Another reason to support Newt~ Balance the budget in 5 yrs


Newt couldn't even keep his pants zipped! How can he balance the budget? He ain't Bill Clinton!
I think LAdy GUn Slinger is vying to be Newt's 4th (or is it 5th?) wife

Good way to deflect the thread. Just because she like newt does not mean she wants to marry him. Since you like obama so much does that mean you want to be his lover?
Gingrich is a very smart man. Possibly the smartest man running for President,including the guy running for re-election. Unfortunately his time has passed and he has a whole lot of baggage. The Left Wing Smear Machine would have a field-day with him. He would be great to have in a Republican Administration though. There is certainly a job for him. But the time for running for President has passed for him.
I think LAdy GUn Slinger is vying to be Newt's 4th (or is it 5th?) wife

Good way to deflect the thread. Just because she like newt does not mean she wants to marry him. Since you like obama so much does that mean you want to be his lover?

I know you are, but what am I? :funnyface:
Just because she likes him doesn't mean she wants to marry but if what you say is true you must want to be obama's lover.
After Gingrich left office under a cloud in 1998, I can't think of a single redeeming thing he has done to deserve the American people's vote.

I am obviously biased, but I am just speaking in generalities.
After Gingrich left office under a cloud in 1998, I can't think of a single redeeming thing he has done to deserve the American people's vote.

I am obviously biased, but I am just speaking in generalities.

ROFLMAO HACK.. Gingrich resigned and BUBBA stayed in even after IMPEACHED for perjury. Integrity is about doing the right thing when it isn't easy.. something you leftist know NOTHING of.
Gingrich is a very smart man. Possibly the smartest man running for President,including the guy running for re-election. Unfortunately his time has passed and he has a whole lot of baggage. The Left Wing Smear Machine would have a field-day with him. He would be great to have in a Republican Administration though. There is certainly a job for him. But the time for running for President has passed for him.

Bill Maher: Gingrich “uses the words ‘profound’ and ‘fundamental’ in every sentence, and people say ‘wow, he’s such a big thinker!’” :lol:
After Gingrich left office under a cloud in 1998, I can't think of a single redeeming thing he has done to deserve the American people's vote.

I am obviously biased, but I am just speaking in generalities.

ROFLMAO HACK.. Gingrich resigned and BUBBA stayed in even after IMPEACHED for perjury. Integrity is about doing the right thing when it isn't easy.. something you leftist know NOTHING of.

Gingrich "resigned" to keep his party from booting his ass to the curb. He majorly overstepped with trying to remove Clinton from office.

I wouldn't presume to lecture anyone on integrity and utter Gingrich's name in the same breath unless you wanted to point out a good example of a complete lack of integrity.

All that aside, my point is still the same. Gingrich is a has been. What the hell has he done since 1998? He's only relevant because the GOP field is THAT bad.
Gingrich is a has-been. Only in the race to keep the rest of the clown car passengers honest on conservative policy positions.
After Gingrich left office under a cloud in 1998, I can't think of a single redeeming thing he has done to deserve the American people's vote.

I am obviously biased, but I am just speaking in generalities.
Well, I remember him doing commercials with Senator Clinton, promoting electronic medical records, and such. And I remember him doing commercials with Nancy Pelosi to solve Climate Change. And I remember when he supported Cap & Trade and did some commercials for that. He hasn't done any Viagra commercials, has he? No, no...that was John McCain....

Oh, here are some!

[ame=]Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich Commercial on Climate Change - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Gingrich Flip-Flops and Hypocrisy - YouTube[/ame]
After Gingrich left office under a cloud in 1998, I can't think of a single redeeming thing he has done to deserve the American people's vote.

I am obviously biased, but I am just speaking in generalities.
Well, I remember him doing commercials with Senator Clinton, promoting electronic medical records, and such. And I remember him doing commercials with Nancy Pelosi to solve Climate Change. And I remember when he supported Cap & Trade and did some commercials for that. He hasn't done any Viagra commercials, has he? No, no...that was John McCain....

As much of a pain in the ass as electronic medical records are relative to handwritten notes and orders, they are going to greatly faciliate patient care (if their is ever a national record/database).

Ironic that Gingrich now has to renounce his pleasant ventures into statesmanship to try and win the GOP nomination.

But that's how the crazytrain rolls.
After Gingrich left office under a cloud in 1998, I can't think of a single redeeming thing he has done to deserve the American people's vote.

I am obviously biased, but I am just speaking in generalities.

ROFLMAO HACK.. Gingrich resigned and BUBBA stayed in even after IMPEACHED for perjury. Integrity is about doing the right thing when it isn't easy.. something you leftist know NOTHING of.

Gingrich "resigned" to keep his party from booting his ass to the curb. He majorly overstepped with trying to remove Clinton from office.

I wouldn't presume to lecture anyone on integrity and utter Gingrich's name in the same breath unless you wanted to point out a good example of a complete lack of integrity.

All that aside, my point is still the same. Gingrich is a has been. What the hell has he done since 1998? He's only relevant because the GOP field is THAT bad.

Who cares what you think? You're a liberal hack whose opinion of our nominee doesn't mean jack shit. LOL Newt did the right thing and resigned while your boy Bubba didn't have the decency to save the country the embarrassment as the CINC who obstructed justice and broke the law. How sad for you liberals.
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Gingrich is a has-been. Only in the race to keep the rest of the clown car passengers honest on conservative policy positions.

ROFLMAO The new moronic liberal talking points, "A HAS BEEN." That would make EVERY politician a has been. Some times I wonder just how much further down the stooopid slide you leftists can fall?

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