Another success story for Home Schooling

One again we see the value of home schooling in raising well rounded, articulate and socially adjusted children. More evidence of why home schools should be able to do whatever they want

The sickening danger of home-schooling

David and Louise Turpin ran a sickening school in Perris, California.

It had just six students, all of them children of the school's sole teacher (Louise) and its principal (David), and all of them held against their will — shackled, tortured, and horribly malnourished in their putrid family home, which doubled as their school and which they shared with seven former students, older offspring of the same couple, who were treated in the same appalling way.

And for the nitwits that want taxpayers to pay for these religious whack home schoolers this is the cautionary tale. There is a concrete reason you go to public school and get socialized. You get to find out what normal and healthy is and what a religious fundy hellhole is. Why David Koresh was a pedophile psychopath and not a christ-like servant.

It is beyond evil to keep children locked away from the world like that and brainwash them in a closed environment. This is what North Korea is on a gigantic scale.
One again we see the value of home schooling in raising well rounded, articulate and socially adjusted children. More evidence of why home schools should be able to do whatever they want

The sickening danger of home-schooling

David and Louise Turpin ran a sickening school in Perris, California.

It had just six students, all of them children of the school's sole teacher (Louise) and its principal (David), and all of them held against their will — shackled, tortured, and horribly malnourished in their putrid family home, which doubled as their school and which they shared with seven former students, older offspring of the same couple, who were treated in the same appalling way.

And for the nitwits that want taxpayers to pay for these religious whack home schoolers this is the cautionary tale. There is a concrete reason you go to public school and get socialized. You get to find out what normal and healthy is and what a religious fundy hellhole is. Why David Koresh was a pedophile psychopath and not a christ-like servant.

It is beyond evil to keep children locked away from the world like that and brainwash them in a closed environment. This is what North Korea is on a gigantic scale.

maybe if progressives didn't decide schools should double as indoctrination centers people wouldn't have to resort to Private Schools/Homeschooling.
In many states there is no accountability for home schools
The children in this case just dropped off the face of the earth and were not subject to any reviews of their progress or well being
This was going on with the family in Texas before hand too. They interviewed the family who bought the house they were foreclosed out of in Texas and they said it was a pig sty inside but they took it to be anger out of being evicted. Now they are 2nd guessing.
One again we see the value of home schooling in raising well rounded, articulate and socially adjusted children. More evidence of why home schools should be able to do whatever they want

The sickening danger of home-schooling

David and Louise Turpin ran a sickening school in Perris, California.

It had just six students, all of them children of the school's sole teacher (Louise) and its principal (David), and all of them held against their will — shackled, tortured, and horribly malnourished in their putrid family home, which doubled as their school and which they shared with seven former students, older offspring of the same couple, who were treated in the same appalling way.

And for the nitwits that want taxpayers to pay for these religious whack home schoolers this is the cautionary tale. There is a concrete reason you go to public school and get socialized. You get to find out what normal and healthy is and what a religious fundy hellhole is. Why David Koresh was a pedophile psychopath and not a christ-like servant.

It is beyond evil to keep children locked away from the world like that and brainwash them in a closed environment. This is what North Korea is on a gigantic scale.
Says the shitforbrains who uses a devout Christian as his idol.
The Sinister Side of Homeschooling

On September 9, the parents of Hana Williams, an Ethiopian teenager living in the state of Washington, were convicted of killing her. During the last year of her life, court documents show, she had lost almost 30 pounds as she was beaten, denied food, forced to sleep in a barn, and given cold outdoor showers with a garden hose. Much of the time she was kept barefoot, although she was allowed shoes if there was snow on the ground. Sometimes she was given nothing but a towel to wear. If Williams had been in school, someone might have noticed that she was underdressed and emaciated. But she was homeschooled, and so her parents, fundamentalist Christians in thrall to a harsh disciplinary philosophy, had complete privacy to punish her as they saw fit. She died naked, face down in the mud in their backyard.
Another success story for pubic education....see how this works?

‘Jason’s Girls:’ Palmetto High teacher accused of string of sexually charged relationships

In 2008, someone e-mailed the principal at Dr. Michael M. Krop High School with a serious allegation: a creative writing teacher was having sex with current and former students.

It’s unclear if the school district investigated this claim, but it’s clear what happened next: Jason Edward Meyers was allowed to move to Miami Palmetto Senior High School in 2011, where a lawsuit filed in federal court against the Miami-Dade School Board claims he continued to engage in inappropriate relationships with underage female students.

In total, the suit says, Meyers pursued sexually charged relationships with eight of his current or former students at the two schools during his 14 years as a Miami-Dade teacher. He groomed his creative writing students, encouraged them to write sexually explicit content and singled them out to such a public degree, the suit says, that they were known as “Jason’s Girls.”

