Another reason to support Newt~ Balance the budget in 5 yrs


Strong on the security of our nation.

[ame=]GOP Debate: Attack Iran to Hold Off Nukes? - YouTube[/ame]

Barry is a jellyfish with no spine. Can we afford the costly mistake of Iran with a nuclear weapon?
After Gingrich left office under a cloud in 1998, I can't think of a single redeeming thing he has done to deserve the American people's vote.

I am obviously biased, but I am just speaking in generalities.
Well, I remember him doing commercials with Senator Clinton, promoting electronic medical records, and such. And I remember him doing commercials with Nancy Pelosi to solve Climate Change. And I remember when he supported Cap & Trade and did some commercials for that. He hasn't done any Viagra commercials, has he? No, no...that was John McCain....

Oh, here are some!

[ame=]Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich Commercial on Climate Change - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Gingrich Flip-Flops and Hypocrisy - YouTube[/ame]

Cruse you for posting some truth about newt. He was for obamacare mandate even before obamacare became obamacare.
After Gingrich left office under a cloud in 1998, I can't think of a single redeeming thing he has done to deserve the American people's vote.

I am obviously biased, but I am just speaking in generalities.
Well, I remember him doing commercials with Senator Clinton, promoting electronic medical records, and such. And I remember him doing commercials with Nancy Pelosi to solve Climate Change. And I remember when he supported Cap & Trade and did some commercials for that. He hasn't done any Viagra commercials, has he? No, no...that was John McCain....

Oh, here are some!

Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich Commercial on Climate Change - YouTube

Gingrich Flip-Flops and Hypocrisy - YouTube

Cruse you for posting some truth about newt. He was for obamacare mandate even before obamacare became obamacare.

I doesn't bother me that Newt learned from a mistake, not one bit. All of the GOP contenders have flip-flopped , even Ron Paul and ear marks so don't sit here as if your ass is squeaky clean when it stinks to high heaven.
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Well, I remember him doing commercials with Senator Clinton, promoting electronic medical records, and such. And I remember him doing commercials with Nancy Pelosi to solve Climate Change. And I remember when he supported Cap & Trade and did some commercials for that. He hasn't done any Viagra commercials, has he? No, no...that was John McCain....

Oh, here are some!

Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich Commercial on Climate Change - YouTube

Gingrich Flip-Flops and Hypocrisy - YouTube

Cruse you for posting some truth about newt. He was for obamacare mandate even before obamacare became obamacare.

I doesn't bother me that Newt learned from a mistake, not one bit. All of the GOP contenders have flip-flopped , even Ron Paul and ear marks so don't sit here as if your ass is squeaky clean when it stinks to high heaven.

He hasn't learned anything. He changing his word to suit the political winds. Don't be with newt like Spector supporters are.
Gingrich is a has-been. Only in the race to keep the rest of the clown car passengers honest on conservative policy positions.

ROFLMAO The new moronic liberal talking points, "A HAS BEEN." That would make EVERY politician a has been. Some times I wonder just how much further down the stooopid slide you leftists can fall?

You're not very bright, are you?

I'm conservative. I'll even be nice and won't say "I told you so" when he doesn't get the nomination.
My views and values haven't change why do some people accept a politician so easily when he said one thing a few years ago and turns around and says another thing? Especially someone who supported government mandate of healthcare and now they don't support it. I could never support anyone that moves with the political winds like a tumbleweed does when the wind blows.
I know the rightwing nuts here won't watch this because 1) it's too long for their attention span and 2) it's not what they want to hear, but, anyway, for anyone else who enjoys a well constructed smackdown,

here's Rachel Maddow elegantly demolishing Newt and his scams (with the Tea Party and even CNN getting hosed as a bonus)

[ame=]Rachel Maddow on Newtie's Campaign Scam & Tea Party Scams - YouTube[/ame]
I know the rightwing nuts here won't watch this because 1) it's too long for their attention span and 2) it's not what they want to hear, but, anyway, for anyone else who enjoys a well constructed smackdown,

here's Rachel Maddow elegantly demolishing Newt and his scams (with the Tea Party and even CNN getting hosed as a bonus)

Rachel Maddow on Newtie's Campaign Scam & Tea Party Scams - YouTube

You lied I watched. Was she bashing CNN or those who scammed tea party members? Or was she claiming members of the tea party scam people? Is she claiming conservatives are scammers?

