Another shooting

They're all radical right wing neo nazis (Tea Party members) according to the media. Then usually the police find out otherwise. Then it becomes clear they're college students.

This time your wish came true. He was an active-duty soldier the latest reports state. And a bald white guy at that. You must be getting ready to blow your load all over your key-board yah sick fuck.
I have no guns at all! :D

Not surprised, most liberals are afraid of them.
Which reminds me, guess who has all the guns ?:lol:

you know he used to be a cop, right? don't know much of anything.

and give me a sec, i'll go tell my liberal husband he needs to get rid of his colt python.

I believe however that by and large conservatives own most of the guns in this country.
Gunman opens fire at Sikh temple near Milwaukee, kills 6, is slain by officers
Gunman opens fire at Sikh temple near Milwaukee, kills 6, is slain by officers | Nation/World | Detroit Free Press |

This shit is starting to become ridiculous. I would not be surprised too find out that the shooting are government supported.

Got to create a crisis to push your agenda.

Someone on another thread said some whackjob started a thread claiming it was a government conspiracy and I was all like, 'Who would be crazy enough to say that?"


I should have known.

They're all radical right wing neo nazis (Tea Party members) according to the media. Then usually the police find out otherwise. Then it becomes clear they're college students.

This time your wish came true. He was an active-duty soldier the latest reports state. And a bald white guy at that. You must be getting ready to blow your load all over your key-board yah sick fuck.

I hadn't heard he was a member of the military, just that he was a white guy with tatoos and a bald head.

He's also from Cudahy Wisconsin. I've been to Cudahy... it's depressing.
Gunman opens fire at Sikh temple near Milwaukee, kills 6, is slain by officers
Gunman opens fire at Sikh temple near Milwaukee, kills 6, is slain by officers | Nation/World | Detroit Free Press |

This shit is starting to become ridiculous. I would not be surprised too find out that the shooting are government supported.

Got to create a crisis to push your agenda.

Someone on another thread said some whackjob started a thread claiming it was a government conspiracy and I was all like, 'Who would be crazy enough to say that?"


I should have known.

Well, the guy worked for the government. He was soldier.

I have no guns at all! :D

Not surprised, most liberals are afraid of them.
Which reminds me, guess who has all the guns ?:lol:

Down here? The police and armed forces..

And that is the thing that really cracks me up. The ones who are truly afraid are the gun lovers. More than once they have stated on this board that they live in a dangerous country and want their guns to defend themselves. I have no such quandry...

Well I don't know exactly who "they" is, people own firearms for different reason. Many based on the area or region they live in.
Some it's purely for the sport of hunting, many for the sport of shooting targets, some own for personal protection.
Then of course there are those who believe in ownership to defend against a tyranical government.
Gunman opens fire at Sikh temple near Milwaukee, kills 6, is slain by officers
Gunman opens fire at Sikh temple near Milwaukee, kills 6, is slain by officers | Nation/World | Detroit Free Press |

This shit is starting to become ridiculous. I would not be surprised too find out that the shooting are government supported.

Got to create a crisis to push your agenda.

Someone on another thread said some whackjob started a thread claiming it was a government conspiracy and I was all like, 'Who would be crazy enough to say that?"


I should have known.

Yes, I am still wondering why this disgrace has not not been thrown to the rubber room never to be seen again perhaps to make room for a thread that has some sort of respect for the victims. I have no intention of making political hay of this as politics alone do not drive people to be mass murderers and could not have a lower opinion of anyone who would use such tragedy to further their narrow political views, that includes both sides of the gun issue, until the dead are buried and the facts of the case are in.
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Looks like I need to start packing heat when I go to Mass on Sunday.

The way some of these left-winged kooks hate the Catholics, one never knows.
man, when I first heard of the shooting, I was horrified and saddened for the families and friends of the worshipers and the police officer who tried to help them.

A few hours later, this thread pops up and bigreb is the originator of it. The first thing that crossed my mind was "well, I guess he wasn't the shooter....he's online."

Don't forget bigreb...when you do decide to snap and go full psycho, spraypaint your shirt(or kevlar vest) with "bigreb" in bright red paint so we all know who it was.
Does anyone remember the DHS report on Right Wing Extremist groups? Key points from the report:

If such violence were to occur, it likely would be isolated, small-scale, and directed at specific immigration-related targets.”

Recruiting returning vets: “Rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat.”

Gun-related violence: “Heightened interest in legislation for tighter firearms...may be invigorating rightwing extremist activity, specifically the white supremacist and militia movements.”
By Tommy Lightfoot Garrett

Sikhs and Muslims are natural enemies. However, many uneducated and uninformed Americans believe them to be the same, which is ABSOLUTELY untrue. A source close to the Oak Creek Police Dept. tells Highlight Hollywood, the shooter is described as a white male (Caucasian), with a 9/11 Tattoo and 6’ feet tall and bald head. Americans went crazy after September 11, 2001 and became the type of people we are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. So we cannot confirm the shooter’s identity at this time. But will continue to work on it.

Americans’ behavior with racism and bigotry has contributed to the majority population feeling under attack. And the right-wing radio and TV hosts such as: Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Michael Savage and others are highly contributing to the threats we face on a daily basis within the minority community. As well as the Internet nuts, who believe every right-wing email they are sent, and then decide to forwarded them around the Internet, not even realizing they are being tracked, and that is the initial purpose of these emails. Think, people before we turn America into the hate society we once were, and we complain about in the Middle East.

