Another Reason Why I Can't Stand The Biden Harris Administration

Thats [sic] a weak ass dodge.

This, at least, is not nearly as much of a weak-ass Dodge as one might have expected.

It's taken an awful lot of abuse in the time I've had it, more than one would expect of a car of its kind, and held up amazingly well.

Liberals are morally superior. No question about it. Conservatives, by definition, pass by on the other side.
No you aren't. WE are! We are the ONLY ones defending the unborn, the only proper and true definitions of marriage, family, and do NOT support criminals.
Somewhere along the line the conservative party lost their kindness, gentleness and decency. You've sold your souls. Was it worth it?
Kindness, gentleness, decency? This is a fucking WAR. There IS no room for that garbage when Democrats are evil to the core.
And all of those involved with them, is because they never seem to think they do anything wrong whereas at least Trump knew that he has an attitude and has confessed it before, but you can't really blame him for having one either. All the libs can seem to do is find fault in others and never themselves.
There are none so blind as those who will not see. It’s more than Trump’s attitude that’s the problem; it’s the fact that he’s a criminal.
No you aren't. WE are! We are the ONLY ones defending the unborn, the only proper and true definitions of marriage, family, and do NOT support criminals.
Try defending some actual living, breathing humans for a change.
Try defending some actual living, breathing humans for a change.
They are living and breathing, just in a different environment, dumb shit! Your problem is the Sovereign G-d of Creation imparts a soul into the unborn at the time of conception.
Atrocity is often justified by calling it a war. Moral people do not go looking for moral escape hatches.
Liberals are NOT moral. Just look at all the "progressive" shitholes your ilk left behind. Such wonderful places as Cambodia, Liberia, Zimbabwe, the former USSR and Eastern Bloc, Vietnam, North Korea, CHINA (your masters), Cuba, Venezuela, I could go on.
Liberals are NOT moral. Just look at all the "progressive" shitholes your ilk left behind. Such wonderful places as Cambodia, Liberia, Zimbabwe, the former USSR and Eastern Bloc, Vietnam, North Korea, CHINA (your masters), Cuba, Venezuela, I could go on.
Liberals get murdered by every authoritarian government first.
have liberal policies in NYC aided in the defending of actual living, breathing humans? Or have they put them in danger?
Cities are the engines of the American economy. Takes grit to live in one while the right clings to their rural shitholes of despair blaming their problems on big city liberals rather than the first baptist country club crowd that's been running small town America forever. It must really be nice to be a big fish in a little town. You can fuck everyone and they will blame people who live a thousand miles away.
Liberals get murdered by every authoritarian government first.

Cities are the engines of the American economy. Takes grit to live in one while the right clings to their rural shitholes of despair blaming their problems on big city liberals rather than the first baptist country club crowd that's been running small town America forever. It must really be nice to be a big fish in a little town. You can fuck everyone and they will blame people who live a thousand miles away.

Cities are the engines of the American economy. Takes grit to live in one while the right clings to their rural shitholes of despair blaming their problems on big city liberals rather than the first baptist country club crowd that's been running small town America forever. It must really be nice to be a big fish in a little town. You can fuck everyone and they will blame people who live a thousand miles away.
is that a yes or a no?

This kind of nonsense reply is why I have chosen to pretty much just ridicule or ignore leftists on this site. You clowns aren't worth trying to have a serious discussion with.

I live in a THRIVING suburb with law and order. I feel safe to walk my neighborhood at night. Just down the road though.....theres a liberal run inner city SHITHOLE that resembles NYC very much.

fucking moron.
is that a yes or a no?

This kind of nonsense reply is why I have chosen to pretty much just ridicule or ignore leftists on this site. You clowns aren't worth trying to have a serious discussion with.

I live in a THRIVING suburb with law and order. I feel safe to walk my neighborhood at night. Just down the road though.....theres a liberal run inner city SHITHOLE that resembles NYC very much.

fucking moron.
Go live in some wide place in the road town in Alabama where you can get a taste of an economy with no liberals.
Go live in some wide place in the road town in Alabama where you can get a taste of an economy with no liberals.
Or I can go to NYC where liberals are completely in charge and people are dying every day because of those liberal policies!!!!

you still haven't answered my question. If you are such a champion for doing good for the living, why do you support those policies that are killing people daily?

and make no mistake, I will retire to a 600 acre farm in MS where theres not a liberal cuck in sight!!

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