Another tragic dog mauling

Pit Bulls are bred to be aggressive
Timid Pit Bulls are not bred

That is where you are wrong. Pit Bulls were bred to be deeply in love with humans, with an obsessive need to please their masters. That drive runs so deep in them that pit bulls will go into a dog fighting pit and willingly face death, just to please the master who has beat and abused them. They are beautiful, wonderful dogs.
That is where you are wrong. Pit Bulls were bred to be deeply in love with humans, with an obsessive need to please their masters. That drive runs so deep in them that pit bulls will go into a dog fighting pit and willingly face death, just to please the master who has beat and abused them. They are beautiful, wonderful dogs.
I read a story about a women who was walking her two pit bulls and ate her.

It was gross.

One pit bull goes into a frency and the. Other responds.

I don't get it because I owned pit bulls, german sheps and Dober man's

I punch them and shit give them Scooby treats no problem

All pit bulls should be illegal and killed
This lady is F with no arms
Well think about the upside.

Cool new robot arms.

As a female this could be extra helpful as they could come with accoutrements

Hair dryer, blender, vacuum, spatula, curling iron, cattle prod (too late I know), dust pan, smart phone/TV remote...just to name a few.
That is where you are wrong. Pit Bulls were bred to be deeply in love with humans, with an obsessive need to please their masters. That drive runs so deep in them that pit bulls will go into a dog fighting pit and willingly face death, just to please the master who has beat and abused them. They are beautiful, wonderful dogs.
Pit Bulls are bred for their aggressive tendency
Fight, Guard, Protect

Timid dogs are either not bred or destroyed

Training and perseverance can suppress those tendencies but you don’t know what may trigger them
Pit Bulls are bred for their aggressive tendency
Fight, Guard, Protect

Timid dogs are either not bred or destroyed

Training and perseverance can suppress those tendencies but you don’t know what may trigger them

This is a flat out lie, borne of your own ignorance. You don't know what the hell you are talking about, so you really should shut up. You sound like a damned fool. You don't even realize how much you're humiliating yourself. You don't even realize how embarrassing it is for me to hear you spout this uneducated nonsense. It's like listening to a flat earther.

Aggression toward humans is generally treated as a disqualifying characteristic in breeding pit bulls. Pit bulls are bred for their love of humans. It is their passion for their humans that is used against them as a weakness. They are protective of their humans, but so are many breeds. It is their love for their humans that make's them protective of them. They are a highly intelligent working breed, much like the German Shepard, so they need plenty of stimulation and an outlet for their exuberant energy. They are an ideal choice for service animals. But they are terrible "guard" dogs because they are too unpredictable in such a capacity. Most of the time, when given "guard" type work they end up simultaneously barking and wagging their tails at strangers because they're excited at the prospect of making a new friend. Pit bulls are not more inherently aggressive than any other breed. And there are several breeds that would seem to have more "inherent" aggression than pit bulls. (Then again, the idea of a given breed having an inherent tendency for aggression toward humans is itself kind of ridiculous because there's no evidence that it's even possible anyway.) Any animal, including humans, can be provoked to aggression. You torture a dog, and the trauma will put them on edge the same way a human with PTSD is liable to snap when put into a triggering situation. But that's not the dogs' faults. It's the humans' faults for torturing them.
It is their passion for their humans that is used against them as a weakness. They are protective of their humans, but so are many breeds. It is their love for their humans that make's them protective of them.
Call it what you wish in terms of motivation
But Pit Bull attacks are excessively vicious compared to other breeds.

A Chihuahua may be more likely to bite, but it’s attack will not be fatal.
If you look up the stats it's very clear that one breed causes the majority of cases like this.

It's the owner, not the breed," has caused the pit bull problem to grow into a 35-year old problem.1 Designed to protect pit bull breeders and owners, the slogan ignores the genetic history of the breed and blames these horrific maulings -- inflicted by the pit bull's genetic "hold and shake" bite style -- on environmental factors. While environment plays a role in a pit bull's behavior, it is genetics that leaves pit bull victims with permanent and disfiguring injuries.
If you look up the stats it's very clear that one breed causes the majority of cases like this.

In the 16-year period of 2005 through 2020, canines killed 568 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 67% (380) of these deaths.

My good buddy, a Pitsky says Fuck You.

Try eliminating him and it's me you will have to answer to.

I actually bite.

Myth #6: Pit bulls are not unpredictable​

Despite pro-pit bull claims that pit bulls are not unpredictable, the breed frequently attacks without provocation or warning. It is well documented by humane groups that to excel in dogfighting, pit bulls were selectively bred to conceal warning signals prior to an attack. For instance, a pit bull may not growl, bare its teeth or offer a direct stare before it strikes. Unlike all other dog breeds, pit bulls (fighting dogs) are also disrespectful of traditional signs of submission and appeasement.
I say off the three stooges and feed the remains to the lady who was attacked if she is able to eat anything still that is.

God bless you and her always!!!


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