Another Police Shooting when dude has his hands in the air

If the shooting was unjustified he will be charged CC. He won't get around that....not in todays climate.

Wanna wager on it?
If it comes out that the shooting was unjustified (not in the court of public opinion either) yes I'll wager on it.

No, I mean do you want to wager on whether or not he will face any charges. I say he will not face any charges. Want to bet? I'll put your choice of signatures on my profile if I lose
How the heck can I bet on something without getting/seeing all the details?
If the shooting was unjustified he will be charged CC. He won't get around that....not in todays climate.

Wanna wager on it?
If it comes out that the shooting was unjustified (not in the court of public opinion either) yes I'll wager on it.

No, I mean do you want to wager on whether or not he will face any charges. I say he will not face any charges. Want to bet? I'll put your choice of signatures on my profile if I lose
How the heck can I bet on something without getting/seeing all the details?

You can't. It's clearly a trap. Either way CC would say the cop is guilty but the system is rigged and declare himself the winner
If the shooting was unjustified he will be charged CC. He won't get around that....not in todays climate.

Wanna wager on it?
If it comes out that the shooting was unjustified (not in the court of public opinion either) yes I'll wager on it.

No, I mean do you want to wager on whether or not he will face any charges. I say he will not face any charges. Want to bet? I'll put your choice of signatures on my profile if I lose
How the heck can I bet on something without getting/seeing all the details?

By using the details you have available.

Real question: Want to bet on it?
No thanks. I will wait for facts to come out though. And if it appears the cop is guilty, ill be pissed if he isnt charged and convicted.

The shooting victim has been offerred a settlement by the municipality already, so if that's not an admission of guilt on the part of the officer, I don't know what is.

The family of Freddy Gray was given $7M and now we see FOUR suspects who haven't been found to have done anything wrong.

The mayor of Baltimore should be brought up on charges for allowing the rioters to tear down the city.

you'd be throwing the Mayor of every city that wins a sporting event in jail too lol

Shot the guy, on administrative leave while investigation happens.

No charges, my bad....Prayers and thoughts. x2 with a cherry on top

WTF were they stopped for in the first place, it's not like it's against the law to be walking down the street with an autistic man holding a toy truck. I don't support killing cops but at the same time this shit has to stop where the police are just shooting people for no reason. The black man shot clearly had his hands up and did everything correctly to protect himself and his patient and he still got shot. This is BS.
If the shooting was unjustified he will be charged CC. He won't get around that....not in todays climate.

Wanna wager on it?
If it comes out that the shooting was unjustified (not in the court of public opinion either) yes I'll wager on it.

No, I mean do you want to wager on whether or not he will face any charges. I say he will not face any charges. Want to bet? I'll put your choice of signatures on my profile if I lose
How the heck can I bet on something without getting/seeing all the details?

By using the details you have available.

Real question: Want to bet on it?
With 50/50 odds? That's a flip of the coin. Nah I'll wait ;)

Shot the guy, on administrative leave while investigation happens.

No charges, my bad....Prayers and thoughts. x2 with a cherry on top

WTF were they stopped for in the first place, it's not like it's against the law to be walking down the street with an autistic man holding a toy truck. I don't support killing cops but at the same time this shit has to stop where the police are just shooting people for no reason. The black man shot clearly had his hands up and did everything correctly to protect himself and his patient and he still got shot. This is BS.

No one supports killing cops.
No thanks. I will wait for facts to come out though. And if it appears the cop is guilty, ill be pissed if he isnt charged and convicted.

The shooting victim has been offerred a settlement by the municipality already, so if that's not an admission of guilt on the part of the officer, I don't know what is.

The family of Freddy Gray was given $7M and now we see FOUR suspects who haven't been found to have done anything wrong.

The mayor of Baltimore should be brought up on charges for allowing the rioters to tear down the city.

you'd be throwing the Mayor of every city that wins a sporting event in jail too lol

The mayor told the police to stand down so the people could destroy their section of the city. Then the bill is left to the insurance companies to settle. Which makes premiums in that area go up.

When there are hooligans rioting after winning a championship the police are still out trying to contain and stop them. The mayor never tells them to stand down and let them destroy the city.

Shot the guy, on administrative leave while investigation happens.

No charges, my bad....Prayers and thoughts. x2 with a cherry on top

WTF were they stopped for in the first place, it's not like it's against the law to be walking down the street with an autistic man holding a toy truck. I don't support killing cops but at the same time this shit has to stop where the police are just shooting people for no reason. The black man shot clearly had his hands up and did everything correctly to protect himself and his patient and he still got shot. This is BS.

No one supports killing cops.

