Another Trillion in Debt. Thanks Republicans.

You expect us to think that you care about deficits, now? LMAO.

But by all means, advance your position by insulting the electorate. People always vote for those who insult them.

Insulting Trump voters is obvious. They voted for a fraud, business cheat, liar, women assaulter, adulterer, who knows nothing about government or running a real business.

He thinks bullying will work.
This spiraling debt is going to be a danger. That's the problem, once you get citizens addicted to entitlements, you lose Power if you try to wean them off as the other party just promises to keep giving them their fix even if it's unhealthy for the nation.

Look at Ontario, a complete state of dependence, covert government operatives and debt that is at global record levels for a sub borrowers. We just lost 80k jobs last month, a complete train wreck.

Stop funding PP, get the wall done and throw out all free loading illegals who shouldn't be in the nation or don't pay taxes. Make it a law balance the deficit. Force Term Limits to cut down on lobbying.

Oh, and above all, stop all socialists. Call them out, expose them, debate them and prevent them from obtaining power. You get a socialist in the WH, America will be belly up in 18 months.
We had entitrlemens wheh Clinton balanced the budget you fucking idiot.

You get deficits when you jack up military spending without paying for it & borrowing 1.5 trillion to hand most of it to wealthy people & well off corporations.

But hey, Be another dumber than shit, duped asshole.

We do not fund PP. My God PP gets reimbursements for services rendered like any healthcare institution. If you closed PP< these people would go to another clinic & the government would still have spend that money.,,

How about we quit funding flying that fat assed orange POS to his golf courses.
The economy is doing nothing now it has not been doing for the last 6 or so years.

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LOL...yeah except we are at full employment, GDP growth over 4%, and consumer confidence is very high. Very unlike the eight years of malaise under the big eared one.
Spoken like an uber Keynesian. Since you fail to criticize Trump's massive deficits, and boast about the economy's performance, your post indicates you believe big government overspending stimulates the economy.

Obama took office when the country was bleeding 600,000 jobs a month.

Trump took office on third base, and you dipshits think he hit a triple!
Wrong again.

As I stated, looking on the bright side one has to say the economy is much better under Donnie versus your Messiah.

BO's policies were harmful and destructive to economic growth...even with this, the American people continued to work hard and produce. BO was all about enriching his wealthy donors.

Donnie is actually helping the MC and poor...rather than hurting them as your Messiah did.
Once again, Obama took office during an economic crash. Trump took office on third base.

Obama created more jobs per year in his last five years than Trump has. That's a fact.

The Dow also grew by 300 percent on Obama's watch. It has stalled for the past nine months on Trump's watch.

You sure are doing a shitty job of avoiding facing the fact Trump is outspending and creating bigger deficits than Obama.


Once again name one policy obozo made that grew the economy provided jobs?


He replaced Bush II. Democrats may tax and spend, but Republicans don't tax and spend. This is proved when Bush II cut taxes twice, and fought two wars of choice at the same time.
This spiraling debt is going to be a danger. That's the problem, once you get citizens addicted to entitlements, you lose Power if you try to wean them off as the other party just promises to keep giving them their fix even if it's unhealthy for the nation.

Look at Ontario, a complete state of dependence, covert government operatives and debt that is at global record levels for a sub borrowers. We just lost 80k jobs last month, a complete train wreck.

Stop funding PP, get the wall done and throw out all free loading illegals who shouldn't be in the nation or don't pay taxes. Make it a law balance the deficit. Force Term Limits to cut down on lobbying.

Oh, and above all, stop all socialists. Call them out, expose them, debate them and prevent them from obtaining power. You get a socialist in the WH, America will be belly up in 18 months.
We had entitrlemens wheh Clinton balanced the budget you fucking idiot.

You get deficits when you jack up military spending without paying for it & borrowing 1.5 trillion to hand most of it to wealthy people & well off corporations.

But hey, Be another dumber than shit, duped asshole.

We do not fund PP. My God PP gets reimbursements for services rendered like any healthcare institution. If you closed PP< these people would go to another clinic & the government would still have spend that money.,,

How about we quit funding flying that fat assed orange POS to his golf courses.

Hey btw.....I am hearing that the President may be printing in huge letters on Air Force One, "WINNING". That'd be the funniest shit I ever saw!

