Another reason to support Newt~ Balance the budget in 5 yrs

A Bump for Newt is a vote for Newt! lol

Shut your trap you rightwing human debris, try doing some factchecking, Gingrich himself balanced nothing:

Newt Gingrich’s Pinocchio-laden debut - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

“To balance the budget as we did for four years when I was speaker, to reform entitlements, as we did with welfare, when I was speaker, and that's a great future…. It took us three years [to balance the budget]. We then balanced it for four consecutive years. We paid off $405 billion in debt. Nobody thought we could do it when it started. We did it.”

Listening to Gingrich, you would be forgiven for forgetting there was a president (Bill Clinton) in office at the time the nation starting running a budget surplus.

Gingrich is right to assert that he and the Republican Congress prodded Clinton to move to the right and embrace such conservative notions as a balanced budget and welfare reform. (Clinton vetoed two versions of welfare reform before signing the bill, prompting some key staff members to resign in protest.)

But the budget was balanced in part because of a gusher of tax revenues from Clinton’s 1993 deficit reduction package, which raised taxes on the wealthy and which Gingrich vehemently opposed. The budget was also balanced because the Democratic White House and Republican Congress were in absolute legislative stalemate, so neither side could implement grand plans to increase spending or cut taxes. (Look what happened with tax cuts—and the surplus—when a Republican president followed Clinton.)

Gingrich is wrong to claim there were four years of balanced budgets when he was speaker. He left in January 1999; the budget ran a surplus in the fiscal years of 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001. So he can at best claim two years.

As for reducing the debt by $405 billion, our math from looking at the White House historical tables shows that the publicly-held debt fell $450 billion during the surplus years. (Look on page 134) But much of this was when Gingrich was no longer speaker. Even during the surplus years, however, the gross debt (including bonds issued to Social Security and Medicare) rose by $400 billion. Gross debt is the figure that conservative tend to use.

During Gingrich’s time as speaker, the public debt was essentially flat and the gross debt rose $700 billion

You believe anything anyone from the right says, shows just how naive and intellectually retarded you are.

Does it ever occur to you guys to stop buying beer and cigs when your broke, or cancel your cellphone or cable?

Of course not. That's why were in this fucking mess.

Or starting 2 wars while cutting the taxes needed to pay for them??

While right or wrong that decision is in the past. Dwelling there constantly will do nothing to address our future problems. It's time to start planning for the future and move on from the past.

It's relevant when you're likely to see a GOP nominated who has essentially the same fiscal/defense policy/philosophy as the Bush administration had.
It is you who is clueless. You will vote for the idiot in office I presume without a second thought as to weather he will balance the budget or not. As will Joseph. Your demands for stats are nothing more than your attempt to elevate yourselves above the TC.
Voting for a conservative is the only way we will balance our budget. You morons can't even propose a budget, let alone pass one.

Maybe if we elected another Clinton we'd see a balanced budget. The Democrats are 1 and 1 as presidencies balancing the budget in the last 30 years.

The Republicans are 0 and 3.

Why on earth would anyone with any appreciation of track records and history assume that electing a Republican would improve the odds of ever seeing a balanced budget?

I WOULDN'T MIND HAVING BILL AS POTUS AGAIN. As long as the gop holds the congress. They worked pretty well together despite the rhetoric. Although morally bankrupt Bill was not a bad president.
Ah, yes.....and, The DICK; Cheney wasn't morally-bankrupt for....

[ame=]US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR - YouTube[/ame] was only a business-decision, right??
Can't run it like a slot machine either.. pulling on the handle and expecting payout when you put nothing in to it
Then let's get more people to work so that we put more into it, through their payroll taxes, the sales taxes they will pay from increased consumer spending, and the other taxes that manufacturing will pay..

Tsk tsk tsk.... even with some people taking entry level jobs.. they are not paying income taxes anyway

And to get the jobs, you don't increase govt spending or taxation while in the down economy...

A stable economy with lower taxation combined with when the companies start recouping monies that were lost... then you will see jobs... not when you guys think jobs will magically occur with more taxation, handouts, entitlements, bailouts, etc

When do you increase spending and taxation???
Of course there's a difference. You could think that climate change is a scam, then be shown new information which changes your mind. That's not a flip-flop.

I can't stand Arlen Specter. He is responsible for Clarence Thomas being on the bench. I think he is as dishonest as they come.

To change your point of view because of how the political winds blow is not a good reason to change you view. Newt is doing it kerry did spector did it

Stop being a moron for 2 seconds and actually read what I wrote. I said that you could be shown new information which could change your mind. That has nothing to do with political winds blowing.

This is another example of why so many people here hold you in such low regard. You don't read what you are responding to. Or if you are reading it, you're not fully comprehending it. I don't know how you can get political winds out of me saying new information, unless you truly do not believe in any science at all, and facts are whatever you want them to be.

And how about reading what I said. the information does not matter when a person is changing their views because the political winds made them change their views.
Then let's get more people to work so that we put more into it, through their payroll taxes, the sales taxes they will pay from increased consumer spending, and the other taxes that manufacturing will pay..

