Another Trillion in Debt. Thanks Republicans.

Another trillion in debt.

Trump has set a new record.

And all the poor pseudocons can do is whimper, "B-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaaaaammmmaaaaaaaa"!

None of these Moon Bats have ever understood economics. If they did they wouldn't be Liberals.

Obama ran up ten trillion in debt and after eight years the economy was worse than the day he assumed office with increased poverty, increased taxes, decreased family income and dismal economic growth. He screwed us and we got nothing for it. In fact we were worse off.

Trump is running up 1/10th of Obama's debt and has produced great economic growth, lower taxes, lower unemployment, increased tax revenues and increased family income.

Wow, I have never seen anyone make so many mistakes in so few are very talented.

Poverty rate...highlighted when Obama took office and when he left office...

Unemployment rate...highlighted when Obama took office and when he left office...

Income growth....highlighted when Obama took office and when he left office...

Trump ran up more debt this year than Obama did 7 of his 8 years in office.

Trump also increased the deficit by 91% year to year...a record even the shitty Obama cannot touch.
As I said before, Trump is a big government kind of guy. The deficit won't come down until we slash government spending, and we need to do that drastically.

Q. What would you cut?

[If the members of congress really believed the Federal Government was spending too much, why wouldn't they lead by example: Cut their salary and benefits.

Why wouldn't Trump pay for the golf carts the Secret Service [SS] rents to follow Trump around the Golf Course?

Why wouldn't Trump comp. the rooms rented by the SS in Trump Tower?]

I would cut about 80% of all discretionary spending save those promises made to our heroes who have paid in blood.

What do you believe would be the consequences of such cuts?

We would have more income than expenditures. We could then use the balance to pay down the debt.

That would be wonderful, but do you believe that will ever happen, no matter which party is in power?

We can't solve a problem by creating cost-deficits, and cutting revenue.

Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?
We can solve problems by placing responsibilities back where they belong. We don't ask Dentists to diagnose mentally challenged people. We don't ask a Federal government to act as social justice monitors. That space is reserved for States and counties.

Do I believe it will happen? No. Both parties are too far down the path of trying to make the other look bad, and dividing America to accomplish that.

Interesting concept, cost-deficits.

I would put it more succinctly as 'spending deficits'.

Let's start with baseline budgeting. Under no circumstance should there be a built-in cost increase in any budget.
Q. What would you cut?

[If the members of congress really believed the Federal Government was spending too much, why wouldn't they lead by example: Cut their salary and benefits.

Why wouldn't Trump pay for the golf carts the Secret Service [SS] rents to follow Trump around the Golf Course?

Why wouldn't Trump comp. the rooms rented by the SS in Trump Tower?]

I would cut about 80% of all discretionary spending save those promises made to our heroes who have paid in blood.

What do you believe would be the consequences of such cuts?

We would have more income than expenditures. We could then use the balance to pay down the debt.

That would be wonderful, but do you believe that will ever happen, no matter which party is in power?

We can't solve a problem by creating cost-deficits, and cutting revenue.

Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?
We can solve problems by placing responsibilities back where they belong. We don't ask Dentists to diagnose mentally challenged people. We don't ask a Federal government to act as social justice monitors. That space is reserved for States and counties.

Do I believe it will happen? No. Both parties are too far down the path of trying to make the other look bad, and dividing America to accomplish that.

Interesting concept, cost-deficits.

I would put it more succinctly as 'spending deficits'.

Let's start with baseline budgeting. Under no circumstance should there be a built-in cost increase in any budget.

No more COLAs - do you know the consequences of such a notion?
The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

Our liberal friends really had no problem with deficits when B Hussein O was our Autocrat.

To criticize deficit spending was to be accused of Evil Skinflintery, and now they actually seem concerned.
Deficits were going down under President Obama.

Debt was rocketing.
Once again you have fallen for the fake news. Deficits were shrinking under President Obama. At the height of the crisis when he took office they were over $1.5 trillion yearly and under $500 billion when he left. tRump has undone that in less than 2 years.