Perhaps not here but I have run into someone who wouldn't be upset if one was killed. Regardless this is insane and has to stop.
Wanna wager on it?
If it comes out that the shooting was unjustified (not in the court of public opinion either) yes I'll wager on it.

No, I mean do you want to wager on whether or not he will face any charges. I say he will not face any charges. Want to bet? I'll put your choice of signatures on my profile if I lose
How the heck can I bet on something without getting/seeing all the details?

By using the details you have available.

Real question: Want to bet on it?
With 50/50 odds? That's a flip of the coin. Nah I'll wait ;)

Its actually 98% to 2%. 98% of cops get no charges ever. So I'm betting he wont. Want that sweet 2% chance?

Shot the guy, on administrative leave while investigation happens.

No charges, my bad....Prayers and thoughts. x2 with a cherry on top

WTF were they stopped for in the first place, it's not like it's against the law to be walking down the street with an autistic man holding a toy truck. I don't support killing cops but at the same time this shit has to stop where the police are just shooting people for no reason. The black man shot clearly had his hands up and did everything correctly to protect himself and his patient and he still got shot. This is BS.

No one supports killing cops.

Perhaps not here but I have run into someone who wouldn't be upset if one was killed. Regardless this is insane and has to stop.

No doubt about that.
The American Police are out of control. Rotten to the core.Its a tragedy for the decent officers who carry this baggage around.

This might be the most uninformed post in this thread. Police have a difficult job and Obama, BLM, and others don't make it any easier because they know they will be blamed for anything.

You have Obama who had been on a mission to federalize the police during his reign.

Best to just wait for the facts to come out instead of jumping to conclusions. I live in Florida and we will sort this out.
Nope - the police are shooting and killing people for no valid reason. And then they get away with it. The police created BLM and are feeding it every day.
The American Police are out of control. Rotten to the core.Its a tragedy for the decent officers who carry this baggage around.

This might be the most uninformed post in this thread. Police have a difficult job and Obama, BLM, and others don't make it any easier because they know they will be blamed for anything.

You have Obama who had been on a mission to federalize the police during his reign.

Best to just wait for the facts to come out instead of jumping to conclusions. I live in Florida and we will sort this out.
Nope - the police are shooting and killing people for no valid reason. And then they get away with it. The police created BLM and are feeding it every day.

You can't possibly be this misinformed.
CC, It is very easy to play armchair quarter back, to pass judgement before all the information is made available, however, with that said I agree there may be those in the Police Force that exhibit behavior not in keeping with the position and responsibility entrusted. Human nature be what it is, one can only hope the governing bodies purge the ranks of those unfit for service and prosecute those that have violated the rights of the citizens they are sworn to protect. To imply all police officers are trigger happy, exhibit racist tendencies, is simply unjust.
You need to start listening to more NPR. They always discuss current events and they shed a lot of insight into the subjects we discuss. This one author and former cop is writing about how his father reformed the police back in the day. He fired 200 cops a year for 9 years. That's a lot of bad cops. So we need to stop pretending these bad cops are just one or 2 bad apples. The entire barrel is rotten. That's not saying there aren't good cops. We need to do what Jack Walsh did to GE. He fired the bottom 10% performers every year no matter how good things were. And performance went through the roof.
Dont bother, I've already attempted to bet every one of the "wait for all the facts" guys that the cop would face no charges. They dont seem confident enough to take it.
Dont bother, I've already attempted to bet every one of the "wait for all the facts" guys that the cop would face no charges. They dont seem confident enough to take it.

Its open season AfroAmerican Hunting.

Yes, you must give the spinmeisters time to concoct a story.

We are not allowed to rely on our lying eyes.


From the why the shoot the motherfuckers Department

North Miami police shoot black man who had his hands up as he tried to help an autistic patient



I agree that your post is unbelievable: Edited video, appearance of gun, failure to obey lawful orders, accidental discharge, etc. Why can't you find a single example of an unarmed noncriminal who is cooperating with police being shot for no reason? Because it is so rare?

You saw a gun there? The guy laying on the ground with his hands up wasnt obeying orders? Do you see a Machine Gun and Grenades also?
From the why the shoot the motherfuckers Department

North Miami police shoot black man who had his hands up as he tried to help an autistic patient



I agree that your post is unbelievable: Edited video, appearance of gun, failure to obey lawful orders, accidental discharge, etc. Why can't you find a single example of an unarmed noncriminal who is cooperating with police being shot for no reason? Because it is so rare?

"In cellphone footage of the incident that emerged Wednesday, Kinsey can be seen lying on the ground with his hands in the air, trying to calm the autistic man and defuse the situation seconds before he is shot."



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