‘Jason’s Girls:’ Palmetto High teacher accused of string of sexually charged relationships

Lock him up and throw away the key, but I think it is funny that they use the terms "sexually charged relationships". What exactly does that mean?
One again we see the value of home schooling in raising well rounded, articulate and socially adjusted children. More evidence of why home schools should be able to do whatever they want

The sickening danger of home-schooling

David and Louise Turpin ran a sickening school in Perris, California.

It had just six students, all of them children of the school's sole teacher (Louise) and its principal (David), and all of them held against their will — shackled, tortured, and horribly malnourished in their putrid family home, which doubled as their school and which they shared with seven former students, older offspring of the same couple, who were treated in the same appalling way.

And for the nitwits that want taxpayers to pay for these religious whack home schoolers this is the cautionary tale. There is a concrete reason you go to public school and get socialized. You get to find out what normal and healthy is and what a religious fundy hellhole is. Why David Koresh was a pedophile psychopath and not a christ-like servant.

It is beyond evil to keep children locked away from the world like that and brainwash them in a closed environment. This is what North Korea is on a gigantic scale.

maybe if progressives didn't decide schools should double as indoctrination centers people wouldn't have to resort to Private Schools/Homeschooling.
You know...public schools are the default position...they have to be everything for everyone.....If it's not for you and your kids, make other arrangements.
A Dark Side To Home Schooling

For weeks, the parents tried to keep social workers out until the day detectives and Lock were called in.

"I was stunned at the squalor that I saw," says Lock. "There was rotting food, animal feces on the floor. I can't imagine anyone living in a residence like this

It turned out the Warrens had home schooled before, in Arizona, where they were convicted of child abuse. An investigator there wrote: "The children are tortured physically and emotionally." That's information North Carolina school officials are not required to collect.

Since it became legal in North Carolina in 1985, the number of home school students has jumped from just a few hundred to more than 50,000. But there's been no change in the number of state employees overseeing the program - just three for the entire state.

"I think there's so little supervision that they really are not protecting those kids," Marcia Herman-Giddens, of the North Carolina Child Advocacy Institute.
One again we see the value of home schooling in raising well rounded, articulate and socially adjusted children. More evidence of why home schools should be able to do whatever they want

The sickening danger of home-schooling

David and Louise Turpin ran a sickening school in Perris, California.

It had just six students, all of them children of the school's sole teacher (Louise) and its principal (David), and all of them held against their will — shackled, tortured, and horribly malnourished in their putrid family home, which doubled as their school and which they shared with seven former students, older offspring of the same couple, who were treated in the same appalling way.

And for the nitwits that want taxpayers to pay for these religious whack home schoolers this is the cautionary tale. There is a concrete reason you go to public school and get socialized. You get to find out what normal and healthy is and what a religious fundy hellhole is. Why David Koresh was a pedophile psychopath and not a christ-like servant.

It is beyond evil to keep children locked away from the world like that and brainwash them in a closed environment. This is what North Korea is on a gigantic scale.

maybe if progressives didn't decide schools should double as indoctrination centers people wouldn't have to resort to Private Schools/Homeschooling.
You know...public schools are the default position...they have to be everything for everyone.....If it's not for you and your kids, make other arrangements.

They are not "Default" anymore. Go to most schools and ask for a breakdown of teacher political affiliation, and see how "default" they are.

And no, I don't want to impose MY views on Public Education, what should happen is up to grade 8 or so worry about the basics, from 8-12 expand a bit more but be neutral as possible, and let them become hippy dippy lefties in college like in the old days.
One again we see the value of home schooling in raising well rounded, articulate and socially adjusted children. More evidence of why home schools should be able to do whatever they want

The sickening danger of home-schooling

David and Louise Turpin ran a sickening school in Perris, California.

It had just six students, all of them children of the school's sole teacher (Louise) and its principal (David), and all of them held against their will — shackled, tortured, and horribly malnourished in their putrid family home, which doubled as their school and which they shared with seven former students, older offspring of the same couple, who were treated in the same appalling way.

And for the nitwits that want taxpayers to pay for these religious whack home schoolers this is the cautionary tale. There is a concrete reason you go to public school and get socialized. You get to find out what normal and healthy is and what a religious fundy hellhole is. Why David Koresh was a pedophile psychopath and not a christ-like servant.

It is beyond evil to keep children locked away from the world like that and brainwash them in a closed environment. This is what North Korea is on a gigantic scale.

maybe if progressives didn't decide schools should double as indoctrination centers people wouldn't have to resort to Private Schools/Homeschooling.

^^^^ That
One again we see the value of home schooling in raising well rounded, articulate and socially adjusted children. More evidence of why home schools should be able to do whatever they want

The sickening danger of home-schooling

David and Louise Turpin ran a sickening school in Perris, California.

It had just six students, all of them children of the school's sole teacher (Louise) and its principal (David), and all of them held against their will — shackled, tortured, and horribly malnourished in their putrid family home, which doubled as their school and which they shared with seven former students, older offspring of the same couple, who were treated in the same appalling way.

