Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

5%? So he is aiming to profit at the expense of his employees. Wow.

I am surprised that he didn't offer his employees health care insurance to begin with.

Adios, prick.

Yeah adios when he closes a few restaurants down, then they have no health insurance and no job.

Think Obama will care about that now that you reelected him.

He's already cutting their hours so they don't have healthcare, Einstein, and the way he's structured the price hike, he's cutting into what little tips they make as well.

So let's revisit what this reverse robbing hood is doing.

He's raising prices to pay for health care he's not going to be paying for anyway (because he cut everyone's hours) and he's blaming the people who won't qualify for the insurance (because he cut their hours) on the fucking guest checks and on the menu, making the customers think the 5% added to their check (and the way he's doing it amounts to a tax) is benefiting the very employees that had their hours cut already.

do you have any Idea how many employees this company EMPLOYES?
you have no idea what you're talking
Yeah adios when he closes a few restaurants down, then they have no health insurance and no job.

Think Obama will care about that now that you reelected him.
No you can thank this prick that's aiming to make a profit at the expense of his employees.

If it were that? I'd understand....but it's not about making a profit....they could absorb that easily without missing a's about a bunch of overprivileged, spoiled fucks throwing a tantrum.

You know, back in the day...when Leona Helmsley made the claim that "only little people pay taxes", she was regarded as a bitch of the highest order.....somehow, that mindset is now's a fucked up world that we live in.


But the profit Ravi mentioned is also true - he's identified a 5% addition to the customers check that he's not actually going to incur as an expense - because he cut everyone's hours.
Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

Given that they were going to lay off people anyway?

Why NOT get some free advertizing while they're at it?

Pretend that Obama is the reason and you'll get millions of dollars worth of mentions in the media.

5%? So he is aiming to profit at the expense of his employees. Wow.

I am surprised that he didn't offer his employees health care insurance to begin with.

Adios, prick.

Yeah adios when he closes a few restaurants down, then they have no health insurance and no job.

Think Obama will care about that now that you reelected him.

He's already cutting their hours so they don't have healthcare, Einstein, and the way he's structured the price hike, he's cutting into what little tips they make as well.

So let's revisit what this reverse robbing hood is doing.

He's raising prices to pay for health care he's not going to be paying for anyway (because he cut everyone's hours) and he's blaming the people who won't qualify for the insurance (because he cut their hours) on the fucking guest checks and on the menu, making the customers think the 5% added to their check (and the way he's doing it amounts to a tax) is benefiting the very employees that had their hours cut already.

4 Words you whiny A-Hole: YOU VOTED FOR OBAMA.

Reap what you sowed. It's his business to what the fuck he wants with it. Simple! Get it?
I'll be interested in seeing what Denny's Corporate thinks about this.
Yeah adios when he closes a few restaurants down, then they have no health insurance and no job.

Think Obama will care about that now that you reelected him.

He's already cutting their hours so they don't have healthcare, Einstein, and the way he's structured the price hike, he's cutting into what little tips they make as well.

So let's revisit what this reverse robbing hood is doing.

He's raising prices to pay for health care he's not going to be paying for anyway (because he cut everyone's hours) and he's blaming the people who won't qualify for the insurance (because he cut their hours) on the fucking guest checks and on the menu, making the customers think the 5% added to their check (and the way he's doing it amounts to a tax) is benefiting the very employees that had their hours cut already.

4 Words you whiny A-Hole: YOU VOTED FOR OBAMA.

Reap what you sowed. It's his business to what the fuck he wants with it. Simple! Get it?

all they do is bitch bitch can't speak out over the Dear Leader..only he can put the screws to us
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Yeah adios when he closes a few restaurants down, then they have no health insurance and no job.

Think Obama will care about that now that you reelected him.

He's already cutting their hours so they don't have healthcare, Einstein, and the way he's structured the price hike, he's cutting into what little tips they make as well.

So let's revisit what this reverse robbing hood is doing.

He's raising prices to pay for health care he's not going to be paying for anyway (because he cut everyone's hours) and he's blaming the people who won't qualify for the insurance (because he cut their hours) on the fucking guest checks and on the menu, making the customers think the 5% added to their check (and the way he's doing it amounts to a tax) is benefiting the very employees that had their hours cut already.

do you have any Idea how many employees this company EMPLOYES?
you have no idea what you're talking

John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare,"

Currently, the law states that employers with more than 50 full-time equivalent employees will be charged a penalty for any employees over 30 full-time employees that they don't cover. Several employers have cited that provision -- including Darden Restaurants, Papa John's, Apple-Metro and Jimmy John's -- in announcing plans to skirt the law by cutting employees' hours to make them part time.

Metz said he will take the extra step of adding a surcharge because he believes the law will eventually expand to include penalties for not covering full-time equivalent employees.
Why did you bring race into the equation?

However, in this case.....the dude is greedy and rich....I don't give a shit if he's white, black, brown, or purple with Pink polka-fucking-dots.

I think it's telling that you people with "white victim disorder" are the first ones to always bring it up.

have you ever read any of Lakunta's posts? Always bad mouthing whitey

speaking of victims.

Too bad Big Jen is hurt


I hadn't really noticed that.....I see a lot of complaining about extremely wealthy people not giving a shit about this country or it's people.