Debt was skyrocketing. W and O weren't paying any debt off. All you're doing is shuffling chairs on the titanic.
Deficits were shrinking. As long as there is any deficit at all d bt continues to go up.

Do you not understand the difference between the two?
Our liberal friends really had no problem with deficits when B Hussein O was our Autocrat.

To criticize deficit spending was to be accused of Evil Skinflintery, and now they actually seem concerned.
Deficits were going down under President Obama.

Debt was rocketing.
Once again you have fallen for the fake news. Deficits were shrinking under President Obama. At the height of the crisis when he took office they were over $1.5 trillion yearly and under $500 billion when he left. tRump has undone that in less than 2 years.

Debt was skyrocketing. W and O weren't paying any debt off. All you're doing is shuffling chairs on the titanic.

Deficits were shrinking. As long as there is any deficit at all d bt continues to go up.

Do you not understand the difference between the two?

Apparently not, in fact very few like LBT & Pp seem to understand budgets, deficits and debts.
And that’s a Drudge headline.

View attachment 219806

And that is why I am NOT A REPUBLICAN, because I am a conservative. Both parties over spend, but Republican Party wants the moniker of fiscal responsibility, yet they are as irresponsible as the Dems. The main difference- Dems create long term debt with entitlement spending like BOcare, the Repubs usually create shorter term (not generational entitlements) but tax reductions and infrastructure spending.

What are your core beliefs, as a conservative?

Short answer - I believe the Federal Government is too big, and has usurped powers that were meant for the states per the constitution. BTW- it is the 16 and 17 amendments along with the formation of the Federal Reserve, all in 1913 that primarily formented this usurp of power.
I would cut about 80% of all discretionary spending save those promises made to our heroes who have paid in blood.

What do you believe would be the consequences of such cuts?

We would have more income than expenditures. We could then use the balance to pay down the debt.

That would be wonderful, but do you believe that will ever happen, no matter which party is in power?

We can't solve a problem by creating cost-deficits, and cutting revenue.

Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?
We can solve problems by placing responsibilities back where they belong. We don't ask Dentists to diagnose mentally challenged people. We don't ask a Federal government to act as social justice monitors. That space is reserved for States and counties.

Do I believe it will happen? No. Both parties are too far down the path of trying to make the other look bad, and dividing America to accomplish that.

Interesting concept, cost-deficits.

I would put it more succinctly as 'spending deficits'.

Let's start with baseline budgeting. Under no circumstance should there be a built-in cost increase in any budget.

No more COLAs - do you know the consequences of such a notion?
yes, we get out of debt.
And that’s a Drudge headline.

View attachment 219806

And that is why I am NOT A REPUBLICAN, because I am a conservative. Both parties over spend, but Republican Party wants the moniker of fiscal responsibility, yet they are as irresponsible as the Dems. The main difference- Dems create long term debt with entitlement spending like BOcare, the Repubs usually create shorter term (not generational entitlements) but tax reductions and infrastructure spending.

What are your core beliefs, as a conservative?

Short answer - I believe the Federal Government is too big, and has usurped powers that were meant for the states per the constitution. BTW- it is the 16 and 17 amendments along with the formation of the Federal Reserve, all in 1913 that primarily formented this usurp of power.

How big should the Federal Government be?

I completely disagree with your assessment of 17th Amendment, the Senate needs to be responsive to We the People, not to other Pols.

Every citizen needs protection to their life, liberty and happiness - something which would not exist in the Southern States had IKE, Kennedy and LBJ supported Civil Rights.

That's not an opinion, it's a fact based on the treatment of minority people with Jim Crow laws and violence by men in flour sacks, some sworn law enforcement personnel and Pols.

In re the Federal Income tax, it has two important consequences: By being progressive it was able for a time to keep Plutocracy at bay (IMO the two Citizens United Decision and the New Tax Law subverted this consequence); it provides money to employ the vision and mission statement elucidated in the Preamble to COTUS.

