Another thing more worrying than global warming aka ‘climate change’


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Another thing more worrying than global warming aka ‘climate change’

Another thing more worrying than global warming aka ?climate change? | Watts Up With That?

Magma stored for thousands of years can erupt in as little as two months

New research results suggest that magma sitting 4-5 kilometers beneath the surface of Oregon’s Mount Hood has been stored in near-solid conditions for thousands of years.

The time it takes to liquefy and potentially erupt, however, is surprisingly short–perhaps as little as a couple of months.
Geologists are often heard to assert that volcanic eruptions are ALMOST as effective as are asteroid strikes in bring about ice ages. Perhaps more prudent to concern oneself with knowing how to keep warm and make nutritious food from snow than gnash one's teeth about the currently fashionable Cult of Global Warming.

Or not.

If either one kills you - and one or another will - you won't much care which.
Really? The eruptions that produced the Deccan Traps, the largest volcanic feature on the face of the planet, didn't cause an Ice Age. Let's see some quotes from these "scientists".
Geologists are often heard to assert that volcanic eruptions are ALMOST as effective as are asteroid strikes in bring about ice ages. Perhaps more prudent to concern oneself with knowing how to keep warm and make nutritious food from snow than gnash one's teeth about the currently fashionable Cult of Global Warming.

Or not.

If either one kills you - and one or another will - you won't much care which.

Man, you are totally full of bullshit. No, volcanic eruptions do not bring about Ice Ages. In fact, except for Trapp Volcanism, their effect don't last longer than about a decade. Most, like Pinotubo, last only about 2 years. And Trapp Volcanics cause rapid warming due to the release of CO2 and CH4.

You guys really need read some science.
The Siberian Traps

What are they and how did they form?

The Siberian Traps are a large igneous province were a result of a mantle plume. A mantle plume is a giant pulse of heat that rises towards the surface from the core/mantle boundary. Plumes are easily indentified but not well understood and they are believed to be part of a cooling mechanism for the core. Whatever their cause a large amount of anomalously hot material rises to the surface and ponds below the earths crust in a head which can be 1000's of km wide and 100's of km deep.

image credit: Walter S. Kiefer and Amanda Kubala. LPI

This pond of basalt magma penetrates the crust through fissures pouring gigantic amounts of basalt onto the surface. Events like this are known as Flood Basalt eruptions and fortunately are very rare with only 8 have occurred in the last 250 million years.

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