Another reason to support Newt~ Balance the budget in 5 yrs

Good! Nominate him!
I believe we will. And when the shock wares off after his inauguration and it sinks in that barry is on his way back to Chicago, please, don't hurt yourself. I know how emotional you libs get!

This week it's looking like it could be Gingrich, next week: who knows?

Romney's the only one so far who's shown any ability to sustain the withering scrutiny that comes with being at the top of the field, though Cain's resiliency thus far despite clearly having a very tenuous grasp of most public policy issues and apparently being a little handsy has been kind of impressive.

If it's Gingrich's turn, I suspect he'll find very quickly that he can only avoid tough questions and squirm away from his own words by relying on petulant indignation for so long. Points for denouncing Paul Ryan's "rightwing social engineering" though!

It basically comes out to Romney v. "Not Romney". So far Romney only garnes about 25% of the votes.

It will be interesting to see what happens.
Contract with America? How'd that turn out? :lol::lol::lol:
turned out great. They promised to bring ten bills to the house floor for a vote in the first one hundred days and did just that. They promised to reform the house rules by making 8 substanitive changes on the first day and did just that.

They did break one promise, they promised to ballance the budget in 5 to 7 years and did it in 3.... bad Newt!

Contract with America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Really? :eusa_eh:
yeah... really

The Contract's actual text included a list of eight reforms the Republicans promised to enact, and ten bills they promised to bring to floor debate and votes, if they were made the majority following the election.
The Contract had promised to bring to floor debate and votes 10 bills that would implement major reform of the Federal Government. When the 104th Congress assembled in January 1995, the Republican majority sought to implement the Contract.

In some cases (e.g. The National Security Restoration Act and The Personal Responsibility Act), the proposed bills were accomplished by a single act analogous to that which had been proposed in the Contract; in other cases (e.g. The Job Creation and Wage Enhancement Act), a proposed bill's provisions were split up across multiple acts. Most of the bills died in the Senate, except as noted below.
The house bought every single bill they proposed in the contract to the floor for a vote, thats what the house promised to do. 9 of the 10 passed (though it was more than ten because some of the things they promised had to be broken up into more than just a single bill). Some of it became law, some didn't. The house does not control the Senate, and they certainly can't stop the President from issuing a VETO.

They passed all 8 of the rule changes they proposed for the house on the first day, just like they said they would.

The record on keeping the promises made in the contract is 100%
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This week it's looking like it could be Gingrich, next week: who knows?

Romney's the only one so far who's shown any ability to sustain the withering scrutiny that comes with being at the top of the field, though Cain's resiliency thus far despite clearly having a very tenuous grasp of most public policy issues and apparently being a little handsy has been kind of impressive.

If it's Gingrich's turn, I suspect he'll find very quickly that he can only avoid tough questions and squirm away from his own words by relying on petulant indignation for so long. Points for denouncing Paul Ryan's "rightwing social engineering" though!

It basically comes out to Romney v. "Not Romney". So far Romney only garnes about 25% of the votes.

It will be interesting to see what happens.
I'm waiting for Ron Paul's big "fuck you" to the GOP, bolting to run on the Libertarian Party ticket.

It sure would be fun!
Job grew but didn't costs also rise?

You'd have to be more specific I'm not getting your reference.

Do you really think those company's took the lose when they had to raise their min. wage payroll? No the cost was passed on to the consumer.

They passed the cost on to the consumer if the consumer was willing to pay it. They may also have operated at a slightly lower profit margin. They may also have made adjustments/efficiencies in other areas of the cost of doing business in order to maintain their margins.

Whatever happened, within a few years of the Clinton minimum wage increase we had 4% unemployment.

That is one strong example refuting the argument that minimum wage increases kill job growth.
I doesn't bother me that Newt learned from a mistake, not one bit. All of the GOP contenders have flip-flopped , even Ron Paul and ear marks so don't sit here as if your ass is squeaky clean when it stinks to high heaven.

Exactly. And the fact that you still support them just proves what a partisan hack you truly are.
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You'd have to be more specific I'm not getting your reference.

Do you really think those company's took the lose when they had to raise their min. wage payroll? No the cost was passed on to the consumer.

They passed the cost on to the consumer if the consumer was willing to pay it. They may also have operated at a slightly lower profit margin. They may also have made adjustments/efficiencies in other areas of the cost of doing business in order to maintain their margins.

Whatever happened, within a few years of the Clinton minimum wage increase we had 4% unemployment.

That is one strong example refuting the argument that minimum wage increases kill job growth.
and within a few minths of Harry and nancy's increase of min wage we had complete economic collapse.
All of the GOP contenders have flip-flopped [/B], even Ron Paul and ear marks so don't sit here as if your ass is squeaky clean when it stinks to high heaven.