If the latter is what shes trng to do I have one simple response for that.
I can do the same thing for liberals does that make me a liberal? I can call it the coffee expreso net work. Does that make me a liberal?
Anybody who tried to balance the budget in the next five years (5 year plan? soounds communist to me) is going to crash this economy.

Taking money out of a system that is already lacking money is seriously a dumb idea.

The solution is either deficit spending or giving the banks a serious haricut.

By haircut I mean having them write OFF debts.

Now obviously nobody holding debt instruments is going to support that move, but it may come down to that here in the USA just like it is already happening to EURO banks holding Greece's debts.

You cannot squeeze blood out of a stone.

Newt has already done it once.. that's why he's running.. He's laid out the MASSIVE cuts he intends to back once he's President. Moronic liberals think they can spend us out of debt.. HOW STUPID CAN ONE BE?????

Can you link to Gingrich's massive cuts - laid out in details/specifics, cut by cut?
Newt has a proven track record..

Of what?

Newt helped to create 11 million new jobs whereas your idiot lost over 11 million.. I'd run on those numbers ANY day of the week!

The Newt Gingrich Record | Newt Gingrich 2012

RECORDS don't lie.. spin that leftist. Too bad we have access to real records now.. you leftist zombies can no longer get away with lying your ass of.

1. Newt Gingrich said the 1993 Clinton budget would kill job creation and fought against it. He failed, it passed, and most of the job creation you're referring to followed that budget.

2. In the mid nineties Gingrich fought against raising the minimum wage, saying that it would also kill job creation. He lost that fight, the minimum wage was increased, and yet, somehow, the job boom of the nineties went on.

Gingrich didn't help create the jobs of the nineties; he was irrelevant to the process.
You are right it CAN be amended... which is what makes it a living document... 2/33 approval in the house, 2/3 approval in the senate, and ratification by 3/4 of the states...

But.. that power was NOT granted to the fed... and there was no amendment to grant it to the fed when the power was seized...

Again... please show the specific power granted by the states to the fed via the constitution.... it's not a hard request

Show me where your theories supersede Congress and the SCOTUS. I don't make laws - Congress does. I don't decide what's constitutional - the SCOTUS does. I know that it's very difficult for you to wrap your head around it, but that's just the way it is. You want to change the law? Then become a senator, rep or SC justice.

The direct words within the constitution

Again... what I ask is simple.. please point out the specific power granted by the states through the constitution that gives the fed the authority to create, run, and administer something such as SS....

You're asking people to debate this issue while first accepting a false premise that every power in the Constitution must appear in detailed and specific enumeration.

Newt helped to create 11 million new jobs whereas your idiot lost over 11 million.. I'd run on those numbers ANY day of the week!

The Newt Gingrich Record | Newt Gingrich 2012

RECORDS don't lie.. spin that leftist. Too bad we have access to real records now.. you leftist zombies can no longer get away with lying your ass of.

1. Newt Gingrich said the 1993 Clinton budget would kill job creation and fought against it. He failed, it passed, and most of the job creation you're referring to followed that budget.

2. In the mid nineties Gingrich fought against raising the minimum wage, saying that it would also kill job creation. He lost that fight, the minimum wage was increased, and yet, somehow, the job boom of the nineties went on.

Gingrich didn't help create the jobs of the nineties; he was irrelevant to the process.

Job grew but didn't costs also rise?
Anybody who tried to balance the budget in the next five years (5 year plan? soounds communist to me) is going to crash this economy.

Taking money out of a system that is already lacking money is seriously a dumb idea.

The solution is either deficit spending or giving the banks a serious haricut.

By haircut I mean having them write OFF debts.

Now obviously nobody holding debt instruments is going to support that move, but it may come down to that here in the USA just like it is already happening to EURO banks holding Greece's debts.

You cannot squeeze blood out of a stone.

Newt has already done it once.. that's why he's running.. He's laid out the MASSIVE cuts he intends to back once he's President. Moronic liberals think they can spend us out of debt.. HOW STUPID CAN ONE BE?????

Can you link to Gingrich's massive cuts - laid out in details/specifics, cut by cut?

Can you lay out in sheer detail, the massive healthcare bill, with cut by cut on how it's saving American's money?

Newt helped to create 11 million new jobs whereas your idiot lost over 11 million.. I'd run on those numbers ANY day of the week!

The Newt Gingrich Record | Newt Gingrich 2012

RECORDS don't lie.. spin that leftist. Too bad we have access to real records now.. you leftist zombies can no longer get away with lying your ass of.

