Another reason that the Clintons should be in jail

If lying was a crime, she would be in jail for a really, really long time.
ok, since you are so confident of such, please tell us the many lies she told when 8 years as the senator for nyork, and the 4 years as SOS....

let's see all of them that you know your own words IF YOU CAN....

" I landed under sniper fire" LIE

"the Benghazi attack was caused by a video" LIE

" I was always in favor of gay marriage" LIE

there are 3 for you, there are many many more.
If lying was a crime, she would be in jail for a really, really long time.

psycho boy... she testified for 11 hours before a GOP committee. if she lied, don't you think you'd have *gotten* her?

damn, you're stupid.

that's not over yet. this is about the corrupt Clinton foundation. Still waiting for you to tell us what in the OP is not true.
If you count the words that would give you a good indication.

If lying was a crime, she would be in jail for a really, really long time.
ok, since you are so confident of such, please tell us the many lies she told when 8 years as the senator for nyork, and the 4 years as SOS....

let's see all of them that you know your own words IF YOU CAN....

If you count the words that would give you a good indication.

This woman has never spoken her heart. Never...

in other words, you haven't a clue what you're talking about and are just making up whatever you feel like.


So much honesty...
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all talk, no facts presented....

you should know the difference.... but you never recognize a HIT piece full of hot air.... at least when it comes to anyone on the left!

the book they talk about in the link I am providing, either didn't come out or had no effect. Not that I think that the Clintons are in trouble, they are too big to fail. They will skate. Although I did read where this is something that the FBI is looking into. In my opinion, they are looking into to make sure that Mrs. Tulza Clinton is cleared not indicted. The coverup continues.

The Clinton Foundation: A cauldron of conflicts and cronyism – Capital Research Center
for those of you who have replied "funny". tell us what in the piece is not true. If it was lies why haven't the Clintons sued Krauthammer for slander and libel?

they haven't sued because they do not want any of this to be given light in a courtroom.

the Clintons are slime, face it, they are ripping you fools off while you just grin like the jackasses that you are.

Don't worry about those who responded with funny it is the new meme of the radical left. Anything of truth that is against them they rate as funny. It is really sad the level of discourse.
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for those of you who have replied "funny". tell us what in the piece is not true. If it was lies why haven't the Clintons sued Krauthammer for slander and libel?

they haven't sued because they do not want any of this to be given light in a courtroom.

the Clintons are slime, face it, they are ripping you fools off while you just grin like the jackasses that you are.

Don't worry about those who responded with funny it is the new meme of the radical left. Anything of truth that is against them they rate a funny. It is really sad the level of discourse.

right, whats really funny is that not one of them has even tried to refute anything in the OP. Typical dem/lib lunacy, if you don't like the truth attack the messenger and ignore the message.
If lying was a crime, she would be in jail for a really, really long time.
ok, since you are so confident of such, please tell us the many lies she told when 8 years as the senator for nyork, and the 4 years as SOS....

let's see all of them that you know your own words IF YOU CAN....

" I landed under sniper fire" LIE

"the Benghazi attack was caused by a video" LIE

" I was always in favor of gay marriage" LIE

there are 3 for you, there are many many more.

These are almost as creative as claiming global warming being responsible for ISIS.
Where have the libs run off to? Can't deal with the truth about your awful candidate so you run off and hide under your rocks.

you dem/libs are pathetic.
Where have the libs run off to? Can't deal with the truth about your awful candidate so you run off and hide under your rocks.

you dem/libs are pathetic.

They are too busy talking about Trumps fingers and dick, something they are apparently very interested in.
"Another reason that the Clintons should be in jail"

Another example of the ridiculous, partisan right.
It is sad Hillary is a liar.

What is more sad is that she is looking like the best candidate in this election cycle.

I was pissed at republicans for not offering quality candidate last election cycle. (Except Huntsman)

Now republicans have gone out and found even worse candidates than last time around.

I would vote for Kasich over Hillary. I will vote Hillary over Trump.
I will vote Sanders over Trump. Thanks a lot republicans.

Whats really funny is that a lot of independents and even democrats would vote Kasich. But no, republicans don't really want to win the WH. Hell then they wouldn't have any excuse as to why they can't govern worth a fuck.

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