Exactly. And the fact that you still support them just proves what a partisan hack you truly are.

Name one person in your entire life who has never had a change of heart.. JUST ONE, you idiot.
All of the GOP contenders have flip-flopped [/B], even Ron Paul and ear marks so don't sit here as if your ass is squeaky clean when it stinks to high heaven.

Exactly. And the fact that you still support them just proves what a partisan hack you truly are.

Name one person in your entire life who has never had a change of heart.. JUST ONE, you idiot.

We're not talking about random, everyday working stiffs changing their opinions; we're talking about people who are vying for the office of the POTUS - possibly the most powerful position on the face of the earth - flip-flopping on immensely important issues. If you can't wrap your little head around that, then you are beyond my help.
Exactly. And the fact that you still support them just proves what a partisan hack you truly are.

Name one person in your entire life who has never had a change of heart.. JUST ONE, you idiot.

We're not talking about random, everyday working stiffs changing their opinions; we're talking about people who are vying for the office of the POTUS - possibly the most powerful position on the face of the earth - flip-flopping on immensely important issues. If you can't wrap your little head around that, then you are beyond my help.

But for some reason I get the feeling you supported Kerry.
Do you really think those company's took the lose when they had to raise their min. wage payroll? No the cost was passed on to the consumer.

They passed the cost on to the consumer if the consumer was willing to pay it. They may also have operated at a slightly lower profit margin. They may also have made adjustments/efficiencies in other areas of the cost of doing business in order to maintain their margins.

Whatever happened, within a few years of the Clinton minimum wage increase we had 4% unemployment.

That is one strong example refuting the argument that minimum wage increases kill job growth.
and within a few minths of Harry and nancy's increase of min wage we had complete economic collapse.

What is that supposed to prove?
You'd have to be more specific I'm not getting your reference.

Do you really think those company's took the lose when they had to raise their min. wage payroll? No the cost was passed on to the consumer.

They passed the cost on to the consumer if the consumer was willing to pay it. They may also have operated at a slightly lower profit margin. They may also have made adjustments/efficiencies in other areas of the cost of doing business in order to maintain their margins.

Whatever happened, within a few years of the Clinton minimum wage increase we had 4% unemployment.

That is one strong example refuting the argument that minimum wage increases kill job growth.

There is some conection to raising the minimum wage and rising number of inflation.

So we know that inflation can have a detrimental effect on the real spending power of a raised minimum wage, but does a raised minimum wage cause inflation? Yes and no. From an economic standpoint, inflation can be caused by any number of new or increased costs of production, including an increase in workers' wages. If a company must increase the minimum wage of its workers by several dollars, there is obviously a new expense that must either be absorbed by the company as the cost of using human labor or passed on to customers in the form of higher prices.
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Exactly. And the fact that you still support them just proves what a partisan hack you truly are.

Name one person in your entire life who has never had a change of heart.. JUST ONE, you idiot.

We're not talking about random, everyday working stiffs changing their opinions; we're talking about people who are vying for the office of the POTUS - possibly the most powerful position on the face of the earth - flip-flopping on immensely important issues. If you can't wrap your little head around that, then you are beyond my help.

You didn't answer my question. Thanks for making my case.
Name one person in your entire life who has never had a change of heart.. JUST ONE, you idiot.

We're not talking about random, everyday working stiffs changing their opinions; we're talking about people who are vying for the office of the POTUS - possibly the most powerful position on the face of the earth - flip-flopping on immensely important issues. If you can't wrap your little head around that, then you are beyond my help.

But for some reason I get the feeling you supported Kerry.
Who was stupid enough to vote for Bush in 2004?
We're not talking about random, everyday working stiffs changing their opinions; we're talking about people who are vying for the office of the POTUS - possibly the most powerful position on the face of the earth - flip-flopping on immensely important issues. If you can't wrap your little head around that, then you are beyond my help.

But for some reason I get the feeling you supported Kerry.
Who was stupid enough to vote for Bush in 2004?

Which means you actually voted for that lunkhead Kerry and sit in this thread pointing a finger.. ROFLMAO You're dismissed.
All of the GOP contenders have flip-flopped [/B], even Ron Paul and ear marks so don't sit here as if your ass is squeaky clean when it stinks to high heaven.

Exactly. And the fact that you still support them just proves what a partisan hack you truly are.

Name one person in your entire life who has never had a change of heart.. JUST ONE, you idiot.

"I was for it before I was against it"

Ring any bells, you dope?

You have no values, no morals, and no principles.

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