Another "Responsible" Gun Owner

I just looked it up jackass. Almost no difference.

.380 penetrates up to 14 inches

I use hollow points

and 14 inches in ballistic gel is not the same as a real life body with bones and layers of clothing.

But since I have never threatened to point any gun I own at anyone's face what do you care if I own more than one handgun?

You said you own 4 guns and you threatened to point a weapon of war in my face so I could "look down the barrel"

You should turn in your weapons because you are obviously irresponsible.
I use hollow points

and 14 inches in ballistic gel is not the same as a real life body with bones and layers of clothing.

But since I have never threatened to point any gun I own at anyone's face what do you care if I own more than one handgun?

You said you own 4 guns and you threatened to point a weapon of war in my face so I could "look down the barrel"

You should turn in your weapons because you are obviously irresponsible.
Hey jackass… keep talking. You ain’t coming across any saner
Why if those people have never killed anyone?

You don't takeaway rights from people who have committed no crimes.

It's that whole innocent until proven guilty thing that you don't like

We need strict Red Flag Laws
Most Americans support them

If you are a responsible gun owner, nobody bothers you
If those who know you are concerned , your guns are taken away
With 400 million guns out there… 2% is a big number.
So! Should 98% of human beings be punished for the stupid actions of the 2%? There are a handful of idiots who jump from their roof and miss the pool by inches. Should roof and pools be banned?
I just looked it up jackass. Almost no difference.

.380 penetrates up to 14 inches
You clearly have much to learn about guns. .380s are wimpy compared to .45s or 10mm or even 9mm. I would never trust my life with a .380. Can they kill? Yes. But there are much better options.

So! Should 98% of human beings be punished for the stupid actions of the 2%? There are a handful of idiots who jump from their roof and miss the pool by inches. Should roof and pools be banned?
We are all being punished by the actions of that huge number of irresponsible gun nuts...because guns are exceptionally dangerous
You clearly have much to learn about guns. .380s are wimpy compared to .45s or 10mm or even 9mm. I would never trust my life with a .380. Can they kill? Yes. But there are much better options.

We are all being punished by the actions of that huge number of irresponsible gun nuts...because guns are exceptionally dangerous
Guns are no more dangerous than cars or trains or food processors or chainsaws or wood chippers or a million other items in use today. All dangerous objects need our respect, and none of them should be used without proper training.

Life isn't a peach bowl with sugar on top. The world is a dangerous place, and we're never going to change that. Death is a reality, and we're never going to change that either. The best we can do is pay attention and practice common sense.

In the meantime ... I'm going to protect myself from individuals who mean me harm. They have guns. Disarming me isn't going to disarm them.

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