More: Latest On Oak Creek Sikh Temple Shooting, Wisconsin Officials Calling It An Act Of Domestic Terror, Highlight Hollywood News | Highlight Hollywood

THIS is domestic terror, but James Holmes wasn't a terrorist......because he was a college student and didn't fit the mold.

Come to think of it just about every 9/11 terrorist was here on a student visa.
The OP used this tradegy to start a real stupid conspiracy theory, to which he hasn't a shred of proof. I'm ashamed to be on the same MB as the OP.
Gunman opens fire at Sikh temple near Milwaukee, kills 6, is slain by officers
Gunman opens fire at Sikh temple near Milwaukee, kills 6, is slain by officers | Nation/World | Detroit Free Press |

This shit is starting to become ridiculous. I would not be surprised too find out that the shooting are government supported.

Got to create a crisis to push your agenda.

Someone on another thread said some whackjob started a thread claiming it was a government conspiracy and I was all like, 'Who would be crazy enough to say that?"


I should have known.

Yes, I am still wondering why this disgrace has not not been thrown to the rubber room never to be seen again perhaps to make room for a thread that has some sort of respect for the victims. I have no intention of making political hay of this as politics alone do not drive people to be mass murderers and could not have a lower opinion of anyone who would use such tragedy to further their narrow political views, that includes both sides of the gun issue, until the dead are buried and the facts of the case are in.

You are full of shit
Michelle Bachmann is being blamed by some for this attack. They say it's because of her statements about Hillary's aid who is the daughter of a Muslim Brotherhood member.
The OP used this tradegy to start a real stupid conspiracy theory, to which he hasn't a shred of proof. I'm ashamed to be on the same MB as the OP.

I to am ashamed of you, no one can prove anything against the government when their are so many people like you willing to except we have a incorruptible government that does not have an anti gun agenda.
I have a very good memory
Emanuel's don't let a good crisis go to waste
Democrats obama Clinton holder got to do something about guns going into Mexico
All the time it was their gun running allowing the guns to go into mexico
Then we have obama saying he is working on gun control but has to do it under the radar.
For the time obama was a state senator he was anti gun am I supposed to believe that he changed over night just after winning the election?

Then we have obama saying he wants to sign the UN small treaty, but back down when he was directed by congress not too.
So got to use a crisis to get support for the gun control agenda.
You're crazy if you disagree.
man, when I first heard of the shooting, I was horrified and saddened for the families and friends of the worshipers and the police officer who tried to help them.

A few hours later, this thread pops up and bigreb is the originator of it. The first thing that crossed my mind was "well, I guess he wasn't the shooter....he's online."

Don't forget bigreb...when you do decide to snap and go full psycho, spraypaint your shirt(or kevlar vest) with "bigreb" in bright red paint so we all know who it was.
man, when I first heard of the shooting, I was horrified and saddened for the families and friends of the worshipers and the police officer who tried to help them.

A few hours later, this thread pops up and bigreb is the originator of it. The first thing that crossed my mind was "well, I guess he wasn't the shooter....he's online."

Don't forget bigreb...when you do decide to snap and go full psycho, spraypaint your shirt(or kevlar vest) with "bigreb" in bright red paint so we all know who it was.

I wasn't horrified, I was pissed and saw it for what it is. If I go full psycho? Well if that happens it won't be innocent civilians it will be politicians I go after :eusa_whistle:
Gunman opens fire at Sikh temple near Milwaukee, kills 6, is slain by officers
Gunman opens fire at Sikh temple near Milwaukee, kills 6, is slain by officers | Nation/World | Detroit Free Press |

This shit is starting to become ridiculous. I would not be surprised too find out that the shooting are government supported.

Got to create a crisis to push your agenda.

Someone on another thread said some whackjob started a thread claiming it was a government conspiracy and I was all like, 'Who would be crazy enough to say that?"


I should have known.
I have a very good memory
Emanuel's don't let a good crisis go to waste
Democrats obama Clinton holder got to do something about guns going into Mexico
All the time it was their gun running allowing the guns to go into mexico
Then we have obama saying he is working on gun control but has to do it under the radar.
For the time obama was a state senator he was anti gun am I supposed to believe that he changed over night just after winning the election?

Then we have obama saying he wants to sign the UN small treaty, but back down when he was directed by congress not too.
So got to use a crisis to get support for the gun control agenda.
You're crazy if you disagree.
man, when I first heard of the shooting, I was horrified and saddened for the families and friends of the worshipers and the police officer who tried to help them.

A few hours later, this thread pops up and bigreb is the originator of it. The first thing that crossed my mind was "well, I guess he wasn't the shooter....he's online."

Don't forget bigreb...when you do decide to snap and go full psycho, spraypaint your shirt(or kevlar vest) with "bigreb" in bright red paint so we all know who it was.

I wasn't horrified, I was pissed and saw it for what it is. If I go full psycho? Well if that happens it won't be innocent civilians it will be politicians I go after :eusa_whistle:

hey....Secret Service? ATF? If you're watching....I got two words.....RED FLAG!

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