Another Reason Why I Can't Stand The Biden Harris Administration

Or Than Fwanthithco, a city that is a shithole in the most literal form to be found anywhere in the first world.
watch. the POS wont answer my question. Its a simple one. But it absolutely destroys his ridiculously false narrative.

people like him are why my ignore list is full as hell and growing larger every day. he's destined to join it......but im bored at the moment and looking for something to do.
American conservatives worship "The Individual". Turns out the individual they are most concerned with are themselves. You think you have a right to be a rotten, selfish bastard. Maybe you do. You just don't want the blowback.
Promoting individualism is better than worshiping the collective.
Or I can go to NYC where liberals are completely in charge and people are dying every day because of those liberal policies!!!!

you still haven't answered my question. If you are such a champion for doing good for the living, why do you support those policies that are killing people daily?
People are dying every day from conservative policies, most of them conservatives, why no concern for them? Cities are going to have street crime. It has been so since Jericho was founded. They also have lots of opportunity and entertainment. Apparently this trade-off is worth it to just about everyone who lives in a metro area. What do you have? The illusion of safety and a Golden Corral in an anonymous bedroom suburb? What an empty cookie-cutter life.
Apparently this trade-off is worth it to just about everyone who lives in a metro area.
just not the dead ones right?


Care to discuss all those people leaving your lauded inner cities for a better life elsewhere? Probably not.

Wanna answer my question yet? probably not.

tell ya what.....I DARE YOU to post a video of someone being stabbed to death or pushed in front of moving traffic in my town.

Now, DARE me to post some of it happening in NYC ;)
You can't make the case that the right is actually somehow a nice bunch of folks so you reply with an insult. Typical. Why did you even reply if not to prove my point? Look at your avatar. A monster with no redeemable qualities whatsoever. Perfect.
The Alt Right is as bad as you. Moderates on both sides are great people for the most part.
Cities are the engines of the American economy. Takes grit to live in one while the right clings to their rural shitholes of despair blaming their problems on big city liberals rather than the first baptist country club crowd that's been running small town America forever. It must really be nice to be a big fish in a little town. You can fuck everyone and they will blame people who live a thousand miles away.
Cities die without rural 'fuel' to run their engines. Just ask Trudeau.
watch. the POS wont answer my question. Its a simple one. But it absolutely destroys his ridiculously false narrative.

people like him are why my ignore list is full as hell and growing larger every day. he's destined to join it......but im bored at the moment and looking for something to do.
Cowards put opposing views on the ignore list. Hypocrites peek at what they say anyway.
Cowards put opposing views on the ignore list. Hypocrites peek at what they say anyway.
wanna answer my question?

Its not about opposing views. Its about brain dead retards not worth the effort. a group to which you CLEARLY belong. And you can bet your ass I haven't seen a damn thing from any of the idiots I put on that list since it happened.

That will hold true for you as well, once you are there. And if you continue to refuse to answer my question thats exactly where you are going. I have no time for trolls and children who ignore questions because answering them will prove they are an ELITE HYPOCRITE and complete dipshit.
Cities die without rural 'fuel' to run their engines. Just ask Trudeau.
Farmers die without people to buy their crops and sell them supplies. How'd the crappy Chinese trade war go? Forced a bunch of farmers to take socialist handouts just to survive and that's about it.
wanna answer my question?

Its not about opposing views. Its about brain dead retards not worth the effort. a group to which you CLEARLY belong. And you can bet your ass I haven't seen a damn thing from any of the idiots I put on that list since it happened.

That will hold true for you as well, once you are there. And if you continue to refuse to answer my question thats exactly where you are going. I have no time for trolls and children who ignore questions because answering them will prove they are an ELITE HYPOCRITE and complete dipshit.
I've already answered your question as I see fit. You just didn't like the answer.
Farmers die without people to buy their crops and sell them supplies. How'd the crappy Chinese trade war go? Forced a bunch of farmers to take socialist handouts just to survive and that's about it.
No. Farmers can do very well without urban scumbags.
Yep, they got the food. ‘Occupied’ forgot about oil fields, coal mines, lithium mines, etc. all in rural areas needed to power their vehicles.
The people in the city have all the money. Pretty sure I covered that earlier. They also have the factories and refineries that make dirt into something useful. We all need each other. Pretty sure there isn't a farmer anywhere that would like to experience the brutal impoverished life of a subsistence farmer.
The people in the city have all the money. Pretty sure I covered that earlier. They also have the factories and refineries that make dirt into something useful. We all need each other. Pretty sure there isn't a farmer anywhere that would like to experience the brutal impoverished life of a subsistence farmer.
Money is useless when there is nothing to buy. Factories and refineries need product to process. Yes, 'we all need each other' and cities are no more of an economic 'engine' than rural areas.
Money is useless when there is nothing to buy. Factories and refineries need product to process. Yes, 'we all need each other' and cities are no more of an economic 'engine' than rural areas.
Ah yes, the "we would be much better off than you people if civilization collapsed" argument. At least you have that to look forward to. Meanwhile the anomalous rural people who were born with ambition have a place to go to be somebody. I theorize that real ambition has been just about bred out of our rural population by 200 years of brain drain. That explains why so many stay in their eternally depressed Hootervilles and work the crappiest jobs for the worst bosses in America.
Ah yes, the "we would be much better off than you people if civilization collapsed" argument. At least you have that to look forward to. Meanwhile the anomalous rural people who were born with ambition have a place to go to be somebody. I theorize that real ambition has been just about bred out of our rural population by 200 years of brain drain. That explains why so many stay in their eternally depressed Hootervilles and work the crappiest jobs for the worst bosses in America.
I never said those words you put in quotes. You are projecting a fantasy.
I never said those words you put in quotes. You are projecting a fantasy.
It's clearly what you meant. Cities invented agribusiness. Without the business side of farming it's the crappiest way to live that has ever been invented. No one wants to go back to agrarianism. It's a soul sucking way of life so difficult I still can't believe early man found it preferable to hunting and fishing all the time.

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