Another reason why Tea Party Republicans aren't fit to govern


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

Go find the article about Murrells Inlet, and the reality TV show. See, Murrells Inlet is a sleepy little beach town, nestled south of Myrtle Beach and north of Charleston, in Georgetown County. Apparently the folks who produced Jersey Shore are making a new reality show called "Party Down South", and rented out a beach front home to film. Neighbors are pissed off at the noise and filthy lifestyles going on next door.

They went to Georgetown County Council, and packed the place to complain.

OOOPS!!!! For years now, the Gtown council has been right leaning, and they buy into the Tea Party "Smaller government" philosophy.

Theres nothing they can do. That's right. The People are pissed at something they don't like. And the government......a small government, like they wanted.......has to tell them "Sorry folks, we cant do anything". Their county doesn't have a noise ordinance. Or a zoning law against it. Or a morality law.

See........government got "too big" for a reason. Because people went to the govt to bitch about a problem, so, the government created a law or agency to respond to it. ANd LOTS of people complain about LOTS of stuff.

And that's the GOP and TP's problem. Laws and agencies were created to answer a problem that the people bitched about. So, when they say they want smaller what cost? What laws and agencies are you gonna dissolved, and then, what do you tell the folks to do about the problems that those laws/agencies were created to fix once they reappear?

Im sure someone in Georgetown County who wants a seat on council is gonna run a campaign on the idea of creating a zoning law that would prevent reality TV shows, created a noise ordinance to solve loud party problems, etc, etc. But then they'll need more employees to enforce and implement those laws.


And then the same people bitching about the govt not being able to do anything about this.......will be bitching about having to pay for a government with tax money.
The main reason they aren't fit to govern, essentially, is that they hate government. They are de facto anarchists that want to prove that government doesn't work by making not work.

Since the Tea Party has seized control of the lower house..since 2010 they passed about 42 bills.

That's about a third of what was passed in the previous 2 years.
The main reason they aren't fit to govern, essentially, is that they hate government. They are de facto anarchists that want to prove that government doesn't work by making not work.

Only serfs want to be governed. Mature freedom loving people just want to be left alone. They don't want a pack of busybody toadies running around making all kinds of oppressive rules for everyone to follow.

Since the Tea Party has seized control of the lower house..since 2010 they passed about 42 bills.

That's about a third of what was passed in the previous 2 years.

Good news! Now if they could start repealing about 95% of the shit Congress passed in the last 200 years.
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The main reason they aren't fit to govern, essentially, is that they hate government. They are de facto anarchists that want to prove that government doesn't work by making not work.

Since the Tea Party has seized control of the lower house..since 2010 they passed about 42 bills.

That's about a third of what was passed in the previous 2 years.

Well, it depends on the day Sallow. When I worked for APD, I got assigned to the Buckhead area for a while. A VERY wealthy suburb of Atlanta. Many Republican leaning folks. This was in the Clinton years, so I saw and heard it all there, especially since they were living under a Democrat run City of Atlanta government.

You'd think as right wingers, they'd NEVER call the freakin' government for shit. They don't need no dadgum government.

But oh no. They'd call 911 because their neighbors dog was barking. Or because they couldn't get their 10 year old to do his homework (yep, I actually went to that call). Or because they had their 500th false burglar alarm of the year on their mansion- and needed the government to come check out the house and yard to be sure no intruders were around.

They consumed FAR more government as far as calling and asking for the government than anywhere else in the city.

So, I think the right wingers are a bit bipolar on this.

They hate the government until they need it. Its like they want a small so small that it doesn't answer to anyone's needs except THAT right wing voters needs haha!!! Make everyone else pay taxes, to fund a government that answers only to the concerns of the right wing residents- because God knows they call the police for all sorts of non-criminal bullshit.
The main reason they aren't fit to govern, essentially, is that they hate government. They are de facto anarchists that want to prove that government doesn't work by making not work.

Since the Tea Party has seized control of the lower house..since 2010 they passed about 42 bills.

That's about a third of what was passed in the previous 2 years.

Sad but true :(

They hate science
They hate the lessons learned in the 20th century that the hybrid system is the best.
They don't even want to fund our noaa, nws and nhc that protects people from extreme weather...

This is why I'm fighting for moderates in 2014-2016. Both extremes have lost their cookie eating minds.
No one was forcing those people to live next door to loud and out of control people. If they didn't like it then move somewhere else or ask the neighbors to quiet down.

No system is perfect, but with smaller government atleast we're guaranteed freedom.

Something you people on the left seem to hate with your neo-statist beliefs.

You lose.
The developing world wishes to have what we have and the REPUBIDIOT party wants to reverse course out of it. lol

What does the developing world most want?
1. Infastructure
2. Science
3. Farming methods to feed its population
4. Clean air and water
5. Fair business laws

What does the republican party fight against 1, 2, 4
What does the crazy left fight against 3, 5

The main reason they aren't fit to govern, essentially, is that they hate government. They are de facto anarchists that want to prove that government doesn't work by making not work.

Since the Tea Party has seized control of the lower house..since 2010 they passed about 42 bills.

That's about a third of what was passed in the previous 2 years.

Sad but true :(

They hate science
They hate the lessons learned in the 20th century that the hybrid system is the best.
They don't even want to fund our noaa, nws and nhc that protects people from extreme weather...