Tsk tsk tsk.... even with some people taking entry level jobs.. they are not paying income taxes anyway

And to get the jobs, you don't increase govt spending or taxation while in the down economy...

A stable economy with lower taxation combined with when the companies start recouping monies that were lost... then you will see jobs... not when you guys think jobs will magically occur with more taxation, handouts, entitlements, bailouts, etc

When do you increase spending and taxation???

When you have your budget in check so that it is not this grossly high % in relation to GDP... when you make the basic inflationary increases needed to keep government performing it's constitutionally charged (and only it's constitutionally charged) duties...

And you can increase taxes RIGHT NOW... as long as each person pays the same % income tax on every last dollar earned with no exceptions, no deductions, and no differences between any dollar earned....
I like Newt, even though I think he has too much baggage for the top spot...but it's also clever how he needs more than one term to accomplish the task.:D

Obama will balance it in 5 years too. LOL. talk is cheap.
The OP has been refuted, all this chimping out going on in this thread by the right is unnecessary monkey babble.
I will give newt one more piece of credit.

It seems the forum "anti-conservative" types are way more freaked out about Newt than they were with Cain.
I will give newt one more piece of credit.

It seems the forum "anti-conservative" types are way more freaked out about Newt than they were with Cain.
Newt is their worst nightmare, they hate him more than they hate any other politician who ever lived. he spanked them, they didn't like it.

New polls!

Mitt 24%
Newt 22%
Cain 14%

Newt 28%
Cain 25%
Mitt 18%

Go NEWT!!!
I will give newt one more piece of credit.

It seems the forum "anti-conservative" types are way more freaked out about Newt than they were with Cain.
Newt is their worst nightmare, they hate him more than they hate any other politician who ever lived. he spanked them, they didn't like it.

New polls!

Mitt 24%
Newt 22%
Cain 14%

Newt 28%
Cain 25%
Mitt 18%

Go NEWT!!!

Damn right they do.. It's GO time! :) NEWT 2012
Newt's Staff Resigns, Campaign in Turmoil
10 June 2011

..... The mass resignation in the Gingrich camp was said to be "a team decision." National Review Online quoted one unnamed source as saying: "We just had a different direction in which we wanted to take the campaign." Usually it is the candidate who determines the direction of the campaign, or at least that is what we are supposed to believe. But Gingrich took his own direction when he set off with his wife last week on a cruise of the Greek isles, not a likely place to find Iowa, New Hampshire, or South Carolina voters. At last report, no primary for the Republican presidential nomination has been scheduled for the Greek isles.

Other phrases coming out of what's left of the Gingrich campaign make it sound like Newt's third divorce: "irreconcilable differences," "incompatibility," etc. Gingrich, having been through two messy divorces is married to his third wife, presumably the one who accompanied him on the Greek cruise. His marital difficulties, memories of his abrupt resignation from Congress in 1998 following charges of ethics violations, and his recent criticism of the federal spending plan advanced by fellow Republican Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, chairman of the House Budget Committee, have all contributed to a rocky start to the Georgian's presidential campaign. He has also become the butt of jokes by late-night comedians, owing in part to the news about a $500,000 debt at Tiffany's in New York. Jay Leno explained the debt by deadpanning that the thrice-married Gingrich "buys engagement rings in bulk.
Only Newt Gingrich could make the "mass resignation" of his staff, after he decided to campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in the Greek Isles, sound like a success story.

Only Newt wouldn't understand the hypocracy of acquiring a $500 000 debt at Tiffany's, New York and then claim that he would balance the US budget in 5 years.

Three marriages, 2 messy divorces, repeated cheating, his resignation from Congress in 1998 following charges of ethics violations - more than enough political and personal "baggage" to sink the Titanic!
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I am not a Ron Paul supporter but he is warming up to me. He's the only one that I know of that's running for president that has not been caught changing their views or lying.
I will give newt one more piece of credit.

It seems the forum "anti-conservative" types are way more freaked out about Newt than they were with Cain.
Newt is their worst nightmare, they hate him more than they hate any other politician who ever lived. he spanked them, they didn't like it.


I thought Fred Thompson was our worst nightmare? And Palin? And Chris Christie? And Cain? And Rick Perry? And Trump?

You guys have said that about each of them, and they are a bunch of clowns.
Another reason to support Newt~ Balance the budget in 5 yrs

Any fool could probably balance the budget within FIVE years; however, it would likely lead to the Second Great Depression.
Another reason to support Newt~ Balance the budget in 5 yrs

Any fool could probably balance the budget within FIVE years; however, it would likely lead to the Second Great Depression.

So why with obama being so smart as the left says he is, why can't he do it now?
I will give newt one more piece of credit.

It seems the forum "anti-conservative" types are way more freaked out about Newt than they were with Cain.
Newt is their worst nightmare, they hate him more than they hate any other politician who ever lived. he spanked them, they didn't like it.


I thought Fred Thompson was our worst nightmare? And Palin? And Chris Christie? And Cain? And Rick Perry? And Trump?

You guys have said that about each of them, and they are a bunch of clowns.

No obama your guy is your worse nightmare.

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