Another Police Shooting when dude has his hands in the air

From the why the shoot the motherfuckers Department

North Miami police shoot black man who had his hands up as he tried to help an autistic patient



Yep, unbelievable!


Unarmed Black Man Lying In Street With Hands Up Gets Shot By Police
From the why the shoot the motherfuckers Department
North Miami police shoot black man who had his hands up as he tried to help an autistic patient

What is slightly more unbelievable is your false premise here. I thought we had something on video. The shooting isn't even captured on video! You have no idea what happened here. How do you know that man didn't stand up with an AK-47?!? (I'm sure he didn't - but the video doesn't so shit).
Dont bother, I've already attempted to bet every one of the "wait for all the facts" guys that the cop would face no charges. They dont seem confident enough to take it.
I'm one of those that says, "wait for the facts." The picture told that story. The behavioral therapist had his hands up and yelled out who he was and what his intention was with his patient. However, he still was shot. According to news reports, Charles Kinsley asked the police officer why he shot him. "I don't know" was the answer.

That man did not belong in a police uniform. I can't say he was shooting a black man out of fear (of what?) or he was shooting a man who appeared to get the patient. If I was on this jury that should take place, I would vote "guilty" for assault with a hefty sentence to give the Police Departments a message. They need to vet their applicants for racial biases, emotional control and psychological problems.

Thank God Mr. Kinsley is going to be healthy soon. No thanks to that police officer.
Dont bother, I've already attempted to bet every one of the "wait for all the facts" guys that the cop would face no charges. They dont seem confident enough to take it.

Since you are so disingenuous in your postings, why would anyone trust you to pay off on a bet?

Besides, the officer may not have committed a crime. Where do you live, Baltimore?
From the why the shoot the motherfuckers Department
North Miami police shoot black man who had his hands up as he tried to help an autistic patient

What is slightly more unbelievable is your false premise here. I thought we had something on video. The shooting isn't even captured on video! You have no idea what happened here. How do you know that man didn't stand up with an AK-47?!? (I'm sure he didn't - but the video doesn't so shit).


"The police department has released relatively few details about the shooting, which drew widespread attention days after it occurred when video of the episode began to spread online."

Well give the spinmeisters time, they will use the AK47 pretext.

From the why the shoot the motherfuckers Department

North Miami police shoot black man who had his hands up as he tried to help an autistic patient



I agree that your post is unbelievable: Edited video, appearance of gun, failure to obey lawful orders, accidental discharge, etc. Why can't you find a single example of an unarmed noncriminal who is cooperating with police being shot for no reason? Because it is so rare?
I cannot say that is rare or common. What I can say is that the video I saw was a man trying to help a patient and there was no gun in his hands, he was laying there and explaining what he was doing. There was no accidental discharge...the Cop admitted shooting and declared he did not know why.
Yaaa... I'm no fan of the cops. I think there is a cancerous pattern amongst cops to shoot first and ask questions later, and it's got nothing to do with just blacks. I think cops are just as apt to shoot anyone regardless of race. I don't trust them. I think with most their job has gone to their heads. They're not there to serve and protect, they're there to make people OBEY THEM, and if they don't, or even sometimes even if they do, you just fail their ATTITUDE TEST, they take you to JAIL just to FUCK with you, charged with some horse crap misdemeanor that later gets thrown out. Far too many cops have some sort of out of control power trip going on, and now that's grown into they'll just shoot you now and worry about the consequences later. I mean they know... "a dead man can't sue you," and most city and municipal judges are in the cops pockets, because giving out all their little tickets and DUI's keep their wages paid.
From the why the shoot the motherfuckers Department
North Miami police shoot black man who had his hands up as he tried to help an autistic patient

What is slightly more unbelievable is your false premise here. I thought we had something on video. The shooting isn't even captured on video! You have no idea what happened here. How do you know that man didn't stand up with an AK-47?!? (I'm sure he didn't - but the video doesn't so shit).


"The police department has released relatively few details about the shooting, which drew widespread attention days after it occurred when video of the episode began to spread online."

Well give the spinmeisters time, they will use the AK47 pretext.
Seriously man....why are you so jacked up about "evidence" when you have none? The shooting was not captured on video. Are you just trying to stoke the fires or something?
Yaaa... I'm no fan of the cops. I think there is a cancerous pattern amongst cops to shoot first and ask questions later, and it's got nothing to do with just blacks. I think cops are just as apt to shoot anyone regardless of race. I don't trust them. I think with most their job has gone to their heads. They're not there to serve and protect, they're there to make people OBEY THEM, and if they don't, or even sometimes even if they do, you just fail their ATTITUDE TEST, they take you to JAIL just to FUCK with you, charged with some horse crap misdemeanor that later gets thrown out. Far too many cops have some sort of out of control power trip going on, and now that's grown into they'll just shoot you now and worry about the consequences later. I mean they know... "a dead man can't sue you," and most city and municipal judges are in the cops pockets, because giving out all their little tickets and DUI's keep their wages paid.

Actually, the ones to blame are SCOTUS "justices" who in their quest to create a formidable police state have made the gendarmes IMMUNE from lawsuits.

You saw a gun there?

No, I read the caption describing a "toy" gun. You must have missed that.
The news said it was a toy truck. Hell, the patient could have been holding an AK47. Why shoot the OTHER person laying on the ground with his hands up?
The officer missed. Now...these cowards shouldn't have drawn their weapons at all. But...there is a big difference between shooting someone in cold blood with their hands up and missing the person in front of them that had something in their hands.

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