This is why I'm fighting for moderates in 2014-2016. Both extremes have lost their cookie eating minds.

those are all a lie..
No one was forcing those people to live next door to loud and out of control people. If they didn't like it then move somewhere else or ask the neighbors to quiet down.

No system is perfect, but with smaller government atleast we're guaranteed freedom.

Something you people on the left seem to hate with your neo-statist beliefs.

You lose.

What would you do? Lets say loud, obnoxious, rude people moved next to you. And kept you up all night, did crazy shit you didn't want your kids to see. You gotta just sell your home now? OR WAIT....I know. Right wingers would go over there and just handle it.

But what if you couldn't?

- You cant assault or kill them
- You cant trespass on their private property

And you call your beloved small government, and they say "Sorry bud, we have no authority over any of that shit they're doing".

You just have to move from your home of 20 years? Uproot everything? ALL so your local government doesn't have to pass a simple noise ordinance, or a zoning law?

And THAT is why the RW is no longer fit to govern. People have problems, and sometimes, the answer, or best solution, IS the government.
The reasons why democrats are not fit to govern
The reasons why democrats are not fit to govern

This is why we need MODERATES that care about modern civilization in power. Bucs90 and Katzdogz need to find the middle ground ;)
The reasons why democrats are not fit to govern

Red states:
South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Louisiana, Kentucky. Take a look at the education numbers, crime numbers, and how much money those states TAKE from the Feds vs pay into the Feds via taxes (Hint: They take more than they give)

Then compare that to blue states like Connecticut, Massachusetts, NY, etc

Which state would you want your kid going to school in?

And those foreign countries you listed? They are all places run by religious fanatics. Kinda why we had separation of Church/State. They are also places that have consolidated power, thus, enabling corruption.

If you shrink government, eliminate agencies, it become smaller with fewer checks/balances. But it keeps the same power to enforce laws and pass laws. Meaning you consolidate the same huge power into fewer people. Like Iraq was.
No one was forcing those people to live next door to loud and out of control people. If they didn't like it then move somewhere else or ask the neighbors to quiet down.

No system is perfect, but with smaller government atleast we're guaranteed freedom.

Something you people on the left seem to hate with your neo-statist beliefs.

You lose.

What would you do? Lets say loud, obnoxious, rude people moved next to you. And kept you up all night, did crazy shit you didn't want your kids to see. You gotta just sell your home now? OR WAIT....I know. Right wingers would go over there and just handle it.

But what if you couldn't?

- You cant assault or kill them
- You cant trespass on their private property

And you call your beloved small government, and they say "Sorry bud, we have no authority over any of that shit they're doing".

You just have to move from your home of 20 years? Uproot everything? ALL so your local government doesn't have to pass a simple noise ordinance, or a zoning law?

And THAT is why the RW is no longer fit to govern. People have problems, and sometimes, the answer, or best solution, IS the government.

Accidents happen. Sometimes an out of control party gets so out of control that they cause accidents. Sometimes they burn their own party pads down. Very seldom is there any investigation beyond an unfortunate party event.

What did people do before big government? A bunch of town yahoos went and cracked heads.

Check how a town in Italy ended a full blown riot.
The reasons why democrats are not fit to govern

Red states:
South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Louisiana, Kentucky. Take a look at the education numbers, crime numbers, and how much money those states TAKE from the Feds vs pay into the Feds via taxes (Hint: They take more than they give)

Then compare that to blue states like Connecticut, Massachusetts, NY, etc

Which state would you want your kid going to school in?

And those foreign countries you listed? They are all places run by religious fanatics. Kinda why we had separation of Church/State. They are also places that have consolidated power, thus, enabling corruption.

If you shrink government, eliminate agencies, it become smaller with fewer checks/balances. But it keeps the same power to enforce laws and pass laws. Meaning you consolidate the same huge power into fewer people. Like Iraq was.

When taking a look at those educational and crime numbers remember the percentage of blacks are in some of those states. ;) If you want to have a honest debate that is. You're right about all those countries are in fact ran by religious fanatics and we shouldn't want to become them. :eusa_shhh:

Lastly, enforce and nurture our bill of rights and still have a first world civilization.
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No one was forcing those people to live next door to loud and out of control people. If they didn't like it then move somewhere else or ask the neighbors to quiet down.

No system is perfect, but with smaller government atleast we're guaranteed freedom.

Something you people on the left seem to hate with your neo-statist beliefs.

You lose.

What would you do? Lets say loud, obnoxious, rude people moved next to you. And kept you up all night, did crazy shit you didn't want your kids to see. You gotta just sell your home now? OR WAIT....I know. Right wingers would go over there and just handle it.

But what if you couldn't?

- You cant assault or kill them
- You cant trespass on their private property

And you call your beloved small government, and they say "Sorry bud, we have no authority over any of that shit they're doing".

You just have to move from your home of 20 years? Uproot everything? ALL so your local government doesn't have to pass a simple noise ordinance, or a zoning law?

And THAT is why the RW is no longer fit to govern. People have problems, and sometimes, the answer, or best solution, IS the government.

All of this can be answered very simply: No system is perfect.

I have the moral high ground here because I advocate for freedom and you advocate for regulations, which is a form of slavery.

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