And it happen in California where it is Liberal Utopia, so how did the State of California fail those individuals?

Also how many children are molested daily in public schools?

What is my point?

Simple, you have your good and bad in all systems but the lunatics you are using to paint Home Schooling as pure evil are rare with Home Schooling.
Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities

Most of them seem to be religious nuts of one sort or another.

Yeah, them public schools are paragons of virtue and never ever do bad things..

What an imbecile you are tainty...

BTW there are THOUSANDS of these links out there. Compared to this, the few cases of homeschooling abuse are almost nonexistent. But then you wold have be intellectually honest and we all know that you ain't smart, and you ain't honest.

Former Geneseo High School teacher arrested on sex abuse charges - UPDATED

Teacher arrested for alleged sexual abuse of student in Brooklyn

Former D.C. charter school teacher arrested on child sex abuse charges
Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities

Most of them seem to be religious nuts of one sort or another.
I randomly picked one, liar boy.

“Doug and Valerie Herrman are accused of abusing their adopted son, Adam, and of not reporting he was missing after his 1999 disappearance at age 11 or 12. The couple continued to collected adoption subsidy payments until what would have been Adam’s 18th birthday, but told family that Adam had returned to state custody. The case came to light when someone reported that the boy hadn’t been seen in nine years.”

Obviously the State needs to regulate adoption!
The Turpin child abuse story fits a widespread and disturbing homeschooling pattern

Few states oblige homeschooled children to have contact with mandatory reporters — professionals legally required to document cases of suspected child abuse or neglect. California is one of 15 states that asks homeschool parents to register with the state. It’s a quick bureaucratic process that involves simple paperwork. Eleven states don’t require documentation at all. This laissez faire attitude is a gift to abusive parents, who can isolate their children and keep their abuse — like their children — hidden away for years.
Homeschool parents do not need to submit academic assessments or show evidence that they are educating their children. There is no process to ensure that their children are involved in the community, nothing to ensure that they have contact with anyone at all.

The solution is relatively easy: Force contact with mandatory reporters. States could require annual assessments by a certified teacher and annual doctor’s visits, creating at least two opportunities for a trained professional to recognize abuse.
One again we see the value of home schooling in raising well rounded, articulate and socially adjusted children. More evidence of why home schools should be able to do whatever they want

The sickening danger of home-schooling

David and Louise Turpin ran a sickening school in Perris, California.

It had just six students, all of them children of the school's sole teacher (Louise) and its principal (David), and all of them held against their will — shackled, tortured, and horribly malnourished in their putrid family home, which doubled as their school and which they shared with seven former students, older offspring of the same couple, who were treated in the same appalling way.

And for the nitwits that want taxpayers to pay for these religious whack home schoolers this is the cautionary tale. There is a concrete reason you go to public school and get socialized. You get to find out what normal and healthy is and what a religious fundy hellhole is. Why David Koresh was a pedophile psychopath and not a christ-like servant.

It is beyond evil to keep children locked away from the world like that and brainwash them in a closed environment. This is what North Korea is on a gigantic scale.

maybe if progressives didn't decide schools should double as indoctrination centers people wouldn't have to resort to Private Schools/Homeschooling.
You know...public schools are the default position...they have to be everything for everyone.....If it's not for you and your kids, make other arrangements.

They are not "Default" anymore. Go to most schools and ask for a breakdown of teacher political affiliation, and see how "default" they are.

And no, I don't want to impose MY views on Public Education, what should happen is up to grade 8 or so worry about the basics, from 8-12 expand a bit more but be neutral as possible, and let them become hippy dippy lefties in college like in the old days.

I think you would be surprised at the number of conservative teachers. BTW, why do you think a school would have that kind of information?
Young calls this lack of regulatory oversight a "massive legal loophole" permitting child abuse. He's right. In many states, parents need merely file an affidavit stipulating that they are running a school for their own children in order to ensure that the kids never interact with the wider world again. In many other states, not even this minimal registration with the government is required: Parents can simply disconnect from the broader community and do whatever they want.
Elite private school teacher arrested for having sex with pupil

Gadsden County Teacher Arrested on Kidnapping, Child Abuse Charges

Teacher Arrested on Campus Yesterday Placed on Paid Administrative Leave |

Area teacher arrested for sexual battery

Teacher handcuffed, arrested after questioning school board about superintendent’s contract. Here’s the riveting video.

Teacher, 27, charged with rape after 'sex with two 16-year-old male students'

Flagstaff Teacher Charged With Child Molestation, Resigns

Police: Teacher arrested, accused of biting her son for 'not listening to her'

High school teacher arrested for having sex with four students
Nice diversion

Does nothing to negate the fact that Home Schools are unregulated
Liar claims Leftard Calif does not regulate homeschools.
Where does it say that California authorities have the right to monitor/inspect home schools?

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