Another shooting

it's also been quoted as "he who would trade "essential" liberty"...

and i suspect he'd be quite surprised at civilians possessing AK-47's and Heller would probably seem to him to be a perversion of the 2nd amendment.

Did you know that almost all AK-47's are simply semi-automatic rifles that are no different than common hunting rifles ?
They may LOOK menacing, but your daddy's 30-06 deer rifle will do more damage.

you can convert a 30-06 to full auto??

The point is, unless you have a class 3 license you cannot own a fully auto AK-47, therefore most all legally obtained AK's are semi's and work the same way as most '06's.
Is freedom more important than preventing mass shootings?

Or shouldn't I ask that question, since the conservatives will claim their rights are far more important?

Those who would whether trade a little liberty for a few moments of safety deserve nether liberty or safety.

An outdated quote from a bygone era that gives gun nuts something to hold onto and justify their obssession.

Out dated? But it's still hold true. When you give away your liberty to someone else in exchange for their protection you are depending on them. I choose not too do that.
Yes...............Not all of those rifles are bolt action. I have two Remmingtons.

I have no guns at all! :D

Not surprised, most liberals are afraid of them.
Which reminds me, guess who has all the guns ?:lol:

Down here? The police and armed forces..

And that is the thing that really cracks me up. The ones who are truly afraid are the gun lovers. More than once they have stated on this board that they live in a dangerous country and want their guns to defend themselves. I have no such quandry...
Those who would whether trade a little liberty for a few moments of safety deserve nether liberty or safety.

An outdated quote from a bygone era that gives gun nuts something to hold onto and justify their obssession.

it's also been quoted as "he who would trade "essential" liberty"...

and i suspect he'd be quite surprised at civilians possessing AK-47's and Heller would probably seem to him to be a perversion of the 2nd amendment.

Yes I paraphrased but the point was made.
Those who would whether trade a little liberty for a few moments of safety deserve nether liberty or safety.

An outdated quote from a bygone era that gives gun nuts something to hold onto and justify their obssession.

Out dated? But it's still hold true. When you give away your liberty to someone else in exchange for their protection you are depending on them. I choose not too do that.

What liberties don't I have that I covet. I can't think of one...
An outdated quote from a bygone era that gives gun nuts something to hold onto and justify their obssession.

it's also been quoted as "he who would trade "essential" liberty"...

and i suspect he'd be quite surprised at civilians possessing AK-47's and Heller would probably seem to him to be a perversion of the 2nd amendment.

Sure...why not have open carry in all states, and poeple can walk around with their AK all the other civilised countries in the world do - yknow, Pakistan, Yemen, the Congo...those places.....Sure the loons woul love that/....

Open carry works for me or conceal carry.
An outdated quote from a bygone era that gives gun nuts something to hold onto and justify their obssession.

Out dated? But it's still hold true. When you give away your liberty to someone else in exchange for their protection you are depending on them. I choose not too do that.

What liberties don't I have that I covet. I can't think of one...

I can carry my firearm most places I go. Now we have discussed this in the past. I know you wouldn't want to do that, but their are many thing you do I don't want to do either. nor do I even care to ask.
Not surprised, most liberals are afraid of them.
Which reminds me, guess who has all the guns ?:lol:

I am a liberal and have a fair number of guns. Oh, and I support the 2nd amendment. Totally prepared to defend myself and my home.

Then as a true supporter when do you plan to speak out about the illegal activities of this admin..............

you should probably take that to the conspiracy section.
Hypocrite? No, a hypocrite would be someone who considers themselves moral yet cares about their own delusional fear of a gun ban much more than the fact that a half dozen people lie dead in their house of worship.

You're to scared to open your eyes, we have a president who has no problem assassinating American citizens, and I'm supposed to think that in this anti gun environment when obama can't get traction for gun control support that the latest mass shooting are just a coincidence?

Disgraceful, you have yet to show an ounce of sadness or respect for the dead or that people were killed in our country for their beliefs or that you would cheapen their murders with wild, unbelievable theories of government conspiracies and political attacks. Do you not have a sense of shame at all?

If you can support this current administration you have no room to talk.

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