Another reason to support Newt~ Balance the budget in 5 yrs

“ROMNEY: Actually, Newt, we got the idea of an individual mandate from you.

GINGRICH: That’s not true. You got it from the Heritage Foundation.

ROMNEY: Yes, we got it from you, and you got it from the Heritage Foundation and from you.

GINGRICH: Wait a second. What you just said is not true. You did not get that from me. You got it from the Heritage Foundation.

ROMNEY: And you never supported them?

GINGRICH: I agree with them, but I’m just saying, what you said to this audience just now plain wasn’t true.


ROMNEY: OK. Let me ask, have you supported in the past an individual mandate?

GINGRICH: I absolutely did with the Heritage Foundation against Hillarycare.

ROMNEY: You did support an individual mandate?

ROMNEY: Oh, OK. That’s what I’m saying. We got the idea from you and the Heritage Foundation.

GINGRICH: OK. A little broader.

Newt has a proven track record of being a deficit hawk. Newt states he will balance the budget in 5 years.

Newt Gingrich Estimates Budget Could Be Balanced in 5 Years - ABC News

Newt brought Bubba kicking and screaming to the table regarding welfare reform and a balanced budget. He's as proven leader.
Except that budgets don't get submitted 5 years in advance. Each successive Congress will do what they want with the budget. And unless Newt (Or any President) has a compliant Congress, it aint gonna' happen.

That's why Ron Paul talks about 1 trillion in cuts the first year.
Ron Paul proposes $1 trillion in spending cuts
You didn't answer my question. Thanks for making my case.

You still didn't provide the specific details of the Gingrich cuts that get us to a balanced budget.

I'm still waiting for you to provide every detail of the Health Care fiasco shoved on to American's by Barry and the Left.. Note it, detail by detail, all the cuts that it supposedly makes and how much it saves the individual taxpayer. our lil' blackpowder-BIMBO havin' a small problem trying to "repackage" a lyin' son-of-a-bitch like....



Careful what you ask for....



I like Newt.

I think he's the smartest guy in the room. He's got the brains and ability to straighen out the mess this country is in.

His prsonal baggage doesn't bother me one iota.

If he gets the nom I won't have problem one voting for him.

I'd love to see him debate Barry Boy. My moneys on Newt.

The libs believe all of his old history is going to make a difference with the electorate. They're in for a surprise.

This next election people won't care about personal politics but records, newt has a very good record as to the direction of the house while he was speaker.

He is a tough cookie for obama to beat especially if they debate.
Democrats and Republicans have great difficulty submitting the current years' budget on time. In fact the had to create an Unconstitutional Super Congress to get it done and they still can't get it done!

Why would anyone think Newt will get a 5 year budget passed? :confused:

You're being lied to.
I like Newt.

I think he's the smartest guy in the room. He's got the brains and ability to straighen out the mess this country is in.

His prsonal baggage doesn't bother me one iota.

If he gets the nom I won't have problem one voting for him.

I'd love to see him debate Barry Boy. My moneys on Newt.

The libs believe all of his old history is going to make a difference with the electorate. They're in for a surprise.

This next election people won't care about personal politics but records, newt has a very good record as to the direction of the house while he was speaker.

He is a tough cookie for obama to beat especially if they debate.

Frig Newton is an average, ordinary, garden-variety.....

Last edited:
I like Newt.

I think he's the smartest guy in the room. He's got the brains and ability to straighen out the mess this country is in.

His prsonal baggage doesn't bother me one iota.

If he gets the nom I won't have problem one voting for him.

I'd love to see him debate Barry Boy. My moneys on Newt.

The libs believe all of his old history is going to make a difference with the electorate. They're in for a surprise.

This next election people won't care about personal politics but records, newt has a very good record as to the direction of the house while he was speaker.

He is a tough cookie for obama to beat especially if they debate.

Dreamer, nothing but a Dreamer...........................:lol:
You didn't answer my question. Thanks for making my case.

You still didn't provide the specific details of the Gingrich cuts that get us to a balanced budget.

I'm still waiting for you to provide every detail of the Health Care fiasco shoved on to American's by Barry and the Left.. Note it, detail by detail, all the cuts that it supposedly makes and how much it saves the individual taxpayer.

In other words you have no clue how Gingrich balances the budget.
Who was stupid enough to vote for Bush in 2004?


You don't get to trot around saying flip flopping is bad thing and that it deserves your derision and only people who stand firm and don't change their position deserve your support while at the same time having voting for Kerry.

Cause Bush was the one who stood firm (even though he was an idiot) and Kerry was the flip-flopper.

Thats whats known as hypocrisy, just in case you didn't know.

Most people don't remember how Kerry got the flip flopping label. He got it for saying he was for the 87 billion Iraq funding bill before he was against it.

The facts are:

The Bush administration wanted 87 billion for the war. The Democrats like Kerry supported an 87 billion dollar bill (he was 'for' it)

but their version PAID FOR IT. Bush did not want to pay for it, and in fact, vowed to veto that version (Bush was thus, first, against it).

The GOP version of the 87 billion did NOT PAY FOR IT. They just borrowed it and added it to the debt (you remember the debt, it comes up every once in a while nowadays) Kerry opposed the GOP budget busting version. He was against it. Bush was for it.


Kerry was for it before he was against it. Bush was against it before he was for it.

Unlucky for Kerry, he got the flip flop label out of it, Bush didn't.