About Ben? Shit happens in professional football. I think that while he's out, depending on Leftwich's performance, the Steelers may need to think about bringing or drafting a #2 in the offseason. The dumb thing about the whole scenario is that in the guy's whole career, he's been getting sacked or hit way more than the average QB does.....This year, the OL is protecting him better than they ever have....and this is the year he gets hurt at the worst possible time.....Baltimore, Cleveland, Baltimore the next three weeks. Oh well....I don't get too wound up over stuff like that....used to when I was younger though.

I'm not a big fan of the uber-rich either.

In fact some of the nicer people I deal with in my line of work are middle income types. You know, working class.

Some of the "rich" parents I deal with are pricks. They must believe that since they live in a McMansion and drive a Benz they can bully their way to getting what they want.

" My kid deserved an A+ not an A- "

Jen is getting fatter. He will only get fatter.

I think I might know his in-laws. I used to live up that way. Only been to J-town once. My kinds town actually. Lived in Butler and slippery Rock for many years. The SO is from New Castle.
Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

Given that they were going to lay off people anyway?

Why NOT get some free advertizing while they're at it?

Pretend that Obama is the reason and you'll get millions of dollars worth of mentions in the media.

Pretend that Romney wasn't qualified because he put his dog on the car roof. See how stupid that sounds?

It's as stupid as saying it isn't Obama's fault. Who passed it with no votes from the other side of the aisle?

Wait until all the hidden taxes kick in in 2014. You think you're whining now...
He's already cutting their hours so they don't have healthcare, Einstein, and the way he's structured the price hike, he's cutting into what little tips they make as well.

So let's revisit what this reverse robbing hood is doing.

He's raising prices to pay for health care he's not going to be paying for anyway (because he cut everyone's hours) and he's blaming the people who won't qualify for the insurance (because he cut their hours) on the fucking guest checks and on the menu, making the customers think the 5% added to their check (and the way he's doing it amounts to a tax) is benefiting the very employees that had their hours cut already.

4 Words you whiny A-Hole: YOU VOTED FOR OBAMA.

Reap what you sowed. It's his business to what the fuck he wants with it. Simple! Get it?

all they do is bitch bitch can't speak out over the Dear Leader..only he can put the screws to us

They got what they wanted and along with that comes the criticism that's going to follow them everyday until this POS is out of office.
yeah adios when he closes a few restaurants down, then they have no health insurance and no job.

Think obama will care about that now that you reelected him.

he's already cutting their hours so they don't have healthcare, einstein, and the way he's structured the price hike, he's cutting into what little tips they make as well.

So let's revisit what this reverse robbing hood is doing.

He's raising prices to pay for health care he's not going to be paying for anyway (because he cut everyone's hours) and he's blaming the people who won't qualify for the insurance (because he cut their hours) on the fucking guest checks and on the menu, making the customers think the 5% added to their check (and the way he's doing it amounts to a tax) is benefiting the very employees that had their hours cut already.

4 words you whiny a-hole: You voted for obama.

reap what you sowed. It's his business to what the fuck he wants with it. Simple! Get it?

you break it, you fucking bought it!
he's already cutting their hours so they don't have healthcare, einstein, and the way he's structured the price hike, he's cutting into what little tips they make as well.

So let's revisit what this reverse robbing hood is doing.

He's raising prices to pay for health care he's not going to be paying for anyway (because he cut everyone's hours) and he's blaming the people who won't qualify for the insurance (because he cut their hours) on the fucking guest checks and on the menu, making the customers think the 5% added to their check (and the way he's doing it amounts to a tax) is benefiting the very employees that had their hours cut already.

4 words you whiny a-hole: You voted for obama.

reap what you sowed. It's his business to what the fuck he wants with it. Simple! Get it?

you break it, you fucking bought it!


The irony is that this is exactly what they were warned was going to happen. Instead they painted anyone who spoke out as some idiot who didn't know what they were talking about. Now it's here and those that warned everyone are slowly being vindicated.

So what do the libs do...double-down on stupid and triple down on whining.
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4 Words you whiny A-Hole: YOU VOTED FOR OBAMA.

Reap what you sowed. It's his business to what the fuck he wants with it. Simple! Get it?

all they do is bitch bitch can't speak out over the Dear Leader..only he can put the screws to us

They got what they wanted and along with that comes the criticism that's going to follow them everyday until this POS is out of office.

a business can't do what they want according to them..or they will FORCE them out of business...
ONLY their Dear Government can IMPOSE thing on us
all they do is bitch bitch can't speak out over the Dear Leader..only he can put the screws to us

They got what they wanted and along with that comes the criticism that's going to follow them everyday until this POS is out of office.

a business can't do what they want according to them..or they will FORCE them out of business...
ONLY their Dear Government can IMPOSE thing on us

The World has seen these sort of jackbooting Progressives before.

It always ends fugly.
all they do is bitch bitch can't speak out over the Dear Leader..only he can put the screws to us

They got what they wanted and along with that comes the criticism that's going to follow them everyday until this POS is out of office.

a business can't do what they want according to them..or they will FORCE them out of business...
ONLY their Dear Government can IMPOSE thing on us

The party of inclusion...KUMBAYA!
Just for shits & giggles, why not explain why it's okay for a corporation to profit by millions while denying fair wages and benefits to employees that would make them better able to have that personal responsibility you're so into?

Do you think it's cool to work for less that what you were making 20 years ago?

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