Another republican too eager to kill

Anyone who has a ranch or a farm. Dogs are there to protect the livestock. If they do the opposite no one will take them, so they are killed.

If only there were another choice than just shooting the dog...but yep, that is the only possible thing they could have done... :rolleyes:
You adopt a dog, it is your responsibility.
Not something to discard if it displeases you

14 months is a puppy. If she is too irresponsible to have a dog, she should have found a responsible family to take it.
No ranch or farm will take in a livestock killer. None. So, you either release them to the wild, where they will continue to do it until someone else kills it, or you kill it and save everyone else the misery.

You city dwellers haven't got a clue about ranch or farm life.
If only there were another choice than just shooting the dog...but yep, that is the only possible thing they could have done... :rolleyes:

In ranch country what else would you do, eh gulper?

No town to pawn it off on.
Yeah, but that is a political thread. . .

This thread was purposely put into the Elections Forum, even though it has not a damn thing to do with elections, to get around that rule.

Obviously, Tommy is trolling the forum, trying to get this issue more viability.

If he can't follow the rules?

"When starting a new thread, please first check and confirm that there are no current threads on the same topic. Please select the forum that best relates to the subject matter of your topic. Opening posts require more than a "Copy and Paste" with a link. You need to include relevant on-topic material of your own. When posting a new topic do not use the CAPS lock."

He knew when he was posting it. . . the only way he could NOT know? Is if he has Crep on ignore, which we all know he doesn't.

View attachment 938391

IMO? They ought give him a ten point warning and time to think about whether he wants to post in good faith, or just clutter the place up for his political agenda?

. . . doubt that will happen. He'll just spam threads, just like the other side does as well.

Moving threads around and THEN merging them, is one of the biggest pains in the keester. Especially when it is apparent that folks are purposely re-posting a topic to push its visibility. :mad:
Tommy Tainant is a Britt and has no standing on this topic at all
There are organizations that rescue such animals.

And yes, there are towns in "ranch country".
No town in ranch country will take a dog that kills livestock. None. So, what group is going to travel hundreds of miles to rescue a dog when they have hundreds of dogs in need close to home?

Hmmm? Link up to groups that rescue ranch dogs that are killers.
No town in ranch country will take a dog that kills livestock. None. So, what group is going to travel hundreds of miles to rescue a dog when they have hundreds of dogs in need close to home?

Hmmm? Link up to groups that rescue ranch dogs that are killers.

That is why they call them “Rescue Dogs”
People will adopt dogs with three legs, blind, deaf or other issues
That is why they call them “Rescue Dogs”
People will adopt dogs with three legs, blind, deaf or other issues

There is even an group that rescues farm animals, I am sure they would have worked with the dog.

But such thoughts do not enter the mind of the MAGAs, just the thrill of the kill.
There is even an group that rescues farm animals, I am sure they would have worked with the dog.

But such thoughts do not enter the mind of the MAGAs, just the thrill of the kill.
Link to that group please. I am not aware of them.
We aren't talking townies. Rural life is a lot different.

I suggest you leave your cubicle and visit a ranch so you can educate yourself.

What do you do with a dog that is injured and can no longer hunt?

Here Krist…..time to take Ole Blue down to the Gravel Pit
We aren't talking townies. Rural life is a lot different.

I suggest you leave your cubicle and visit a ranch so you can educate yourself.

It is YOUR dog and YOUR responsibility
Put the dog in your truck and drive it 500 miles to a new home if you have to.

I would
None I've seen that would not back off at its owner's command.
I've only witnessed the two German Sheppard of a girlfriend, and they would obey her commands, EXCEPT when a squirrel was involved! :eek:
Link to that group please. I am not aware of them.

Here are two of them..

What do you do with a dog that is injured and can no longer hunt?

Here Krist…..time to take Ole Blue down to the Gravel Pit
They get retired to live out their days on the ranch or farm protecting the livestock from critters who will otherwise kill them.

Note the emphasis on "protect".
Here are two of them..

So, farm animals, but not the dogs that kill those farm animals. I don't see that particular type listed.

She has a net wroth of 19 million, she could have afforded to have the animal sent somewhere.
Sure. She could have. But why bother. That dog would be a problem no matter where it was sent.

We had a dog killed in a dog park down in Reno a few weeks ago. It was....attacking another dog! Shocking!

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