Another reason to support Newt~ Balance the budget in 5 yrs

1. Newt Gingrich said the 1993 Clinton budget would kill job creation and fought against it. He failed, it passed, and most of the job creation you're referring to followed that budget.

2. In the mid nineties Gingrich fought against raising the minimum wage, saying that it would also kill job creation. He lost that fight, the minimum wage was increased, and yet, somehow, the job boom of the nineties went on.

Gingrich didn't help create the jobs of the nineties; he was irrelevant to the process.

Job grew but didn't costs also rise?
I believe earmarks cause debt to be added which in turn make costs rise? Do you have a point?
don't be upset with me because how I have shown how newts moves like a tumbleweed with the political winds.
But my point is that no company will take a lose when they are forced to pay more for wages or cost of raw materials they pass that lose on to the consumer
Gingrich is a has-been. Only in the race to keep the rest of the clown car passengers honest on conservative policy positions.

ROFLMAO The new moronic liberal talking points, "A HAS BEEN." That would make EVERY politician a has been. Some times I wonder just how much further down the stooopid slide you leftists can fall?

You're not very bright, are you?

I'm conservative. I'll even be nice and won't say "I told you so" when he doesn't get the nomination.

I don't know, the GOP is running out of "Not Romneys" to choose from. It's almost like a roulette wheel. The question is where is the ball going to stop when the wheel stops spinning. This week it's looking like it could be Gingrich, next week: who knows?
Who cares what you think? You're a liberal hack whose opinion of our nominee doesn't mean jack shit. LOL Newt did the right thing and resigned while your boy Bubba didn't have the decency to save the country the embarrassment as the CINC who obstructed justice and broke the law. How sad for you liberals.

It's not what I think. It's what actually happened. I don't know if you were still in diapers at that time and not paying attention, but Gingrich resigned his position and left politics in 1998.

He was a massive force in 1994. In four short years, he managed to be one of the most devisive people in politics and the American people, as evidenced by the polls, detested him. The Democrats didn't make him step down from office. He did that on his own and it had nothing to do with his affair.

Since that time, he's basically been dormant until he turned into the GOP "flavor of the week".

Clinton isn't running for office this year. Nice try though.
Hey Stoooopid, it's more than obvious you're a dumbwit when it comes to anything related to the Constitution. A well regulated Militia is provided for in the Constitution.. Liberals must have been dropped out of a meat grinder with shit for brains. The Constitution says NOTHING of medicare, social security, and Medicaid.. ZERO and defy you to find it.. Rope a dope, you're it.

where in the constitution is the DOJ, idiota?

the constitution says nothing about medicare, social security, etc., but it does say that congress has the right to act for the general welface. these issues were disposed of a long time ago.... no matter how much the brain dead may wish to re-litigate them.

good thing you weren't in my con law classes. the professors would have had a field day with you and your fellow pretend constitutionalists.

although it would have been pretty funny to watch you get sliced and diced. *shrug*

Oh look it's the skank with cartoons for pictures of herself.. the very same skank who can dish it out but can't take it.. General welfare LMAO How vague and utterly undefined. Had our founders wanted social programs to eat up the entire budget especially during that moment in history where people went hungry, to include some Leaders, they damn sure would have instituted WELFARE PROGRAMS... but in their wisdom they knew we were to be an Independent and proud people.. They never counted on Bag Ladies like yourself, begging for handouts instead of getting off of your fat lazy ass and actually working. Here's a twinkie.. run along. lol

Ah look, personal insults....the last resort of the truely desperately wrong.
Newt has a proven track record of being a deficit hawk. Newt states he will balance the budget in 5 years.

Newt Gingrich Estimates Budget Could Be Balanced in 5 Years - ABC News

Newt brought Bubba kicking and screaming to the table regarding welfare reform and a balanced budget. He's as proven leader.

Newt's not all that good on keeping his promises.
That's just silly. His record of public service shows a remarkably high incidence of keeping his promises. I don't think anyone is voting to become his wife.
Gingrich is a has-been. Only in the race to keep the rest of the clown car passengers honest on conservative policy positions.

