say its working out great.

"Their resources?" Most of the blacks in South Africa aren't even from South Africa. Those "resources" were developed by the whites who owned them. That's who they belong to, not some black immigrants who came to cash in on the economy the whites built.

You dont want to reward success for all. Who do you think you are kidding? You want white privilege to stay in place so you can feel like a man. At least man up like Swagger and be truthful. He agrees the system is set up for the benefit of the white man. Your failure to do that only makes you a pussified racist. I have no respect for that sort of hiding from a coward.

"White privilege" is a Marxist talking point that has no objective validity. Working hard and achieving success is not "privilege." So anyone who disputes your claim on their property is a racist? My grandfather came from Ireland. What "reparations" does he owe you? My grandmother is French Canadian. What reparations does she owe you? The whole reparations scheme is so full of holes that you can feel the breeze standing on either side of it. It's nothing more than the work of race baiters trying to divide people in this country, foment hatred, and bring down capitalism. It's the lowest sleaziest kind of politics there is. Anyone who promotes it is a scumbag.
It seems like they are. Blacks in former slave owning countries are way better off than blacks descended from those who had never been slaves. There's no affirmative action.

Blacks in countries where they have never been enslaved are light years ahead of Blacks in former slave owning countries.

No they aren't. Blacks in countries where they have never been enslaved have some of the lowest living standards in the world. Just check out Nigeria.

I have. Ever been to Lagos?

Seems to me, blacks want to tar whitey down so they can get back at him. Well, how did that work out in south Africa for that matter? Not to effin good.

Stupid idiocy. Why not reward success for all? Oh'yeah, they put their hatred ahead of the country.

No. Most Black people just want you to stop being afraid and move out of the way. Your fear exudes an odor and makes you smell bad. Staying in the way of the inevitable is just pitiful. The playing field will be level one day soon and you know its coming in your heart. You lack confidence so you stand in the way of natural progress.

What is it that we're standing in the way of? How are we obstructing you?

The "playing field" is already tilted in the direction of blacks. What you're looking for is wholesale looting.

South Africans are taking back their resources from the whites. i'd say its working out great.

"Their resources?" Most of the blacks in South Africa aren't even from South Africa. Those "resources" were developed by the whites who owned them. That's who they belong to, not some black immigrants who came to cash in on the economy the whites built.

You dont want to reward success for all. Who do you think you are kidding? You want white privilege to stay in place so you can feel like a man. At least man up like Swagger and be truthful. He agrees the system is set up for the benefit of the white man. Your failure to do that only makes you a pussified racist. I have no respect for that sort of hiding from a coward.

"White privilege" is a Marxist talking point that has no objective validity. Working hard and achieving success is not "privilege." So anyone who disputes your claim on their property is a racist? My grandfather came from Ireland. What "reparations" does he owe you? My grandmother is French Canadian. What reparations does she owe you? The whole reparations scheme is so full of holes that you can feel the breeze standing on either side of it. It's nothing more than the work of race baiters trying to divide people in this country, foment hatred, and bring down capitalism. It's the lowest sleaziest kind of politics there is. Anyone who promotes it is a scumbag.

You personally are unable to do anything. I'm talking in general. Crying about AA and racial profiling for starters. Why are low income whites crying about AA when their forefathers had 400 years of AA and white women are the ones benefiting the most from the current AA? Why is a Black person doing crack getting way more time in prison than a person doing meth or cocaine?

Yes their resources. What confused you about that? There were no whites in Africa and they were not invited. Thats tough they developed something they should not of had access to in the first place. I really dont care if they developed it or not. Blacks are taking it back over as they rightfully should.

White privilege is only denied by low class whites and those that are racist but too afraid to admit it.
White privilege is a race-pimp mantra a rather desperate attempt to justify the miserable failures of some other demographics.

Failure of some groups relative to others cannot be assigned to the history of a particular region when that failure is global.
If those facts were not true there would be no reason for you low hanging fruit white boys to be afraid of affirmative action now would it....:cool:
To be a
fact, a thing must be true - fail. If blacks were not losers, affirmative action for them would have never been conceived. I can't imagine such a program targeting Jews or east Asians simply because they're not losers.

Your argument is a monumental failure. AA benifits white women more than anyone else. If white men did not have AA for 400 years then there would be no need for AA now. Get your facts straight before questioning mine.

So, if a white kid, male or female, from Appalachia (which, some say is far poorer than any black inner city neighborhood) lifts themselves out of there and succeeds, it is white privilege?

Once again, STOP BEING LAZY and say: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION rather than peck out "AA" when you don't mean, but obviously NEED Alcoholics Anonymous.
Why don't blacks just create "black privilege"

Don't you know that in Nigeria - where Lagos is, you know the place of paradise according to Asclepias - there is affirmative action for whites, because for centuries whites there were so oppressed that no whites wanted to go there?
To be a
fact, a thing must be true - fail. If blacks were not losers, affirmative action for them would have never been conceived. I can't imagine such a program targeting Jews or east Asians simply because they're not losers.

Your argument is a monumental failure. AA benifits white women more than anyone else. If white men did not have AA for 400 years then there would be no need for AA now. Get your facts straight before questioning mine.

So, if a white kid, male or female, from Appalachia (which, some say is far poorer than any black inner city neighborhood) lifts themselves out of there and succeeds, it is white privilege?

Once again, STOP BEING LAZY and say: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION rather than peck out "AA" when you don't mean, but obviously NEED Alcoholics Anonymous.

Yes its white privilege. Why would whites living in the Appalachians be any different from other whites? One could move next door to you and you would never know until they told you.

People that complain about AA are low hanging fruit white men that are lazy. Face it. Everyone knows that the more successfully you are the less AA affects you.
Why don't blacks just create "black privilege"

Because we prefer to compete on a level playing field...:cool:

That is exactly what I would prefer, a level playing field, not affirmative action.

Award benefits on merit, let people, regardless of skin color, earn them, and you quit bitching about past wrongs you never suffered from and even you could not blame your white contemporaries for.

Or could you? Or do you? YES, you can and do you whining little freeloading pipsqueak.
Why don't blacks just create "black privilege"

Because we prefer to compete on a level playing field...:cool:

That is exactly what I would prefer, a level playing field, not affirmative action.

Award benefits on merit, let people, regardless of skin color, earn them, and you quit bitching about past wrongs you never suffered from and even you could not blame your white contemporaries for.

Or could you? Or do you? YES, you can and do you whining little freeloading pipsqueak.

Thats fine when we even up the starting point. When are you going redistribute the gains whites have due to white AA so we can start over?
Because we prefer to compete on a level playing field...:cool:

That is exactly what I would prefer, a level playing field, not affirmative action.

Award benefits on merit, let people, regardless of skin color, earn them, and you quit bitching about past wrongs you never suffered from and even you could not blame your white contemporaries for.

Or could you? Or do you? YES, you can and do you whining little freeloading pipsqueak.

Thats fine when we even up the starting point. When are you going redistribute the gains whites have due to white AA so we can start over?
As soon as blacks pay off the trillions in taxpayer assistance for things like welfare, clogging up the courts and prisons, the cost to the public for crimes and a dazzling array of costly parasitical behavior.

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