For 8 years under Soetero, Synthaholic and Wry were telling us that deficits don't matter!!:deal::flirtysmile4:
That was dick Cheney under Reagan you moron.

Whatever you say s0n..........nobody cares about Dick Cheney and Ronald Reagan.:113:

BTW....whats up with the eagle for the avatar? You are a hate America guy.......doesn't make much sense?
That worthless dimwit Obama ran up ten trillion in debt for our children and all our country got for it was increased poverty, decreased family income, $20 trillion in total debt, increased income disparity, dismal economic growth, a decimated military, rich union fat cats and a whole lot of happy Muslims, welfare queens and Illegals.
Aren't little Proggies cute?
They advocate taxing the life blood out of citizens and then spending more than is stolen......
But then....
Have the nerve to accuse Republicans of running up the Nat Debt

that's the frustrating part. if we're doing this well, pay down as much of that debt as we can. i don't get it. at all.
As I said before, Trump is a big government kind of guy. The deficit won't come down until we slash government spending, and we need to do that drastically.

Q. What would you cut?

[If the members of congress really believed the Federal Government was spending too much, why wouldn't they lead by example: Cut their salary and benefits.

Why wouldn't Trump pay for the golf carts the Secret Service [SS] rents to follow Trump around the Golf Course?

Why wouldn't Trump comp. the rooms rented by the SS in Trump Tower?]

I would cut about 80% of all discretionary spending save those promises made to our heroes who have paid in blood.

What do you believe would be the consequences of such cuts?

We would have more income than expenditures. We could then use the balance to pay down the debt.

That would be wonderful, but do you believe that will ever happen, no matter which party is in power?

We can't solve a problem by creating cost-deficits, and cutting revenue.

Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?
That worthless dimwit Obama ran up ten trillion in debt for our children and all our country got for it was increased poverty, decreased family income, $20 trillion in total debt, increased income disparity, dismal economic growth, a decimated military, rich union fat cats and a whole lot of happy Muslims, welfare queens and Illegals.

Skuze me....

it was $100 TRILLION DOLLARS (They just used Dem trickery to hide the rest)

The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

All this in a booming economy!

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

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Wait until you see the tax revenues come in.
The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

All this in a booming economy!

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

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Wait until you see the tax revenues come in.

None of these Moon Bats have ever understood economics. If they did they wouldn't be Liberals.

Obama ran up ten trillion in debt and after eight years the economy was worse than the day he assumed office with increased poverty, increased taxes, decreased family income and dismal economic growth. He screwed us and we got nothing for it. In fact we were worse off.

Trump is running up 1/10th of Obama's debt and has produced great economic growth, lower taxes, lower unemployment, increased tax revenues and increased family income.
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The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

All this in a booming economy!

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

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Wait until you see the tax revenues come in.

None of these Moon Bats have ever understood economics. If they did they wouldn't be Liberals.

Obama ran up ten trillion in debt and after eight years the economy was worse than the day he assumed office with increased poverty, increased taxes, decreased family income and dismal economic growth. He screwed us and we nothing for it. In fact we were worse off.

Trump is running up 1/10th of Obama's debt and has produced great economic growth, lower taxes, lower unemployment, increased tax revenues and increased family income.
Wow. A post chock full of lies!

Oh well. Nothing we can do about the willful blindness of you monkeys.
Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth. Now with Donnie, it's booming. You should thank
Both highlighted claims are lies, but you knew that already.
Both claims are exactly right.
Nope. I've already proven you wrong:

Wrong again....

Following today's extremely disappointing US GDP growth data, we have the final nail in the coffin of President Obama's economic reign. Not only is the average annual growth rate of just 1.48% during Obama's business cycle the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949, he has just become the only President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.

An average annual GDP growth of 1.48% during Obama's two terms...

As a reminder to a few blinkered media types, this means President Obama's "recovery" has officially been the worst recovery in US history (despite adding almost $10 trillion to the national debt)...

Ah, moving the goalposts now, eh?

Well, dumbass, not even Trump has achieved a 3 percent growth in annual GDP.

You just shot yourself in the mouth.
But my silly dumbass, Trump hasn’t been in office eight years.

I didn’t move the goal posts dummy. You made an assumption and as usual, you were wrong

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