ROFLMAO The new moronic liberal talking points, "A HAS BEEN." That would make EVERY politician a has been. Some times I wonder just how much further down the stooopid slide you leftists can fall?
Hey Radioman - wouldja stop with the moronic Liberal talking points, already???? It gets old, bro.
After Gingrich left office under a cloud in 1998, I can't think of a single redeeming thing he has done to deserve the American people's vote.

I am obviously biased, but I am just speaking in generalities.
Well, I remember him doing commercials with Senator Clinton, promoting electronic medical records, and such. And I remember him doing commercials with Nancy Pelosi to solve Climate Change. And I remember when he supported Cap & Trade and did some commercials for that. He hasn't done any Viagra commercials, has he? No, no...that was John McCain....

Oh, here are some!

[ame=]Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich Commercial on Climate Change - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Gingrich Flip-Flops and Hypocrisy - YouTube[/ame]

Cruse you for posting some truth about newt. He was for obamacare mandate even before obamacare became obamacare.
Notice how LadyGunSucker passed right over my post, with no comment? :lol:
Gingrich is a has-been. Only in the race to keep the rest of the clown car passengers honest on conservative policy positions.

ROFLMAO The new moronic liberal talking points, "A HAS BEEN." That would make EVERY politician a has been. Some times I wonder just how much further down the stooopid slide you leftists can fall?
Hey Radioman - wouldja stop with the moronic Liberal talking points, already???? It gets old, bro.

To wingnuts, everyone else looks like a wingnut.
Newt has a proven track record of being a deficit hawk. Newt states he will balance the budget in 5 years.

Newt Gingrich Estimates Budget Could Be Balanced in 5 Years - ABC News

Newt brought Bubba kicking and screaming to the table regarding welfare reform and a balanced budget. He's as proven leader.

Newt's not all that good on keeping his promises.
That's just silly. His record of public service shows a remarkably high incidence of keeping his promises. I don't think anyone is voting to become his wife.

Contract with America? How'd that turn out? :lol::lol::lol:
This week it's looking like it could be Gingrich, next week: who knows?

Romney's the only one so far who's shown any ability to sustain the withering scrutiny that comes with being at the top of the field, though Cain's resiliency thus far despite clearly having a very tenuous grasp of most public policy issues and apparently being a little handsy has been kind of impressive.

If it's Gingrich's turn, I suspect he'll find very quickly that he can only avoid tough questions and squirm away from his own words by relying on petulant indignation for so long. Points for denouncing Paul Ryan's "rightwing social engineering" though!
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Another reason to support Newt

Newt Highlights From Full 90 Minute National Journal/CBS Debate - YouTube

Another command performance!
Good! Nominate him!
ROFLMAO The new moronic liberal talking points, "A HAS BEEN." That would make EVERY politician a has been. Some times I wonder just how much further down the stooopid slide you leftists can fall?
Hey Radioman - wouldja stop with the moronic Liberal talking points, already???? It gets old, bro.

To wingnuts, everyone else looks like a wingnut.
And to non-wingnuts, some people still look like wingnuts.
Newt's not all that good on keeping his promises.
That's just silly. His record of public service shows a remarkably high incidence of keeping his promises. I don't think anyone is voting to become his wife.

Contract with America? How'd that turn out? :lol::lol::lol:
turned out great. They promised to bring ten bills to the house floor for a vote in the first one hundred days and did just that. They promised to reform the house rules by making 8 substanitive changes on the first day and did just that.

They did break one promise, they promised to ballance the budget in 5 to 7 years and did it in 3.... bad Newt!
That's just silly. His record of public service shows a remarkably high incidence of keeping his promises. I don't think anyone is voting to become his wife.

Contract with America? How'd that turn out? :lol::lol::lol:
turned out great. They promised to bring ten bills to the house floor for a vote in the first one hundred days and did just that. They promised to reform the house rules by making 8 substanitive changes on the first day and did just that.

They did break one promise, they promised to ballance the budget in 5 to 7 years and did it in 3.... bad Newt!

Contract with America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Really? :eusa_eh:

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