The Argument that the Preamble does not have the force of law, is absurd, as is the theory which supports our founding fathers saw the future.

Few if any signers of COTUS foresaw Airplanes, Preventive Medicine, Computers, Telephones, TV & Radio, Nuclear Power and Weapons or putting a man on the moon.

In fact the Supreme Court would not be able to decide a bill passed by The Congress and signed by the President was unconstitutional if we were to conclude that power was not included in Art. III.
I see the tards are now claiming Obama ran up 10 trillion in debt. They used to claim 8 trillion.

The bigger Trump's debt gets, the bigger they will claim Obama's debt was. Just watch and see.

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11

Debt when Obama took office: $11.9 trillion.

Debt when Trump took office: $20.2 trillion

Total: $8.3 trillion.
You should like Donnie Tiny Hands. He spends just like Big Ears.
I have probably made more posts about the debt and how to pay it down and lower tax rates for everyone than all my other posts on this forum combined. Since I came to this forum seven years ago.

So shove your shit right back up your ass from whence it came, fuckwit.

No matter how much shit your pull out of your ass, it won't cover up your hypocrisy and your failure to utter a single syllable of criticism about Trump's spending after whining over and over and over and over and over about Obama's.

You can't hide your hypocrisy, no matter how hard you try.

You're busted.
It is literally impossible for the Trumpies to say a single bad word against their messiah. Even worse, they toss red herrings and tu quoques by the bucketful in a pathetic attempt to defend Trump's record overspending.

Pathetic and sickening.
And that’s a Drudge headline.

View attachment 219806

And that is why I am NOT A REPUBLICAN, because I am a conservative. Both parties over spend, but Republican Party wants the moniker of fiscal responsibility, yet they are as irresponsible as the Dems. The main difference- Dems create long term debt with entitlement spending like BOcare, the Repubs usually create shorter term (not generational entitlements) but tax reductions and infrastructure spending.

What are your core beliefs, as a conservative?

Short answer - I believe the Federal Government is too big, and has usurped powers that were meant for the states per the constitution. BTW- it is the 16 and 17 amendments along with the formation of the Federal Reserve, all in 1913 that primarily formented this usurp of power.

How big should the Federal Government be?

I completely disagree with your assessment of 17th Amendment, the Senate needs to be responsive to We the People, not to other Pols.

Every citizen needs protection to their life, liberty and happiness - something which would not exist in the Southern States had IKE, Kennedy and LBJ supported Civil Rights.

That's not an opinion, it's a fact based on the treatment of minority people with Jim Crow laws and violence by men in flour sacks, some sworn law enforcement personnel and Pols.

In re the Federal Income tax, it has two important consequences: By being progressive it was able for a time to keep Plutocracy at bay (IMO the two Citizens United Decision and the New Tax Law subverted this consequence); it provides money to employ the vision and mission statement elucidated in the Preamble to COTUS.

The Argument that the Preamble does not have the force of law, is absurd, as is the theory which supports our founding fathers saw the future.

Few if any signers of COTUS foresaw Airplanes, Preventive Medicine, Computers, Telephones, TV & Radio, Nuclear Power and Weapons or putting a man on the moon.

In fact the Supreme Court would not be able to decide a bill passed by The Congress and signed by the President was unconstitutional if we were to conclude that power was not included in Art. III.

How big should the Federal Government be? That’s a loaded question, but they should not be involved in the education system, healthcare system, or retirement (social security). Those should be the states purview.

The citizens are Represented by members of the House of Representatives, the states are represented by the Senate per the constitution. The 17th amendment effectively took the states representation at the federal level. If you want to understand more why the founders felt this was important read this. It’s very enlightening.

The 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

BTW- I never said the preamble does not have the force of law.
I see the tards are now claiming Obama ran up 10 trillion in debt. They used to claim 8 trillion.