I remember all the cute but cheap flip flops that were handed out at the RNC convention for everyone to wave around....along with the purple heart band aids people were wearing......that was classy to say the least.
NEWT has proven he can work with a divided congress to get a balanced budget passed as long as he has a president willing to sign off on the budget (like clinton was but obama isn't)

The fragrance in the air these days is of a GOP controlled congress. Then Newt can REALLY get some work done in favor of JOBS in America. :clap2:
There is a difference between Kerry flip flopping on supporting some spending bill and Mitt flip-flopping on core values
Not really. I think they did it for the same reason- political calculation. Kerry, despite having protested the war in Vietnam, was all for the war in Iraq when polls showed that 70% of Americans thought that Saddam had something to do with 9/11. It was pure calculation. But when it came closer to the Democratic nomination, he was happy to cozy up to the anti-war left.

His "I was for it before I was against it" might have been a clinical examination of how legislation works, but image wise, it shows a guy who calculates, not stands on principle.
This is false.

Kerry explained that he had supported an earlier Democratic measure that would have paid for the $87 billion in war funding by reducing Bush's tax cuts.

After it was defeated, he said he voted against final passage of the bill to voice his displeasure with the president's Iraq policy.

He supported the $87,000,000,000 when the millionaires and billionaires were going to be paying their fair share. Once that was off the table he changed his vote.

This would be the SAME war he voted for in 2002.

Again, no principles at all.

When war was popular, he voted for war. When war was less popular, he voted against it. I think he finally did come out unequivoably against the war- after he lost the election.[/QUOTE]


Why am I wasting time with someone who cannot even properly quote another poster. I didn't say anything in that box that you attribute to me.

Please get your shit together.
No there is not. I suspect you like spector also don't you?

Of course there's a difference. You could think that climate change is a scam, then be shown new information which changes your mind. That's not a flip-flop.

I can't stand Arlen Specter. He is responsible for Clarence Thomas being on the bench. I think he is as dishonest as they come.

To change your point of view because of how the political winds blow is not a good reason to change you view. Newt is doing it kerry did spector did it

Stop being a moron for 2 seconds and actually read what I wrote. I said that you could be shown new information which could change your mind. That has nothing to do with political winds blowing.

This is another example of why so many people here hold you in such low regard. You don't read what you are responding to. Or if you are reading it, you're not fully comprehending it. I don't know how you can get political winds out of me saying new information, unless you truly do not believe in any science at all, and facts are whatever you want them to be.
Who was stupid enough to vote for Bush in 2004?


You don't get to trot around saying flip flopping is bad thing and that it deserves your derision and only people who stand firm and don't change their position deserve your support while at the same time having voting for Kerry.

Cause Bush was the one who stood firm (even though he was an idiot) and Kerry was the flip-flopper.

Thats whats known as hypocrisy, just in case you didn't know.

Most people don't remember how Kerry got the flip flopping label. He got it for saying he was for the 87 billion Iraq funding bill before he was against it.

The facts are:

The Bush administration wanted 87 billion for the war. The Democrats like Kerry supported an 87 billion dollar bill (he was 'for' it)

but their version PAID FOR IT. Bush did not want to pay for it, and in fact, vowed to veto that version (Bush was thus, first, against it).

The GOP version of the 87 billion did NOT PAY FOR IT. They just borrowed it and added it to the debt (you remember the debt, it comes up every once in a while nowadays) Kerry opposed the GOP budget busting version. He was against it. Bush was for it.


Kerry was for it before he was against it. Bush was against it before he was for it.

Unlucky for Kerry, he got the flip flop label out of it, Bush didn't.
And the kicker is: Kerry turned out to be right!
We're not talking about random, everyday working stiffs changing their opinions; we're talking about people who are vying for the office of the POTUS - possibly the most powerful position on the face of the earth - flip-flopping on immensely important issues. If you can't wrap your little head around that, then you are beyond my help.

You didn't answer my question. Thanks for making my case.

You still didn't provide the specific details of the Gingrich cuts that get us to a balanced budget.
She hasn't a clue. She just parrots what she is told to parrot.

You don't get to trot around saying flip flopping is bad thing and that it deserves your derision and only people who stand firm and don't change their position deserve your support while at the same time having voting for Kerry.

Cause Bush was the one who stood firm (even though he was an idiot) and Kerry was the flip-flopper.

Thats whats known as hypocrisy, just in case you didn't know.

Most people don't remember how Kerry got the flip flopping label. He got it for saying he was for the 87 billion Iraq funding bill before he was against it.

The facts are:

The Bush administration wanted 87 billion for the war. The Democrats like Kerry supported an 87 billion dollar bill (he was 'for' it)

but their version PAID FOR IT. Bush did not want to pay for it, and in fact, vowed to veto that version (Bush was thus, first, against it).

The GOP version of the 87 billion did NOT PAY FOR IT. They just borrowed it and added it to the debt (you remember the debt, it comes up every once in a while nowadays) Kerry opposed the GOP budget busting version. He was against it. Bush was for it.


Kerry was for it before he was against it. Bush was against it before he was for it.

Unlucky for Kerry, he got the flip flop label out of it, Bush didn't.

I remember all the cute but cheap flip flops that were handed out at the RNC convention for everyone to wave around....along with the purple heart band aids people were wearing......that was classy to say the least.
Wingnuts don't respect the military when the military vote Democrat. Just like they don't give the military credit when a Democrat is president.
You didn't answer my question. Thanks for making my case.

You still didn't provide the specific details of the Gingrich cuts that get us to a balanced budget.
She hasn't a clue. She just parrots what she is told to parrot.

It is you who is clueless. You will vote for the idiot in office I presume without a second thought as to weather he will balance the budget or not. As will Joseph. Your demands for stats are nothing more than your attempt to elevate yourselves above the TC.
Voting for a conservative is the only way we will balance our budget. You morons can't even propose a budget, let alone pass one.

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