1. Newt Gingrich said the 1993 Clinton budget would kill job creation and fought against it. He failed, it passed, and most of the job creation you're referring to followed that budget.

2. In the mid nineties Gingrich fought against raising the minimum wage, saying that it would also kill job creation. He lost that fight, the minimum wage was increased, and yet, somehow, the job boom of the nineties went on.

Gingrich didn't help create the jobs of the nineties; he was irrelevant to the process.

roflmao OMG hahahahahahahaha The LEFTIST on display:

Only Bubba Clinton can claim credit for job creation, not the Congress led by Speaker Gingrich. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Newt helped to create 11 million new jobs whereas your idiot lost over 11 million.. I'd run on those numbers ANY day of the week!

The Newt Gingrich Record | Newt Gingrich 2012

RECORDS don't lie.. spin that leftist. Too bad we have access to real records now.. you leftist zombies can no longer get away with lying your ass of.

1. Newt Gingrich said the 1993 Clinton budget would kill job creation and fought against it. He failed, it passed, and most of the job creation you're referring to followed that budget.

2. In the mid nineties Gingrich fought against raising the minimum wage, saying that it would also kill job creation. He lost that fight, the minimum wage was increased, and yet, somehow, the job boom of the nineties went on.

Gingrich didn't help create the jobs of the nineties; he was irrelevant to the process.

Job grew but didn't costs also rise?
I believe earmarks cause debt to be added which in turn make costs rise? Do you have a point?
The direct words within the constitution

Again... what I ask is simple.. please point out the specific power granted by the states through the constitution that gives the fed the authority to create, run, and administer something such as SS....

I don't care whether or not such a passage exists. I'm not a constitutional scholar. What I do know is this: SS, Medicare and Medicaid are the law of the land, and have been for decades. They have survived congressional challenges as well as SC challenges. You're not going to budge from your entrenched ideological position (as wrong as it is), and I'm not going to budge from the fact that these laws were deemed constitutional long ago. I'm done with this nonsense. Good luck convincing the SC to overturn established law. Let me know how it goes :lol::lol::lol:

You don't care because you want the benefit of the power... I understand that

But do you not understand that the states grant the power to the fed via the constitution... and that unless amended, the constitution limits the powers of the fed SPECIFICALLY... and that, by your admission, no passage exists within the constitution granting said power to the fed.... the position that is WRONG, is the one that has nothing to back it up...

As stated... whether the SC or congress or the prez or whomever, grabs power without constitutional authority is irrelevant.. it is still against the powers granted within the constitution... I know libs such as yourself hate that wrong is wrong... but it is still wrong, even when someone gets away with it

The founders were divided on the issue of whether and/or to what extent the Constitution

allowed for interpretations that rested on 'implied powers'.
The founders were divided on the issue of whether and/or to what extent the Constitution allowed for interpretations that rested on 'implied powers'.

They weren't simply divided, the early parties representing the two sides sometimes flipped their positions entirely in the name of political expediency.
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Newt helped to create 11 million new jobs whereas your idiot lost over 11 million.. I'd run on those numbers ANY day of the week!

The Newt Gingrich Record | Newt Gingrich 2012

RECORDS don't lie.. spin that leftist. Too bad we have access to real records now.. you leftist zombies can no longer get away with lying your ass of.

1. Newt Gingrich said the 1993 Clinton budget would kill job creation and fought against it. He failed, it passed, and most of the job creation you're referring to followed that budget.

2. In the mid nineties Gingrich fought against raising the minimum wage, saying that it would also kill job creation. He lost that fight, the minimum wage was increased, and yet, somehow, the job boom of the nineties went on.

Gingrich didn't help create the jobs of the nineties; he was irrelevant to the process.

Job grew but didn't costs also rise?

You'd have to be more specific I'm not getting your reference.
1. Newt Gingrich said the 1993 Clinton budget would kill job creation and fought against it. He failed, it passed, and most of the job creation you're referring to followed that budget.

2. In the mid nineties Gingrich fought against raising the minimum wage, saying that it would also kill job creation. He lost that fight, the minimum wage was increased, and yet, somehow, the job boom of the nineties went on.

Gingrich didn't help create the jobs of the nineties; he was irrelevant to the process.

Job grew but didn't costs also rise?

You'd have to be more specific I'm not getting your reference.

Do you really think those company's took the lose when they had to raise their min. wage payroll? No the cost was passed on to the consumer.

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