The bigger Trump's debt gets, the bigger they will claim Obama's debt was. Just watch and see.

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11

Debt when Obama took office: $11.9 trillion.

Debt when Trump took office: $20.2 trillion

Total: $8.3 trillion.
You should like Donnie Tiny Hands. He spends just like Big Ears.
I have probably made more posts about the debt and how to pay it down and lower tax rates for everyone than all my other posts on this forum combined. Since I came to this forum seven years ago.

So shove your shit right back up your ass from whence it came, fuckwit.

No matter how much shit your pull out of your ass, it won't cover up your hypocrisy and your failure to utter a single syllable of criticism about Trump's spending after whining over and over and over and over and over about Obama's.

You can't hide your hypocrisy, no matter how hard you try.

You're busted.
LOL. I have criticized Donnie’s spending. Just as I criticized Big Ears spending. However, it is apparent that Donnie is doing it better, since the MC and poor are benefiting. Unlike under BO, who only benefited the 1%.
I see the tards are now claiming Obama ran up 10 trillion in debt. They used to claim 8 trillion.

The bigger Trump's debt gets, the bigger they will claim Obama's debt was. Just watch and see.

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11

Debt when Obama took office: $11.9 trillion.

Debt when Trump took office: $20.2 trillion

Total: $8.3 trillion.
You should like Donnie Tiny Hands. He spends just like Big Ears.
I have probably made more posts about the debt and how to pay it down and lower tax rates for everyone than all my other posts on this forum combined. Since I came to this forum seven years ago.

So shove your shit right back up your ass from whence it came, fuckwit.

No matter how much shit your pull out of your ass, it won't cover up your hypocrisy and your failure to utter a single syllable of criticism about Trump's spending after whining over and over and over and over and over about Obama's.

You can't hide your hypocrisy, no matter how hard you try.

You're busted.
Check it out dipshit. Headlines on CNBC TODAY. So dummy, Donnie is doing better than your Messiah. Give credit where credit is due.

'Rip-roaring hot' jobs market sees private payrolls surge by 230,000, highest since February
  • Private payrolls rose by 230,000 in September, according to the most recent count by ADP and Moody's Analytics.
  • That was well ahead of expectations for 185,000 and the 168,000 jobs reported in August.
  • Moody's economist Mark Zandi said the current pace suggests an unemployment rate of close to 3 percent in a year.
Fed's Powell sees 'remarkably positive outlook' for economy that may be 'too good to be true'
  • Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell cited a "remarkably positive outlook" for a U.S. economy enjoying both low unemployment and inflation.
  • A reporter asked Powell after last week's Fed meeting whether the outlook was "too good to be true," and he said it was "a reasonable question."
I see the tards are now claiming Obama ran up 10 trillion in debt. They used to claim 8 trillion.

The bigger Trump's debt gets, the bigger they will claim Obama's debt was. Just watch and see.

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11

Debt when Obama took office: $11.9 trillion.

Debt when Trump took office: $20.2 trillion

Total: $8.3 trillion.
You should like Donnie Tiny Hands. He spends just like Big Ears.
I have probably made more posts about the debt and how to pay it down and lower tax rates for everyone than all my other posts on this forum combined. Since I came to this forum seven years ago.

So shove your shit right back up your ass from whence it came, fuckwit.

No matter how much shit your pull out of your ass, it won't cover up your hypocrisy and your failure to utter a single syllable of criticism about Trump's spending after whining over and over and over and over and over about Obama's.

You can't hide your hypocrisy, no matter how hard you try.

You're busted.
Hey Dummy, check this out...can you give credit to Trump? If BO did this, the DNCMSM would be declaring him the greatest of ALL TIME.

Manufacturing confidence at all-time high despite workforce shortage
Manufacturing confidence at all-time high despite workforce shortage

Job growth slumps in September, but the unemployment rate hits the lowest level since 1969
Job growth slumps in September, but the unemployment rate hits the lowest level since 1969 

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